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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Jun 2014, 10:09
Had a few massive storms over the last week here Bean. Love watching them
Was praying for another big storm the night of the opening world cup stuff..
Neighbours ( i.e., young guys) put a projector screen in the garden to watch.had to listen to football commentary,shouts,guffaws,groans etc ..seemingly for hours
May have same tonight..not fun having windows closed this time of year gggrrrrrrrrrr...
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 Jun 2014, 06:21
I guess we are in sync again then ? I'm not weighing until I've got a good fast under my belt. Last one was last weds. Had wine, cake, bread, potatoes, pastry. The lot.
So I'm now heading towards wedding number two and big family holiday in center parcs. Therefore, back to 4.3, 16.8 with low carb. Got to get back to purple pee.
Good luck to you too.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 Jun 2014, 11:46
Oh I sympathise wholeheartedly Candy @candicemarie Its a nightmare having neighbours so close to your window isn't it. Noisy lot.

I think I may be one of the few on here who is actually enjoying the World Cup. I really enjoyed our game on Saturday and thought we played really well. It was most amusing going on Twitter and discovering I wasn't alone in finding Phil Neville's commentary so annoying!!

Oh Oatesy, I didn't realise you'd given up with Mon, Wed, Fri fasts. What are you doing now then? Or am I confused again? I'm back on the wagon today. I realise that I HAVE to do ADF because I can literally put on weight by just inhaling the fumes of 'naughty, yet tasty' food!

Fasting today for the first time in years (it feels). I'm glad in a way but...

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 Jun 2014, 16:52
@nursebeanI'm loving the football bean. I let it slip the other day that I used to play for cambridge united ladies team. There is a football fiesta tent which is great fun for us footie fans.
I just had a couple weeks off regular fasting, which has resulted in a 4lb gain which I must get off ASAP as I want to get back to my post holiday low. Plus re-achieve my summer solstice goal.
Off to class now, thank god, and I've had a brilliant fast day today. Two boiled eggs and an oxo then prawn salad with a few olives and a slice of tandoori chicken.
Hope your returning fast has been good as well.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 Jun 2014, 16:54
Beanarilla@nursebean hope your first day back in the saddle is going ok x..
Wait..yes i can hear it! Your little hooves clippetty clopping along! :lol: x
Enjoy yr dindins x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 Jun 2014, 06:21
How did your fast go bean?
Mine was goodo" only prob is I jumped on the scales this morning and I'm up another two pounds. Not bothered, as had a good weekend. Also my boobies are feeling heavy so I'm definitely retaining fluid at the moment. So I'm determined to hit Ketosis again fast.
Heading on down to the low carb tent.

Hello candy, so what's happening in your neck of the woods at the moment?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 Jun 2014, 09:27
Hi Carie and Beanster
Just thinkin Carie,after reading yr latest comments,isnt it great when we get clued up enough to realise we don't really need to throw wobblers when the scales report a gain, coz we know there are reasons and its temporary...i love@FatDogs signature about that four pound up / down thing,cant remember the exact words!
Off out for my lunch,which feels exciting after a fast day!always happy when there's food involved! X have a great day! X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Jun 2014, 14:04
Oh I'm sorry, I'm not being a very good buddy at the moment...keep disappearing!

Well my first fast went very well indeed (only 417 calories consumed!) My feast day involved strawberries and cream and ice-cream (very bad indeed) and I just HAD to finish off my rather delicious packet of marshmallows...I am more addicted to them than I am chocolate :shock: there...I said it!!

Anyway, well done for reaching your solstice goal Oatesy, even if it has disappeared again for a bit. I definitely can't do anything other than ADF if I want to keep the weight off...and I've decided to weigh only on the day AFTER a fast rather than every day.

So what kind of day are you two having today?

Bean xxxx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Jun 2014, 16:06
Hello, glad your fast went well. Shame about those pesky marshmallows though. I've got well and turkey stuck into low carb. Had the headache today, so am happy to anounce that I've got purple pee.
Eating chicken drumsticks and roasted veg tonight.
I've managed to only have two boiled eggs and an oxo whilst at work then I went food shopping and unfortunately ate three crab sticks, two sticks of celery and a lump of French stick.
It's a salad tomorrow with salmon for dinner and a mini salad with crab sticks for lunch. I'm scared that I will not get my goal weight back before final weigh in.
I'm off to class later so will perhaps check back in after that.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Jun 2014, 17:21
Bean@nursebean..dunno whether i am being a spoilsport here OR being a good friend BUT do you know that Marshmallows have 3 major ingredients: sugar, egg whites, and gelatin....the gelatin comes from pork by-products, mainly pig snouts, skin, hooves,or gelatin extracted from lard.
Ditto Haribo Starmix which i used to love,and any jellies...
You CAN get products made using vegan gelatine ( not sure where that's derived from)
Sozzz Bean,i was put off marshmallows for good ...except for marshmallow ((((((HUGS)))))))XX
Well done Carie on the purple pee! X X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Jun 2014, 06:25
Nice one. Candy. Sorry bean. I have to agree, the best way to drop these little things is by telling you how awful the ingredients are. Go back to chocolate.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Jun 2014, 06:51
Yep other words,eyeholes,earholes and ar**holes
Sorry if i offend anyone x might get myself thrown off the forum :confused: sorry again x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Jun 2014, 09:55
What?! But I've just bought two bags!! :shock: Hmm not sure you've put me off.

Oatesy? You are doing SO well. I am VERY impressed indeedy! Yesterday's fast for me was a bit of a disaster in that I went over my 500 about 636. Could have been worse!

How is everyone today? Its supposed to be the hottest day of the year isn't it.

...and GOOD LUCK TO ENGLAND for tonight! Can't wait

Bean :wink:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Jun 2014, 12:07
Hottest day of the year. Where. Not here definitely not here.
No candy you wont be thrown off for that.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 Jun 2014, 12:35
Not hottest day here either Bean
Greyest day after glorious day yesterday and several lovely days before that x
That was a v good fast Beano for a reurn to normality fast x!
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