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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 11:02
Wow @carieoates children grow up fast these days..your 12 yr old looks like a young woman,bless her x she looks so smart in her dress!x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 11:04
I can understand that! I may have missed what the special occasion is?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 13:52
Just a couple of summer weddings. I'm not a leave it till last minute person. Rather have outfit sorted. @Debs
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 14:14
Hey @carieoates isnt it fab that you CAN plan yr outfit now.. :lol:
No need to think, i have to wait til i drop another dress size/ til i lose another five/ ten / twenty pounds! :confused:
On another note where is our Leano Beano? Hope youre ok beanybobs xxx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 14:25
Hi there! I AM here! Just got back from lunch out with my friends and their two girls. We went to Prezzo in Farnham. Very nice food (I opted for the "light" pizza followed by Tiramisu...not so light) plus I did have a large glass of wine (probably shouldn't have, but feeling crazy!)

Still feeling good at the moment. Like a huge weight has bean lifted. Sure do hope it lasts!

Hope life is good with you two

Bean :grin:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 15:15
Ooh I like Prezzo.
Glad you've had a good day, I'm in the kitchen now, been ironing, overseeing daughter getting cooking stuff ready for school tomorrow. "Mum do I have to touch this raw chicken to chop it up?" She's doing chicken curry, we will eat it on Tuesday I think. These things are always better the day after.
See you in a bit I'm making my tarts now. :like:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 15:38
Both dresses looked lovely on you and thank you for reminding me about Phase Eight, I need a dress for two events at the end of May and I'm happy to say nothing fits :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 15:44
Talking of dresses, I've got my cousin's wedding to go to in April. The dress I had hoped to wear is a size 12 and I still can't quite fit in it :( don't know whether to wait a bit or buy a new one. I don't really want to spend much for a couple of hours wear.

Bean :confused:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
23 Mar 2014, 18:21
Dilemma,Beano! April is very the wedding at the start,end or middle of month..if tis middle to end,you may lose a crucial few pounds that mean you can slip into dress
Or maybe look on ebay for a bargain?
Dont know if ive just been lucky,had lots of nice stuff form there,always very clean and great condition..and sold my mother of the bride outfit there x worth a look and if you dont end up needing it,sell it again on ebay, x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 Mar 2014, 05:40
carieoates wrote: it's amazing how a nicely fitting dress makes you feel so good.

The thing I thought when I saw you in those dresses - both of them - is that your BMI is right in the middle of the "overweight" category, but I would never have guessed it was any more than 23 or 24 from looking at your pictures. No wonder the dresses make you feel good!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 Mar 2014, 07:23
Tell me about it @Wendyjane it's so disheartening for me. I'm a size 14-16. Mostly 14 these days, weigh 12st 11, exercise 4 times a week, more when I'm running. Drink alcohol about 3 times a week. Trousers and skirts too big around waist. I'm a pear.
At our meet up stowie got me to stand up and show everyone my mid area.

It's like I've got rocks in my pockets.

People say, you don't look like your 12 st. That's very true but I'm fed up do that number now really fed up.

I'm healthy (now). Food in the fridge, mortgage being paid.
And yes I love that dress. :victory:
Rant over.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 Mar 2014, 16:00
@nursebean? Bet I know where you are, in the kitchen making tarts by any chance.
So my family now love me because we have real butter in the fridge again."why have we got butter mum", ooh can I have some more toast, it tastes really move with butter. Last night I sautéed some leeks in butter, then added a dash of water. Hubs says mmmmm these leeks taste different. That usually means I don't like it, please don't do it again. But this time it was the reverse.
Class again tonight. But tart and salad first. Think I may do the mince and pot pies next using pasta base mix!?!?

I'm feeling a bit odd inside, think one of my ovaries doesn't like its new job of producing an egg and having to re absorb it. It's a bit like I've been kicked in the tummy, not all the time, or it may be that I've lifted something too heavy, or even pulled something whilst exercising. It's not too painful but I am Reminded of it now and again.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 Mar 2014, 18:14
Ooh be careful when you exercise...don't overdo it xx

You were right, of course. I WAS out in the kitchen cooking my little tart (See Hairy Tent). It's tasty isn't it! Not sure what to make next, but need a bit of a break for fear of overdoing it. I went shopping this morning and bought a dress which looks hideous in me. I've bean exhausted ever since and am amazed I managed to make that tart. Like the filo, first time I've used it.

Hope your class goes well.

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
24 Mar 2014, 20:49
carieoates wrote: Tell me about it @Wendyjane it's so disheartening for me. I'm a size 14-16. Mostly 14 these days, weigh 12st 11, exercise 4 times a week, more when I'm running. Drink alcohol about 3 times a week. Trousers and skirts too big around waist. I'm a pear.
At our meet up stowie got me to stand up and show everyone my mid area.

It's like I've got rocks in my pockets.

People say, you don't look like your 12 st. That's very true but I'm fed up do that number now really fed up.

I'm healthy (now). Food in the fridge, mortgage being paid.
And yes I love that dress. :victory:
Rant over.

Aw, don't be disheartened, @Carieoates! Our reasons for fasting are (not necessarily in this order):
Look better.
Feel better.
Be healthier.
Seems to me you're doing great on all fronts.
One nice thing about us pears is that we are often not perceived as being as overweight as the apples are. A couple of people have said to me "You didn't look like you could possibly have needed to lose 20 pounds." Yet I did, and I'm certainly not really thin as a result, just average.

PS You tagged me in the Fashionista tent. Was that intentional? Because I've been keeping up on the chatter in there, but always from a respectful distance, since I'm one of those people who lives 99% of my life in jeans and a tee shirt. And I can't imagine ever buying "jeggings" :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
25 Mar 2014, 00:10
@Carieoates - I think it's like this: you're just one of those people, like me, who are "packed tight in their skin"! Even when I was slim people couldn't believe how much I weighed - I know it's easier said than done but don't get hung up about it - you look fabulous in those dresses, you have great skin and muscle tone (as well as a fantastic bubbly personality!) :like: :heart:
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