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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 May 2015, 17:20
Hello I am trying to be a better runner, it's not a natural thing for me. And some days it's easy but others it's very very hard.njust did about 20 mins but was aiming for more but it wasn't happening today.

I'm goal driven with everything, if I don't have "the right reason" to do something I can't motivate myself, does that make any sense. I can easily skip breakfast, I can go alcohol free but then sometimes I go savoury mad and eat crips, nuts and cheese.
Weight has bounced back up to 12.5 to 12.6. Was great when I got back from Florida the "new" weight fell off but now I'm stuck again. Think I'm going to to have to go ultra low carb for a while to kick start my conversion to fat burning mode.

Great pic of your little woofer by the way.
Have you got back to fasting Bean, and when is your sister coming?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 May 2015, 18:30
I admire you for keeping going when the running gets tough Carie x @carieoates
Like you said,if it doesn't come naturally,some days are harder than others...Same with fasting i guess..sigh...
@nursebean its bean a few weeks since ive fasted. Bean trying to get to grips with eating correct combo of protein,fat n carbs. Must pony up and get back on my fasting hoss but he keeps bucking and kicking like billyo!
Is it June you expect yr sis and the nippers arriving Beano?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
21 May 2015, 11:53
Hello girls, having my salad lunch just sipping some Moroccan mint tea. It's gorgeous, had it in Marrakech last year, can't believe it's a whole year since we were there. How's it going for you two today, going to fast tomorrow? Or still not "in the zone" never mind we all get that way now and then.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
21 May 2015, 14:17
Hi Carie and Beanie..moroccan mint tea is lovely soothing on the tumtum as well
Nope i am not in the zone! Silly silly silly me.. :confused: i KNOW i ' m not being my own best friend here...
I need to get a grip!
How bout you Bean? X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
21 May 2015, 15:11
Howdy hoo! I'm sorry but I'm just SO not in the zone at the moment. I don't know whether fasting has actually helped me at all. I did quite well last year (but that was doing every other day). Maybe I need to follow points or SW or something similar. Oh boy! Why is food such a big part in my day?!!
Not sure about the Moroccon Mint tea! I drink green tea.
Carie I'm still wondering about your meet-up. My sister is coming over from around 16 June and will be here for a month. She is planning on meeting her friends in London so I thought maybe I could travel up with her, meet you guys and then come home. Only trouble is I think it might just kill me and each day is different so I'm in dilemmas. Whereabouts are you guys meeting up?
Candy how are you doing lately? Any better on the higher dose?
At least we've got some sunshine at the moment, eh?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
21 May 2015, 17:07
We are going to fortnum and mason bean. If you feel up to it let us know and we can add you. No pressure then Hey?
Ok bean I understand what you're saying, but maybe you would benefit speaking with @carorees about some healthy food attitudes.
Can you start thinking about what you eat rather than fasting for a while. Whilst we like to cut our cals to fast some people benefit from just eating unprocessed foods, having full fat foods and reducing the carbs.
Eg like we've talked about before, have eggs for brekkie,
A chunky veg based soup for lunch or an open sandwich with nice cheese and maybe some good protein, then veg packed dinner also with a good piece of protein. It is easy to me as I'm a foodie but I like wine and I love nuts and having a takeaway is lovely at the weekend so that I don't have to cook every single day of the week. So I'm not perfect, I have to give myself a good talking to to stop myself having some crackers and cheese when I get on from work as "I've only had salad, so that's ok" we just need to stop that thought in our I really want that third biscuit etc etc.
I'd hate to think that you're going to give up, because i know how great you've been in the past. And maybe you're being too hard on yourself.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
22 May 2015, 06:25
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 May 2015, 23:32
Ooh how bizarre. I didn't feel it, no, but then I live in Surrey not Kent! :shock:
Thinking of digging out my old SW books just to get an idea of how to limit myself to things like bread and anything processed. I did well on it and I love the Super Speed Soup which I used to add to pasta. The only thing I don't like is their obsession with Muller Light yoghurt a which are no fat so are too sweet.
Anyway, hopefully SW methods will give me the kickstart I need to get back into 5:2.
How's your training going at the moment?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 May 2015, 00:13
Hi Beano..youre up late
I was asleep but woke up with pains here and there and ended up getting up as i couldnt getcomfy xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 May 2015, 07:58
Hello girls.
It's BBQ time here so plenty of marinating, salads and interesting veggies.
My muscles are really shouting at me today, even though I've run 3,4km on my treadmill regularly the running outside on uneven ground has really taken it out of me.
So in order to do this o have to run outside more.....this is a challenge I'm not sure I will find easy at all.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 May 2015, 19:55
Well done Carie, you sound as though you're really in the zone at the moment. You must be super fit!
Candy, I hope those aches have gone by now. I've bean pretty bad today too.
I recently bought Walking Dead seasons 1-4 so I've bean enjoying some of that today!
My little nephew is having a party today because it's his birthday tomorrow...he's going to be a grown up 4 ;)
What plans have you got for tomorrow?
Bean xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 May 2015, 21:31
Happy Birthday tomorrow, little Nephew Bean x
Hoping tomorrow to have my hair cut and to go out for lunch,but feeling pretty grotty tonight x x
Happy Bank Hol Beanie and Oatie xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
27 May 2015, 10:07
So I guess you're on half term again are you Oatesy? @carieoates What lovely weather you're having for it too ;)
I'm afraid I'm still not fasting. I really don't have any energy for it at the moment but I'm sure, as always, I will return with a flourish.
How's it going with you? Are you still 4:3ing? Good luck with it all.
Take care my little amigos!
Love Bean xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
27 May 2015, 10:19
I'm ok thanks Beany, just getting those horrible household jobs done before the summer really sets in. Being taxi to my daughter, running fasting. Have had sons birthday, hubs is Friday and the daughters next weekend so presents hidden all over the show. Let's hope I can find them. Also have 14 over for family BBQ next Saturday! :smile:
So I will wait for you to return in the mean time have fun and don't stress too much about it.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
28 May 2015, 14:46
Ooh sounds like a lovely celebratory exciting time ahead for the fambly Carie@carieoates
Have a fab time :like: xx
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