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Hi Juliana.Rivers

Nah i'm not really a munchies type of person, however I have noticed that i've not been eating as well as I was. But I've fixed that this week, and upped my exercise. I don't know if it's been stress, as I never lose if i'm stressed, but i'm not really too worried as long as the weight doesn't continue to go up, i'm pretty convinced most of it is water from the exercise increase mainly and this humid weather!

I've started logging my food intake again just to keep an eye, and if my TDEE is really around 1999 or similar then there's no way i'm eating up to that level on most of my eating days? I'm sure it's nothing to do with the math! For me, calories in vs calories out isn't that simple..... despite what every one may say!

Your kitchen sounds amazing...

I Love black Forrest gateaux but unless they happen to make a very good gluten free version (i doubt it) then I can't eat it. Although just thinking about it quickly there now I think maybe I could maybe make one, but I won't! If I make things I can eat that won't help!

I'm sure you'll manage to reach your target by Christmas! I'm just hoping to get back into "overweight" some time soon, been teetering about at the edge of "obese" for far too long, i'm only about 10lbs away, surely it can't be that difficult! :)
Hi @clairemarie It's Monday again. It is a Bank Holiday in England but I have decided to fast as usual. We have had a good weekend away. The traffic heading north on Friday was horrendous so we decided to leave after breakfast this morning and are now home. Because my sister doesn't have any scales I have weighed myself around 1pm. I have been fasting but have had several drinks. Anyway I appear to have lost 3.4 lbs - not sure what that means will have to wait till next Monday to see properly.
The meetup with old school friends was very enjoyable. The school we went to has been demolished and rebuilt. The headmistress kindly showed us round the new school - very interesting. The evening social was also good - most people retired or on the brink of retiring. Lots of reminiscing about our school days s well.
It was also good to see my sisters and we have managed to scatter most of my parents ashes in a variety of places.
I hope things are a bit better for you at home. I still can't see your tracker so not sure how you did last week. Hope to hear from you later
Sorry not to have made contact with you today @clairemarie If you have lost your mojo let me try and help you get it back . I hope to see you on Wednesday
rebelsue2 wrote: Hi Juliana.Rivers

Nah i'm not really a munchies type of person, however I have noticed that i've not been eating as well as I was. But I've fixed that this week, and upped my exercise. I don't know if it's been stress, as I never lose if i'm stressed, but i'm not really too worried as long as the weight doesn't continue to go up, i'm pretty convinced most of it is water from the exercise increase mainly and this humid weather!

I've started logging my food intake again just to keep an eye, and if my TDEE is really around 1999 or similar then there's no way i'm eating up to that level on most of my eating days? I'm sure it's nothing to do with the math! For me, calories in vs calories out isn't that simple..... despite what every one may say!

Your kitchen sounds amazing...

I Love black Forrest gateaux but unless they happen to make a very good gluten free version (i doubt it) then I can't eat it. Although just thinking about it quickly there now I think maybe I could maybe make one, but I won't! If I make things I can eat that won't help!

I'm sure you'll manage to reach your target by Christmas! I'm just hoping to get back into "overweight" some time soon, been teetering about at the edge of "obese" for far too long, i'm only about 10lbs away, surely it can't be that difficult! :)

hi @rebelsue2 yeah im in kitchen heaven now. cant wait to start baking. Havent yet switched on oven or dishwasher. but i did try the wok burner last night.. pics on my facebook are you a facebooker?

watching the calories each day is a great idea when things arent going to plan even if just temporarily.
Strange i find if im stressed the weight falls off me.

10 pounds isnt much so you go girl!
Hello @Lil it was a Holiday here as well Monday, Memorial Day. I ran away for the weekend and I am so sorry I forgot it was Monday. So you can guess I did not fast. Your weigh in is very encouraging! I wish I could say the same. Mojo, well is that like getting your groove on? In any case I have yet to regain that certain je ne sais quoi' I had last year. I have been dedicated to my squat and plank challenge. I haven't walked in a week. And I have no desire for food but I eat, nibble and pick and nothing satisfies whatever it is I'm looking for.
I have not given up though. I pray for self discipline to actually have a true fast. I am thinking that until I get back on track I may not do Mon/Wed just pick a day and do it.

I did buy some herbs at the garden center this past weekend and I will plant a herbal tea garden. I think it will be fun. So far I have lemon verbena, lemon balm, pineapple mint, orange mint and trailing rosemary. I also read that the leaves of strawberry or raspberry plants can be used. Have you ever heard of that?

