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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 08:24
Oh that girl was perfect for the role wasn't she. In fact, we commented afterward that she seemed to grow as the story progressed. Yes @Gillymary I think it was a brilliant idea to have Death as the narrator...and the words at the end had me in tears. In fact, I'm welling up now xx

Well where HAS my buddy gone?! I wonder if I can get away with not telling her that I've gained two pounds thanks to fish and chips and cream sponge...AND (as if that wasn't enough) some crisps with my tea!

So today Oates, is my fast day. So, while you'll be drinking coffee with milk and nibbling on this and that throughout the day, spare a thought for little old Bean, who'll be drinking black coffee and eating nothing until this evening when she shall partake of a spinach and ricotta cannelloni courtesy've guessed it...Monsieurs Marks &Spencer! Well somebody has to keep them going :wink:

Hope you have a good day everyone and especially my increasingly smaller buddy Oatesy.

Any exercise tonight? :confused:

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 15:54
Afternoon, it's the weekend for me now. Yipeeeeee.
I was still 12.12 this morning, but I hadn't been to the loo!!!
I shall be going to class tomorrow morning as usual, and fasting aswell. I will weigh in in the morning but official one is sat morning. ):)
Today I have had a bit of shortbread which my colleague made and bought in yesterday but I declined saying I will have it tomorrow. I had about 12 almonds, a lettuce, ham and cheese salad and a coconut yoghurt. Two hobnobs and a cuppa since getting home from work.
God knows what we're having tonight, I fancy stuffed pasta, which is in the freezer, or maybe chicken plus sweet potato. We shall see.

So my @nursebean buddy, you had a brilliant day yesterday, cinema, fish n chips with cream cake as well. I agree that fish and chips at the seaside is law.

Why do you think you've gained? Do you think you need to shock your system with a couple of blow out days or is this your usual weight pattern.?
At least you've not had to start from way back into 2013 again :frown:

Son didn't get the apprenticeship. :cry: he's been put on for a couple more, so fingers crossed again. :neutral: I do hope that you've got a loyalty card with m and s.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 16:36
Oh no! So sorry about your son. How disappointing. Hope he's not too upset.

Well done you for not accepting the shortbread...not so sure I could have been so brave! Talking of bravery, I've just ordered all the relevant bits and bobs for my new hair colour. I'm a bit worried because I'm going from black, to ginger, then white and then this rather lovely colour...

Hope you like it...gulp! The beauty with pastel hair is that the dyes are semi-permanent and so you can change colours whenever you like ;)

I was surprised about my weight gain because I, like you, haven't been tut loo, so I thought I might have gained 4 lb. at this rate, it looks as though I got away with the over indulgence of yesterday. Mind you, haven't been tut loo today either so I might not be so smug tomorrow :dazed:

Looking forward to my cannelloni tonight, plus I've decided to cook a Hairy meatloaf either tomorrow or Saturday...wish me luck. By the way, have you decided what you're having for dinner yet? xx

Bean :starving: it's funny you know, but I don't feel hungry really :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 17:11
@nursebean i hope you' ll post a pic when you have your new hair..i LOVE that colour!
@carieoates so sorry yr boy didnt get the apprenticeship..its very hard for the young ones these daysHope something else comes up for him x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 17:12
Oh there you are Candy. I was gonna send this to you. Oh I'm glad you like the colour xx

Bean :starving: :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 17:16
Gorgeous hair colour nursebean! Deffo need pics please!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 17:22
Thanks @Candicemarie and @nursebean it's not great, but we have to stay optimistic, my sis in law says send him over to NZ and she will get him to work for her in their insulation company..
Daughter is clomping about in her new airmax traners which came today. I nearly died when she said how much they were, needless to say I wouldn't have said yes, but daddy dear did find them cheaper on fleabay. So wasn't too bad in the end.

I've just been informed that hubs new BBQ is being delivered tomorrow. It will be on a pallet. Goodness me it's mahooosive. So now we need a skip to get rid of the old one and the falling apart flapping in the wind zip up greenhouse. So glad I'm out on sat with the East Anglian meeter's going to be bedlam here.

Yes pic of YOU and new hair dear not someone else's.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 17:29
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 18:32
Oh that's definitely me :wink:

Bean xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
06 Mar 2014, 18:48
I had to laugh, it's Defo me.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
07 Mar 2014, 08:44
I'm off to class in a bit, will catch up later. :wink:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
07 Mar 2014, 08:46
Good morning my buddy in crime :smile: hope I find you in fine fettle today!

I will shortly be popping out for my weekly cappuccino at our local garden centre which has recently bean radically transformed. It's just a bit pricey, but hey ho! I'll tell you what I'm really looking forward to and that's a Macchio (is that right? A coffee with chocolate in it? My friend bought one recently and it looked lovely. Thought I'd have one next time I was out...and then realised it had chocolate in, so couldn't...doh!! Easter can't come quick enough for me!)

So I guess you're fasting today then? I lost 2 pounds after yesterday's fast which is pretty good considering I haven't been tut loo for two days! There's hope yet. At the moment, I'm hoping my weekly weigh-in on Sunday will reveal a 2 pound loss, which is rather good. Mind you, it'll soon be my TOTM so I guess those pesky numbers will soon rise :neutral:

Good luck today and don't let the hunger monster get you! Xx

Bean :heart:
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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
07 Mar 2014, 08:49
Oh just missed you...hope the class goes well...give it some welly! xx

Bean :wink:
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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
07 Mar 2014, 09:04
Hehe @nursebean i love the " photo" of Bean exercising! Specially love Bean's luxurious locks!
Well done on weight loss x enjoy your cappucino x
My friend took her elderly mum for a coffee and mum said " i' ll have a chipolata please"..
I think thats a combination of a cappuccino and a latte with a sausage roll on the side! :grin: :lol:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
07 Mar 2014, 11:21
That was so funny @Candicemarie I actually did laugh out loud. My mum in law calls those fruity drinks J2O. TJO, I have to snigger to my self every time she says it to my kids and they just say yes please.

Any how, great news on the weight from Beany. :victory:
And I actually love the exercising bean can I nic it.
My weight this morning, the day after a feast day was 12.11.6.
I'm not updating my tracker until I get lower than the last one which was 12.8. You never know I might get there for Easter. :chick:

It's black coffee time. :coffee:

Sainsburys shop is due between 12 and 1. Then I'm having a mushroom. Omelet and salad tonight.
Daughter is out tomorrow night for a sleepover, so we may go out for an Indian yum yum yum.
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