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@Lil sorry I missed you today but I thought you might be laying low nursing your cold. I also use Amala for a cold, form of vit c. In the end a cold comes and goes so you just have to wait it out no matter what you try. I had two cups broth and for dinner a mushroom omelet. Friday will still be weigh in. Sloe gin and gin? You will need to fill me in on that.
Just had a look at your tracker@clairemarie A new low for you? :like: :like:
Good morning @Lizbean

Hope you have been making the most of your bank holiday weekend? I have had a crazy busy Thurs-Sun mainly involving DIY to get house ready for visitors Sat. Can finally breathe today as nothing on calendar! Looking forward to a spot of gardening and catching up with my admin.

Squeezed in two fast days last week but actually saw a gain on the weekly weigh in!! Not very surprised as was hugely undisciplined on my non fast days and went a bit carb crazy!! Still I was aiming for two weeks of maintaining,now comes the final push :grin:

Fast days will be Tues/Thurs me thinks with a low carb aim for Weds. Looking forward to a bit of exercise too now the schedule is not as crazy!

When are you fasting this week? xx
Morning @clairemarie Still the middle of the night for you actually but we are going out for the day as it is a Bank Holiday in Britain. Like you I have managed to lose last weeks gain this week so we are in synch for once. My post fast weigh ins were very depressing last week but it has all disappeared over the weekend. I wonder if some of it was due to the large amount of over the counter medication I was taking for my cold which is now thankfully practically gone. When I was going to weigh watchers people often gave taking ibuprofen as an excuse for a weigh gain so maybe there is some truth in that. I will speak to you later
Hi @spanner, that sounds like a lot of DIY. Did you build an extension :wink:

As the weather has been wonderful I have been in the garden. I've planted gladioli bulbs for the first time, so let's see if they take. The poppies are starting to come through. There are two tomato, one pepper and three cucumber plants on the go, though I'm a bit concerned about the cucumber plants - they are looking sad! May have put them out too early. I have kept one in reserve indoors.

This morning I'm catching up on work-work and this afternoon is a trip to Little Venice canal festival and a walk along the canal past Regents Park, London Zoo to Camden. ... lcade_2014

I am fasting today and Thursday. My weight is still pretty static 132-134 - if this is maintaining I quite like it! :smile: But to move on to goal that means either reduce fast day calories (no milk in tea :curse: )or reduce non fast day calorie consumption :frown: Something has to change.

Ok, spanner you've motivated me, it's time to get focused - 130 is the immediate goal, I'm not thinking beyond that. Good luck with fasting this week and let's hope we both see a return on Friday! :clover:

Off to sign up to the Monday thread. Home made veggie soup for dinner.

Have a lovely day resting up.
Lizbean x
Doesn't make sense to me @LilIbuprofen is an anti inflammatory so if anything you might lose water weight. Happy to be fasting today. I know you'll do a good job of it today. :cool:
Back home now@clairemarieWe've had a lovely day out. We belong to an organisation called English heritage which cares for buildings of historical interest. We have been paying subscriptions for year which we sort of look on as a donation as we rarely visit their properties. Today we have been to 2 English Heritage properties and another where it was 2for1 to EH members So a cheap day out especially as only one of us had lunch!
I am cooking Spanish Chicken from the Hairy dieters which is one of our favourites
Had my dinner now@clairemarie Hope your day still on track. Are you on the bone broth again?
I need to be getting on preparing for a party we are having next Saturday but keep getting distarcted by the forum.
I don't know if you have heard on the Eurovision Song Contest. This is a big event that takes place every year with competitors from numerous countries. The music is usually non memorable but the voting at the end is amusing. We have a sweepstake allocating one of the finalists to each guest and thay get given a flag to wave every time their country gets any points. There is a small prize for the winner and for the loser. We also feature food from the host nation - this year Denmark. As usual it creeps up on us and we organise in about a week but our guests obviously enjoy it as they keep coming back!
What a full life you lead@Lil. I have to say I'm a bit envious. Our historical buildings are young ones compared to what must be in your area. When I was in Ireland I just couldn't get over some of the ruins and very old bridges etc. Today I was very good and just had a small stir fry dinner. I am in process of making beef bone broth today for the Wednesday fast. So far it doesn't seem as appealing as the chicken.
Hi buddy @lizbean

Glad to have motivated you and that in return seems to have given me a bright and breezy feeling about fasting today!! :like:

Your garden sounds like it will be a beauty this year, I am struggling with an unruly lawn and weed ridden beds that keep coming back!! I have just put in some raspberry canes from my dad who says they will cope with the shade in that corner and produce amazing fruit from September - they are special Autumn ones apparently?!