I am still in search of a job. I enjoyed my joblessness in the beginning but about now I feel so humbled and worthless. I cannot believe that am actually on pins and needles waiting to hear of acceptance into a production worker training program. Apparently factories are looking to bachelor degreed workers now! How the world has changed.
So pleased to see you back@clairemarie I was worried things had got too bad at home. I hope you had as nice a weekend as I did. Your herbal tea garden sounds nice. Last summer one of my favourite fast day drinks was soda water with a slice of cucumber and some fresh mint -must start having that again if it warms up. The weather here is pretty dire at the moment. I can't even contemplate the planks and squats - I feel too old!
Well I will be fasting tomorrow as usual. I have my women's group meeting here tomorrow night so I shall have to provide some nice biscuits but abstain :frown:
Maybe see you tomorrow
@Lil I was happy that you had a good weekend. I met a woman at the garden center who was a complete stranger but came from the same part of Boston. We ended up chatting for well over an hour. It was so nice to chat with someone from my own era who understood what the heck I was talking about.

I am not fasting today. Sorry. I feel so blah that I want to pay attention to nutrients for a few days. I think my stress levels have gotten the better of me. Also I must detox all the carbs and get back on track. I will try and stay a close to 500cal as I can. 52 only really works for me if one, I eat low carb all week and two I eat nothing for 24 hr.

This a.m. I had one ww toast with little butter and homemade strawberry jam. This is not good. One quarter avocado, half grapefruit, sm greek yogurt, one boiled egg. Lunch either salad or beef veg lentil soup. Dinner depends on lunch.

Seems I have picked up a dirty habit that I never had before...snacking late at night!
I am thinking my body is lacking good nutrition. Hopefully this nasty habit will go away. This nighttime eating really bugs me because I never did it before!

I am out to the garden center now. Looking for alpine strawberry and chard today. Have you ever dried rosehips from your garden for tea?
Hi@clairemarie You need to do what feels best for you. I put a wild strawberry - I think that is the same as an Alpine strawberry - in my garden and it has become really invasive - we have to treat it like a weed. I've never done anything with rose hips except look at them although I have had commercial rose hip tea. I don't seem to have acheived a lottoday although I have just come back from aqua - first one since last Wednesday. Not really enjoying the fasting today - my husband is not a work as it is half term holiday and he keeps eating!!!
I am going to do meatballs - 4 at 58 cals each with a tomamto and veggie sauce and shiritake noodles :shock: for dinner tonight. I hope you get into some sort of system soon. I will keep looking out for you
I am back @Lil. My alpine strawberries died off this past winter so I had to replace them. They produce the most flavorful berries though small. And you get berries all summer. And now that I know you can use the leaves in tea, it is a win win for me. And I made a very special purchase of English mint. I have named it Lil! Every time I look at it I will think of you and your determination not to eat on fast days until dinner.
You are right that I need a system. I have been trying 52 since February and its not working very well. It is my own fault as I have had very few successful fastdays and eat the wrong things the rest of the week. I am discouraged but not ready to quit either.
Good luck today with hubby around eating. That is the hardest, watching others eat but as they say its only one day. You can do it! As for your get together tonight, buy biscuits that you don't care for yourself.
How do you make tea from the strawberry leaves @clairemarie - do you just steep them in boiling water. I have plenty of them in the garden. Presumably the tea doesn't taste of strawberries. I am most honoured to be represented in your garden :oops: I wish I could get out in the garden - it's been raining for about 3 days solid now.
Not long till food time for me now
I have not tried strawberry leave tea yet but yes pour boiling water over them and let steep. I will let you know. I think a strawberry mint tea would be nice. Raining here as well but I don't mind. Helps the garden grow! My little Lil stands straight up and is sturdy and there is nothing complicated about the flavor, just mint. bluberry protein shake with flaxseed meal for lunch. Enjoy the Italian!
Just remembered to ask @Lil have you started using the apple cider vinegar?
I have been taking cider vinegar but have just started on the one with the mother in. I only have it on fasting days. It may be a coincidence but my constipation problems seem much improved - may be something to do with eating more bread than usual over the weekend.
I hope you have you Lil well contained @clairemarie as it can be quite invasive.
I'm off to bed now . Hope the rest of your day goes well
Well @Lil, I brewed a cup of strawberry leaf tea. It did not taste of strawberry but more of a light grassy taste...I added a lemon wedge and a bit of powdered ginger and it was pleasant. I think when Lil grows up a bit I will toss her in the mix. I won't be around much next week as I will be 'training on how to be a factory worker'. And to think when I was young it was a toss up between a ballerina and a journalist! :lol:
Morning @Emerald17 and @Moo, not sure I have done that right!
Am enjoying my breakfast at the start of a feed day. I was woken early by Bruno dog rattling the door again, Hubby woke to say the dog needed letting out then went back to sleep! Men! The Cockeral is crowing but it is too soon to open the barn door.
We are picking up a set of six Henri dining chairs this morning. They are antique, heavily carved and a style we love. €60 for all six. The heavy dark furniture is not liked here!
If the rain holds off I want to cut the grass. Need to get it done before guests arrive Saturday.
This evening we have a pub quiz in an almost local English style pub. Am not fond of quizzes but hubby likes going.
Am planning to eat normally today but not overdo it.
Hope the day goes well for you both.
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