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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Mar 2014, 15:55
Do you mean the BMI box? That's written in orange. Oh dear I haven't quite made it :dazed: I just feel slimmer at the moment and better about myself. Just had my hair cut and now I'm thinking about how to dye my hair a pastel shade of something. A lot of work is involved, though so I think I'll have to hole up for a while, while my hair changes from black, to,blond to pink/lilac or grey...who knows!!

How's your fasting going so far? xx

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Mar 2014, 16:03
I've never had my hair dyed, it must make you feel like someone else is looking back at you in the mirror.
I'm so pleased that you've got to 11.6. I'm also impressed that you that's exactly what you would be and when you'd get there. Spot on!!!
So what will you weigh tomoz, will it pop up a bit then settle, or stay where it is?

What's on for you today food wise. And energy levels ok too ?

Fasting ok today, I'm having salmon with aubergine with a a tom and basil sauce. I am going to look at ratatouille recipies first to see of I can have a go at that instead. Will have to see how that goes as never made it before.

So we've got our East Anglia meet up sorted and it's this Saturday. Woo hoo. Not so bad for Madcat and I as we've met already.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Mar 2014, 16:17
Oh wow! I'm glad you've arranged your meet up. Don't forget that I'll be with spirit! I'll even get a round spirit! xx

Yes, I'm getting the hang of this daily weighing malarkey. I reckon tomorrow will be 11:8 and then back to 11:6 again for a couple of times. Mind you, I've been pretty good today and because I booked a hair appointment in the sour of the moment didn't have lunch until after 2 and even then it was just a slice of toast with butter and peanut butter. I never know if you should have butter AND peanut butter...but it tastes delish :smile: later, I'm having cauliflower cheese...mmmm cannee wait :razz:

Energy-wise, yesterday was terrible but at least today I managed to get my hair done. My hairdresser suggested I have my hair bleached there...but it takes them a few hours, so that's a definite no, no :frown: mind you, I bet it would've cost me £150 at least! At least if I make a real mess of my hair I can pop in to have it corrected

Enjoy your meal later. You do like your fish don't you. I don't think I eat as much as I probably should

Bean :bugeyes: :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Mar 2014, 17:14
Ooooh cauliflower cheese, yummy yummy in your tummy. Home made by mum a presume. Does it have bacon bits in it too?

I'm trying to and steer clear of the carbs again this week.
You should have seen my work mates face today. She's trying to drop the carbs and said very proudly...look this yoghurt has no carbs as it doesn't list it on the pot..........I'm like, ok let's just check this on my fitness pal. It was weightwatchers, 79cals, but a woppping 12.4 g of sugar. And when I told her that the sugar is carbs she nearly screamed. I told her she'd be better off with my full fat yoghurt, which I have enough cals for today as with my ratatouille and salmon I'm low enough for this treat they're 165cals. But we will see. Off to class tonight at 6.30 :victory:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Mar 2014, 17:28
Not stalking you - just passing a bit of time before I leave the office for a boring evening with no internet in the hotel - that is shocking about the yoghurt - bloomin diet products never ought to be allowed!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Mar 2014, 17:48
Are you away again?
I've eaten and I'm stuffty puffty. Salmon and ratatouille very filling. Hope it goes down before I hit the high impact bit......... :sick: :sick: ......
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
04 Mar 2014, 08:06
Morning buddy! The sun's out again!
Oh yes, you do have to be so careful with diet products don't you. I much prefer full fat yoghurts anyway. When I did Slimming World they always recommended Mullerlight yoga and you could have as many as you liked...they were sooooo sweet ergh!

Anyway, weighed in today at 11:6! Am walking on air at the moment. At this rate I should be 11:4 tomorrow :grin:

I have a doctor's appointment this morning for not the most pleasant of reasons (the usual checkup that us poor women folk have :wink: ) so I guess I'd better go get ready for that excitement :frown:

Have a great day and in case I don't see you...good afternoon, good evening and good night xx

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
04 Mar 2014, 11:35
Lay back and think of England Miss B. I'm starving. Holding out till low carb lunch of lettuce, cucumber, full fat coleslaw? yoghurt and prawns and salmon. The other bit Of salmon in the pack which I didn't have last night.
Lasagna (homemade) and salad tonight. Son has been on his trial session at the job. They'll let him know soon. It was alright he said, not a lad of many words, unlike his mummy.!!!
So it's another fast day for you isn't it. How has it gone and what's for din dins @nursebean :starving:

Special well done for maintaining that loss too.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
04 Mar 2014, 20:27
Sorry for delay. Feeling just a tad on the exhausted side after my traumatic day :wink:

Oh @Carieoates I think you'd approve of my meal tonight. I had fish pie from, you guessed it, M&S! I added some cabbage. All came to 359. Not bad, eh?

