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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 07:19
Wow @madcatlady that's great news, exercise always makes me happy. Will text you about coffee Friday.

@nursebean I'm glad you were AWOL because you were too busy being busy. Listen to @Candicemarie I believe she's being a wise candy.

Oil will be delivered tomorrow. Estimate of £1490 for a full fill up. Ouchy!

No I don't weigh every day now that they're not in my ensuite. As I sometimes leave it till after shower and I'm not going down the route of "am I weighing heavier because my hair is wet."

Mackerel, iceberg and a dollop of coleslaw, plus a coconut yoghurt is my food for today. Plus maybe a few grapes.

Might be fajitas tonight. Or gammon

Have a good fast today Beany.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 08:59
Ouch indeed Oatesy!! How long will that oil last? Cripes, that is A LOT of perfundos!

Your food today sounds like a fast day. You're certainly eating healthily aren't you...well done ;)

Yet another fast for me! Actually, I've just realised that Mother's Day will fall on a fast day. I've planned to take my mum out the Thursday before (a feast day!) and then cook her a Hairy meal on the Sunday! Mind you, if my good days continue, I may make another Hairy meal before that! We'll see ;)

Tuesday is card game day, so this morning our friend (who's 88!) will pop over and we'll play Skip-Bo. Anyone heard if that? It's good fun...and very addictive, but a couple of games usually kill me off, so I wonder how I'll be today :confused:

You're right @madcatlady this weather gives you energy because you feel alive again don't you! This year, I've decided to treat myself to a pair of shorts and show off what will hopefully be a much slimmer pair of legs. I'm so pale, though! Mind you, I AM blonde now! :grin:

Well, better get ready for the day. This site is so addictive I can't keep away!

Enjoy your day Oatesy...and your mackerel, my fishy loving friend!!! :bugeyes:

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 15:56
Hello fishy oates here.
Funny day at work I blushed.....I really blushed. .
This short, nice looking Italian TA came in asking for something. He followed me into the high density cupboard and I got a whiff of him......Good Lord he smelt gorgeous.
I exclaimed to my colleagues about the encounter. They laughed as I said I'm going to have to ask him what his after shave is.
He came back in after some text nooks. I got real close sniffed and said....." I need to ask you a question".......he looked scared, very scared. "I said what scent are you wearing? , I like it."
Then I blushed, and it shows when I blush. :neutral:
We skuttled off together to find the books. I said "you didn't mind me asking did you? "He said "no it's fine, it's very cheap it's Marks and Spencer, are you going to get some".......(oh yeah baby I'm getting some- I said that in my head, I hope).
So I'm home to a chilly house :frown:
The oil should last the year, we don't have the pleasure of gas here In D'fens ! Plenty of black soil, sugar beet, carrots and onions etc.
I'm going to wash the floors and Hoover to keep warm.

I've made an appointment to get checked out for contact lenses. Bloomin pricey aren't they ?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 18:34
Hee hee that's funny! Presumably it's a unisex perfume? :confused:

Well I've eaten my meal for today...might have a few orange segments later, who knows!

I can feel the nasty ME Monster and the aches are coming back :cry: At least yesterday was a truly wonderful break from it all!

I'm still enjoying your celeb post! It really makes you feel sort of reassured doesn't it!

How's your day bean then? Apart from your encounter with Esau de toilette? :grin: :grin:

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 19:29
@carieoates i love how young guys so often smell gorgeous
Have met more than my fair share of estate agents lately..showing me round houses.
They have all been very young,smartly suited,and smelling divine!
I asked one of them what he was wearing as he smelt so good, and he said " its called Creed,my mum bought me it for Christmas" Ahh bless. The perks of househunting for DD ...teehee! X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 19:31
Take it easy Miss Bean xox
Time for TLC x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 19:43
Just told the hubs about my encounter with eau de toilet boy. He laughed and said "you need to act your age and not get all silly when you talk to a young man, not like you to get embarrassed. Was he good looking by the way" giggle giggle. Blimey he was smaller than my daughter.

