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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Hi @spanner . Yes it's Wednesday already! The bluebell wood sounds delightful. Enjoy your walk on Friday! I'm walking 9.5 miles Saturday, 9am meet up at Waterloo, we (30-40 of us) are walking by the River Whey, which reminds me I have to buy some new walking shoes. Have you popped in the walking tent that Sallyo set up? It's a good place to share and motivate more walking and strolling. I have seen the plank threads in passing but not ventured in for a look, yet.

I'm leaving shortly for the co-op office and dropping by the vet en route to buy a big bag of cat food.

1.6 litres of water is recommended for a woman - and that can include hot drinks, milk, juice (not alcohol!). Do you drink that amount? I have no idea the volume I drink so I'm going to monitor for a few days. I know if I force myself to drink too many fluids I feel sick.

I'm happy to stay on 5:2 and see where it goes - as you said it does slow down, which makes sense in the long term. Um, dinner? Scottish rainbow trout (M&S) and salad, and blueberries and greek yogurt and a spritzer with a slice of lemon.

Just seen the time! Dashing...

Have a lovely evening.

Hi@clairemarie I hope ypu sorted your broth out.
I have made a stew with some lean bacon steaks, haricot beans, aubergine,pepperes and mushrooms. It comes out at 350 cals so I will just have some broccoli with mine. I will cook and extra bacon steak ( there is not very much meat in the stew) and some potatoes for hubby.
I have been making a Danish rum pudding for Saturday - it is a rum flavoured egg custard set with gelatine. I have curdled the eggs slightly ( wanted to make sure I wasn't going to poison anyone) but as it is set I think it will be OK. It will be served with a cherry sauce.
Tonight I will probably start working on the flags - I just print them on paper and I manage to salvage most of them each year so hopefully there won't be many to print. I won't know the final line uo until after the 2nd heat which is tomorrow evening.
I've been quite hungry today. I just try to use the strategy someone suggested on a forum near the start of all this which is to imagine the hunger as a pac man eating my fat :lol:
@Lil you have been very busy today. The custard sounds lovely especially on a fast day. I gave up on the broth perhaps I bought the wrong beef bones. And can you imagine I had to pay $2.99 per pound for them! I resort to tuna at lunch. I mix half can with 1/2 head of shredded romaine, chopped apple, a good dose of vinegar and 1t mayo. Hopefully I won't need dinner. I am sure you had dinner by now and are feeling satisfied. Hot cocoa tonight?
Hi @clairemarie Enjoyed my dinner - seems a while ago now. I am afraid Corrie won out over sorting out the flags - tomorrow is another day.I just having some raspberries and I think I will have cocoa as well tonight. What a pity about your broth. Will you stick to chicken in the future? Is the recipe the same for any bones. Would a stock cube in water be any sort of substitute , I suppose it doesn't have the same protein content. I think it's the protein that makes it turn to jelly. Don't you think you should have a bit of dinner? Does going to bed hungry affect your sleep? Looks like you are having some nice weather at the moment - are you getting out and about? Our weather is rather unsettled still at least the garden is getting some water even if it's getting no attention from me!
@Lils today. Sorry we misconnected today. Ah yes, it was a perfect day today. To be honest I was busy knitting out in the yard(garden)today. I have never been a snacker after dinner so I would have to say I am never hungry going to bed even on a fast day. And I am quite good at sleeping and can go right back to sleep after an occasional pee in the middle of the night. Generally I am asleep by 10-11p and awake with the sunrise 5-6a. I am lucky that way.

Bone broth has many minerals etc and it is more flavorful than a cube not to mention the salt. I am going to find a recipe for Vietnamese Pho which is yum yum yum. It is based on bone broth.

Corrie is a week behind here and only four episodes per week. :cry: I am very disappointed in Leeanne, as I remember begging Nick to take her back!...Take care.
So @Lizbean it's only lunchtime and I am STARVING!

Just about to brew up another Peppermint tea to warm me up a bit and must get offline and do something non food related!!

Yesterdays carb free goodness ended with a bag of doritos as I did not have time to make dinner before I dashed out and I succcumbed to a snack at the pub!! :shock: I suspect that I am making my life much harder by eating carbs in the evening as the hunger is definitely worse the next day.