You do like your lasagnes don't you (me too!). Have you tried to make a Hairy one yet? I'm tempted to make one. They use leeks instead of pasta. Sounds pretty yummy.

When will your son hear about his job chances?

Well, I can honestly say that I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's meals xx

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
04 Mar 2014, 20:39
Fish pie,,,,,,,,,that's really good. I try to have fish at least once a week.

So you've had a fun filled day today then.
I've not run today, mojo has got up and gone, as Long as I'm jazzercise ing 3-4 times Im happy at the moment.
Fast day tomorrow, think it will be chicken breast and sweet potato wedges. Planning it already lol

I like lasagna as there are not many meals which I can secrete so many vegetables into. There's shredded carrot and courgette with peppers, onions and mushrooms. A. 500 GM Pkt of mince and loads of tom sauce. Strong cheese in the white sauce then you don't need so much. I tried making it with leeks before, just make sure it's not too wet as the leeks don't soak up the sauce like lasagna sheets do. I tried making the white sauce with quark before, but to be honest I've always got plain flour in the house due to yorkie pud and pancake making so it's easier to do it the traditional way.
We didn't have pancakes today. We have them regularly so has not really a necessary tradition.
So pancakes for you tomorrow then!?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
05 Mar 2014, 15:53
Yooo Hooo, where my @nursebean Beany buddy gone. It's so quiete around here without you.

I've been to work, come home and there's red paint on the drive. So texted son with the words.....there's red paint on the drive. I wouldn't mind but he hadn't cleaned up properly AGAIN. It's not your workshop I moaned. Anyhow he's made a half hearted attempt to clean it up. If any comes inside the house, he'll be in big trouble.

So the washing machine is bleeping at me for some attention. :frown:
Going to clean the windows now as the cleaners are due to do the outsides soon and it will show up how filthy they are.
I'm off to class at 7 . I'm also fasting today. A bit hungry so had a mug of my soup. For dinner I will finish the ratatouille from Monday and add something to it.....not :grin:

Scales said 12.12.3 this morning after a shower. Curiouser and curiouser.....

How's you then ducky?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
05 Mar 2014, 20:56
That's a much better number Carieoates, long may the downwards trend continue :like: :clover:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
05 Mar 2014, 20:57
Winsome wrote: That's a much better number Carieoates, long may the downwards trend continue :like: :clover:

Thanks Winsome, I knew it had to come right in the end. :oops:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
05 Mar 2014, 21:11
Hello my Oatey buddy! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I've bean to the cinema! This must be the first time in about three years...and I LOVE films! I must admit I was a bit trepedacious because of the noise levels, but it seemed ok...and I haven't suffered any repercussions...yet! Anyway, I went to see The Book Thief. I was a bit disappointed with it, it was a bit in the slow side. There were some good performances (I always like Geoffrey Rush) but I definitely prefer the book.

Hope there wasn't any red paint in your house :shock:

Scales are funny things aren't they. They never really tell you what you want to see do they :oops:

I've been VERY naughty today. I had fish n chips and later a cream sponge bad is that eh?! Anyway, what was interesting was that I felt so 'yucky' afterwards that I have decided to quit fish n chips forever...except when on holiday. Well you can't beat fish n chips by the sea can you! :wink:

I'm sure my stomach is shrinking xx

Anyway, as your fast day nears it end, mine is looming up! I'm dreading the weigh-in tomorrow as I think I've probably put in four least! :shock:

Bean :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
05 Mar 2014, 21:29
Hello just popped in as curious as to how you buddies are doing.

Beanie About the movie 'The Book Thief' I though the girl was amazing too her eyes haunted me for days later. The book though was a remarkable work I do agree, took him 7 years to write it and I found the concept for the narrator intriguing.

Oh dear about the red paint would be difficult to remove Caroline so all the best with paint and son, eek and eek!!
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