The DIY has been mainly due to a bathroom disaster - leak from the shower came through the kitchen ceiling and rotted the wooden bath panel. Plus the OH has been laying a new floor in the Dining Room. I think it was all a bit too much at once!!! :dazed: Still it's done now!!

Sorry to hear about those cat scratches - they sting like mad I find! I have permanent scars on my forearms from over the years, I long for delicate soft hands with french polished nails but the incessant hand washing and outdoorsy lifestyle have seen that this is just a dream!! :smile:

Re the accidental maintaining that you and I are doing, suspect its the alcohol and carbs!! I am strict on my fast days and therefore I am not giving up my splash of milk. I need to go back to my old ways of carb and alcohol free during the week plus two fast days and a more relaxed weekend...I will...soon... :wink:

Right work to do and fizzy water to drink! What a lovely sunny day!

Spanner :heart: xxx
Hi Buddy @spanner

For weeds buy some weed membrane ... _pr_sims_i
or you can use old wool carpet. It takes a while to work but it's helpful in keeping at bay so you are not permanently dealing with a forest! Half of the garden is under control and well looked after, the other half is a project in the making! Yum raspberries are my favourite! :grin: I'd like nice nails too, I must remember to wear gardening gloves. that's quite a good activity for a fastday evening - pedicure and paint nails, I might just work that into my schedule, nails twice a week - Mondays and Thursdays.

I'm working at home today as the diverter valve in my boiler broke and the plumber came at mid-day. Is it really 5pm already? :shock: Still lots to do.

Re maintaining, yes I obviously have to cut back general consumption a bit, I've cut the carbs - no red wine for some months, and white wine is now a spritzer. Next step is to up the veg and lower the protein says she reaching for the duck breast carton, 446 cals re breast, 63g protein - my recommended protein intake is 49gms (just looked this up), which means Charlie cat will get a tasty slice of my duck dinner this evening! Charlie will be a happy bean. I guess that's what you call extreme portion control. All new to me, I've just reduced rather than calorie count :grin: But I guess it helps to know what you are eating from time to time.

This evening I'll spend in the garden, digging away some of those ounces! What more can a gal do?

Good luck with your efforts buddy - I wonder what we can accomplish in two weeks?

How are you this wonderful Wednesday @Lil? My beef broth will require a lot of doctoring. It did not gel. After a little research, you must slow simmer for hours. I ended up boiling for hours and the collagen broke down. Scientifically interesting don't you think?...I am sure your busy with your preparations for your guests this weekend so I am wishing you good luck for today's fast and no taste testing! :lol: :lol:
nursebean wrote: Is this where we chat to our buddies, only I seem to have lost mine?!

Bean :confused:

I think I've lost mine too, I've not heard from @rawkaren for a few days now....she's not blogging either! I hope she's alright. :bugeyes:
Hi @Lizbean - is it Wednesday already?

Woke up so thirsty after yesterdays fast despite vast amounts of water yesterday, think I need to increase my fluid intake generally (not caffeine or alcohol!)

Having a good low carb day so far, 2 x apples at 11am and just had a bowl of veggie soup. Tonight I am out with the girls and will try to have the Spritzers or maybe gin and tonic. Not sure if I have time for a proper dinner as will be a rush from work but hoping to rustle up an omlette before I go!

Fasting day 2 tomorrow - they do come quick when there is only a day between, I definitely could not manage ADF. You are still being very disciplined with your diet, I hadn't realised you were still off the red wine!! Well done you!! :victory:
I suspect you have hit the dreaded plateau that comes to us all. I got stuck at 65kg for a while and I did a 4:3 week to shake it up and that seemed to kick start the weight loss again. I have done a few 4:3 weeks but none in a row and only as a boost. Posts on here would suggest weight loss is no faster but I found it worked well as a one-off.

I have just started the plank challenge as recommended by someone else on the forum, it's a free app which gets you to record a forward/left/right plank everyday. I started at 20secs yesterday which I scoffed at, until I realised that is a long time! :grin: Depending on the weather I am also hoping to fit a 10 mile walk in on Friday afternoon which should burn some calories and work on the bum!

Right back to the grindstone, I am covering at the branch practice today which is fairly quiet, the dog and I have been to the woods for an hour this lunchtime, they are beautiful with all the bluebells out :smile:

Have a great day buddy :heart:
Hi@clairemarie Yes I'm just back from shopping now rushing off to aqua. More or less sorted out my menu - keeping it simple. I'll be back ......
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