Still this is my penance and someone wise once said "A little hunger does you good" And I can then enjoy my weekend a bit more. Unsure how the weigh in tomorrow will go, these short bank holiday weeks are ruining my being good!! :grin:

Right off to find something else to do!

Hope your day of fasting is going well

Spanner xx

Working at home again, err no hot water or heating again so the plumber is back.

Alcohol is the worst carb craving monster there is and this is what he looks like :shock: ... nster1.jpg

You got off likely with just a packet of doritos! :wink:
The fluid monitor has been counting in take today: 4 cups of builders with milk, 2 glasses of fizzy water, it's 3pm so another brew is on the make. I'm not at all organised today - what is for dinner, possibly nothing!

Tomorrow is a sad day :cry: my friend passed away and her memorial is at 9am tomorrow - she was an amazing spirit and loved life to the full - always wore pink, pink hair, pink house and five strapping sons! So we are all wearing pink or bright red :heart: tomorrow.

Back to work.

Lizbean xxxx :heart:
@Lilonly .5 lb down this week. I will take it but, I am frustrated. It seems my body is resisting all my efforts. I could understand the slow loss if I had a low BMI but that is not the case. I really should be losing 1lb per week. On the positive or maybe quirky side my fat deposits seem to be shifting around. I am noticing more fat around my lower back and more sagging in the front. Maybe the fat was always there and I am just able to actually see it.

As much as I hate to admit it, exercise the only solution. I have resisted it for far to long. Plan for the upcoming week is to walk everyday. Have a terrific weekend with all your company and festivities. Last year I watched a Danish TV show called Klown. Very racey for American tv but I laughed my head off. I wish there were more episodes.
Update@Lil. I completed a 30minute brisk walk today. I think I will do a second round tonight. So the plan is to walk 1 hour per day for this upcoming week. Let's see what happens. :?:
I think my fasting buddy @rawkaren has jumped ship!! :bugeyes:
I'm here @auriga. Massive weight gain again :cry:
Good to see you @rawkaren x hope OH and you are well
Soz bout the weight gain :0(' ll get it sorted when life gets back on an even the meantime i'm sure youre still looking good x
Morning @clairemarie Well I would rather have had your 1/2 lb loss that my 0.4lb gain :frown: Probably due to food I have eaten over the weekend. I helped a friend move houise on Friday and at the end of it we all had takeaway pizza then on Saturday was the Eurovision party. The Danish food all seemed quite cream and sugar heavy - delicious tho'!I had my lightest weigh in ever (since starting 5:2) on Saturday but it's all gone tits up since then - hopefully some of it is water weight due to different food. ( Alcohol may have played a tiny part :razz: )
Impressed with your walking efforts - did you keep it up over the weekend?
rawkaren wrote: I'm here @auriga. Massive weight gain again :cry:

To my buddy@rawkaren.

Oh dear Karen what are we to do? 'Dust yourself off and start all over again', but I am sure you know what to do when you're ready anyway. I was just a bit concerned you hadn't been on for a while and I hope that your husband is doing well?
There are times when you can watch what you eat with vigilance and times when you just can't or shouldn't......I guess that's where you are at the moment. So Karen I shall just wait for you to catch me up again and I shall try to stay where I am too!!
@carorees posted a while back some research which said that it takes five years of maintenance to know you've cracked it! I think that's why when we get to maintenance we should still post as much as we can, because when you're in it for the long haul, we must keep encouraging each other.
I am sure it won't be too long before you get back to where you were when things are more settled for you. I am keeping my fingers crossed that that will be soon. :victory:
Hi@Lil, it's a hot(84 degrees)summer day today. I walked this morning. Walked Fri am but too sore for Fri night, walked Sat am only and nothing Sun as it was Mothers Day here and I was busy being honored! I was probably a little too ambitious in setting my goal this week but I will get there. Fact is I have been sitting on the couch knitting all winter :curse: I maybe up in weight Fri as my daughter held the first cookout of the year and there where lots of carbs :cry:

I am sure your gain today is a false reading due to the weekend. Hope your up for todays fast.
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