Anyhow, sorry you've got aches and pains today. @nursebean. At least you've the good memory of yesterday. And tomorrow's feast day to look forward to. So what's next on the hairy list. Perhaps I need to get a copy. Or are the recipes online?
I've had gammon egg, chips and peas tonight. It was really nice. Chips twice in two weeks look at me.
@Candicemariewhen my son discovered smelliest I nearly died of asphyxiation when I went into his bedroom. Lol
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 22:10
Are they chippy chips @Carieoates? Mmmm just the thought of chips right now...think I'd better head off to bed!

Thanks for the cuties Candy xx

I'm sure the Hairy recipes will be on line. I've got both their dieters' books on my Kindle. I think they were only £4 ish. Anyway, I'll try and have a look through tomorrow and give you my shortlist :geek:

As for stinky men, my ex visited my house and I'm not kidding we could still smell his aftershave days later!! :shock:

Good luck with your fast tomorrow Oatesy

Bean :starving: xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Mar 2014, 23:17
Ooh - nothing like a nicely fragranced young man to set the heart a-flutter! Actually, I'm looking forward to going to this wedding next Friday because my husband rarely has the occasion to wear a suit and he looks drop-dead gorgeous when he does (to me anyway!).

Funny about the oil/gas thing @Carieoates - you would think you would have it as I would say you are a lot closer to civilisation than we are but it doesn't seem to work that way - maybe they'll lay a pipe and connect you sometime soon!! You do have mains sewage I hope (my sister doesn't, let alone gas).

Anyway - I'm sure I've outstayed my welcome so I shall graciously back out of your tent girls

PS - @nursebean - if I still had my lovely static caravan in Norfolk you would have bean welcome to that for a holiday - will let you know if we ever get a cottage if you're interested!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Mar 2014, 07:20
Hey MCL (@madcatlady) I've just spotted your stats. Looks like you've got onto the groove with regards to weight loss. Woo hoo. You'll be hitting that amber BMI soon. :victory:

I'm sitting here watching the oil get delivered at 07.17. Brilliant. :like: yes we've got sewage pipes and things dear :grin:

My hubs wears a suit, shiny shoes and tie every day for work plus aftershave. I on the other hand wear jeans, converse and jumpers. :frown: with a white coat over the top. :neutral:

I'm fasting today and off to class tonight. Will be back later with an update.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Mar 2014, 08:02
Are you a mad professor Oatesy?!! Good luck with your fast today...and exercise...well done!!

@Matcatlady thank you for your sweet offer. I will keep a beady eye out for your holiday accommodation :wink:

Not much news here. Am having a delish stew for lunch today...mmmm. Firstly, I'm off for a morning coffee and then? Well no doubt the girls will join us for a lovely permitting. Actually, talking of the weather, I heard yesterday that frosts are on the way! :shock:

Well just gonna have my bowl,of porridge...speaky soon xx

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Mar 2014, 16:40
Oh Man Alive! I just HAD to report back on my stew. Boy was it absolutely! Such succulent meat...and very filling (although I was able to squeeze in some rice pudding :grin: ) isn't food wonderful!

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Mar 2014, 16:53
I hadn't realised my tracker wasn't visible to all until yesterday - decided to "go public" in the interests of fairness as I quite like looking at other people's! :geek:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Mar 2014, 16:57
Did you make the stew.? If I eat a lot at lunch I get really sleepy.

I've just made a Victoria sandwich as well as the three ingredient cookie thingys. I might just have a bit after class. Photo to follow later when filled.

Will put "hairy flan" ingredients on my shopping list. Photo will follow. :bugeyes:

Vicky sandwich.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Mar 2014, 17:42
Mmmm Oatesy that looks wonderful! Save me a slice! :starving:

Er, no, I'm afraid I didn't cook the stew. I had to walk the girls and can't do too many things on one day! Will have a peruse through my Hairy recipes and find so etching simples.

What time are you off for your exercise, or have you already bean?

As for me,I'm looking forward to my Thin...just not sure what to have in it :confused:

Am currently awaiting an email from a lovely holiday house we stayed in last year. I SO hope it's available. It's right near haven :smile:

Bean :bugeyes:
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