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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
27 Jun 2014, 13:05
Couldn't be helped Bean x
You didn't mean were just trying to do a good deed and thats what matters..
in fact one of the snails has a message for you...
No hard feelings Bean x
image.jpg (37.17 KiB) Viewed 177 times
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
28 Jun 2014, 19:51
No loss again this week. And that's definitely because I havent been doing it properly.
Not a massive appetite, so then eating wrong things at the wrong time and then not logging it so unintentionally overeating.
Will be low carbing with a passion next week with sun, tues, thurs fasting,
I am stuck on 12.9 which seems to be my go to weight when not losing, so my maintenance weight I suppose.
Plus today I've not been well, got labyrinthitis is symptoms.
Then son and girlfriend had a monumental row and I escorted her of the premises as he was being awful. How sad that my son is not behaving right by his girlfriend. I was in their room at 3 am trying to help them sort out their differences, it's horrible trying to be fair by them both, the. They slept till gone noon whilst I'm sitting their wondering if they're going to be talking to each other,
Hubs is away so no back up there either, can't wait till bed time, daughter has been great bless her little heart.
Right got that off my chest, now where's the wine.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
28 Jun 2014, 20:46
Hi Carie x
Sorry it hasn't been a good day for you :confused:
It' s nice you not taking sides ..some Mums believe their child can do no wrong!
Is DS in his teens? It's a tricky time but they turn out fine once that phase has passed..
Sorry to about the labyrinthitis symptoms,hope you get better soon x
Get some slugs of vino down you,and sleep well x x tomorrow will be better hopefully! :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
28 Jun 2014, 20:56
Thanks candy. I just needed to let it out. I don't do sick very well. :confused:
I'm not a sad or grumpy person but today has seen a different me. Is my head spinning due to stress from the teenage kiddies, who knows. I was fine until I decided to go shopping with daughter. I haven't done a single thing today, apart from a huge like of ironing whilst watching the tennis. Can't even get my head into planning our holiday to Florida next year. Sons gone out, and now that he will coming home alone I will prob not sleep too well until I know he's back here safe.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
30 Jun 2014, 08:43
Oh Carie just read your post. you poor thing. What a stressful situation...and you feeling poorly too. Have the pair of them worked things out now? And how are you feeling?

Big hugs to you from a little ole Bean

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
30 Jun 2014, 08:44
By the way...thanks for the snail Candy! It doesn't make me feel any better about it...but thanks for making me smile

Bean :neutral:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
30 Jun 2014, 09:30
The snails are in snail heaven now@nursebean!
We've gotta look after the bees.... X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
30 Jun 2014, 09:32
I know. I wish I wasn't such a stupid person. I worried about the little spiders when we were clearing the shed! Little spindly things running for their lives!! I think I should be a BUdist really!

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jul 2014, 06:27
Good morning bean I'm here for our daily chat now that we aren't on our holibobs.
Low cal and low carb yesterday, was falling asleep last night at 9.30 so hit up and made a low cal hot choc. This prob blew my low carb, but I will be there by Thursday I hope.
I also realised that I'd had an antihistamine, which always makes me dopey.
I've got to run tonight so will try and do it early (before dinner) then I might burn loads of fatty fat fat.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jul 2014, 07:44
Sounds as though you're doing really well Oatesy! As for me, I failed my fast again yesterday. My shipment arrived and I needed some source of energy. I'll get back on track once I'm up and running (and have sold help keep the skeptics at bay ;) )

Anyway, well done on your progress so far. Any more weight loss lately? (I haven't dared go on those wretched scales yet :shock: )

Bean :wink:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jul 2014, 09:25
I'm still at 12.9. Was at the weekend.
Here's my lunch today.
I've had a cup of tea and a few almonds.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jul 2014, 20:41
@carorees, question for you.

I've been having trouble with energy levels when running. Could it be because I'm low carbing? Don't think I was having this trouble before my op, but then again I was only doing regular 5.2 then.
I seem to remember the tv prog with the twin doctors, but can't remember if the one with low carb diet was the one with lower energy levels.
I seriously need to get them back otherwise I will not be able to run for charity in 21 days!!!!!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jul 2014, 21:01
Could be. It depends how intense your running is and how long and how big your glycogen stores are and how fat adapted you are. For high intensity running your body has to use glycogen as fat cannot be burnt fast enough to supply the energy needed. For lower intensities your body increasingly burns fat but the point at which it does this depends on lots of factors.

You can expand your glycogen stores by depleting them by low carb and exercise and then fill up with carbs afterwards...your body will store more carbs as glycogen (and you'll gain water weight).

You really need @creakyPete or @adfnfuel who know about low carb running to advise. Also look at Running Olsen's thread about carb loading.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Jul 2014, 02:36
carieoates wrote: I've been having trouble with energy levels when running. Could it be because I'm low carbing?
I seriously need to get them back otherwise I will not be able to run for charity in 21 days!!!!!

Love the salad pic, BTW.

Yes, depending on how long you've been doing it, and how many carb-indulging 'hickups' there were along the way, it's likely low carb is causing a drop in energy level. :shock:

How long is the charity run? Do you want to just complete it or put up a good time? Since starting low-carb, have your recent running times and energy levels been getting better or remaining flat?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Jul 2014, 07:59
Ooh love the look of that egg salad!

How long have you bean running Oatesy? Is it purely for a charity run or do you like running? My sister is like you, she's just started running for a fun run. I still can't believe it. She's always hated the idea of running. Mind you, she's also always hated the idea of camping...and she's going camping this weekend! Must be the Canadian air ;)

Sorry if I don't write on here some days. Yesterday was mega busy for me and sorting out my Funkos is such a slow process because I have to keep laying down to try and get some energy back. Soooo frustrating! The Funkos seem to be staring down at me from every corner! I feel certain I'm going to turn into one.

Anyway, back to today. I will be off later to get my hair cut. Its bean a long time coming but it has to be done. Not quite sure what I'm going to have done. I've decided to leave it to the hairdresser completely. (I've always taken a photo along before but I never end up looking like the model in the photo so I think I'll forget about that idea! :bugeyes: )

Wish me luck!

Bean :shock:
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