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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Hi Bobshouse and Moo
Every time I see the time of your morning posts it startles me Bobshouse
Then I remeber, you're an hour ahead. That said you're still an early bird.
My mornings are a bit manic, By the time I get the kids up and out to school, then head into work it's usually between 10-11, when I'm having my coffee break that I get to log on.
I often think that I'd love to be the type of person that gets up an hour before everybody else so I can have that quiet me time, but then I hit the snooze button and realise I'm only fooling myself, It's never gonna happen. Maybe in a parallel universe :lol:

That's quite a bargain on your dining room set. Well done you!!!
Hope you have many happy dining experiences on it.
And Good luck in The Quiz tonight :clover:

Just a regular(fasting) day for me. Work this morning, collect kids from school and then get organised for the weekend. It's a bank holiday here this weekend so we're heading away tomorrow as the kids have no school. Yippee!!!!
Hi @Lil you must be working today or on the road again. Thought I would update you on todays weigh in 176 one pound down from last week. I am fasting today.
I am changing the plan a little. I will stay on Mon/Wed 24hr. The change will be Low carb High Fat approach. I have started back on bulletcoffee. The coconut oil and butter in coffee relaxes me somehow. When I fast I get physically anxious maybe raising my cortisol level. With the fat I feel much calmer. So cal count on coffee comes in at 220 in morning. There are enough cals left for a decent dinner of veg/protein.
Hi @clairemarie good news about your weight loss. Hopefully you are back on track now. Looks like you have sorted out a plan that works for you. Lots of people seem to find the bullet proof coffee helpful. I prefe to save my cals for the evening - we each need to do what suits us.
I was out all day yesterday with afrien who is naturally very slim - UK size 8. Her dog has died recently and she is bereft ( I am not a pet person myself) so I kept her company.We spent all day going round a bric a brac market and then round all the charity shops in town - she is a great shopper. We stopped for a hot chocolate at lunchtime but she didn't want to eat. I only had half a grapefruit for breakfast so had an unintentional sort of 16:8 or even 17:5. I got several nice tops, an old meat plate and a nice vase into the bargain so not a bad result!
Have a good weekens and I will see you on Monday
Or maybe not if you are out at your training. Does that mean you have got a job or does it depend on the training day?
Hi @Lil I am liking my new plan so far. We will see on Friday if it is a go. The plan is fast til 6p Mon/Wed the rest of the week eat 2-8p. Bullet coffee every am. I knw the cal count of the coffee id high but there are no carbs so I should still be in fat burning mode. ..When it rains it pours, I must find a new apartment/flat? by end of June! The building is not up to code and landlord ignored the authority for six years so he must make changes immediately. I live in a three family that was converted from a two illegally and landlord does not want to go to expense so I'm out! As for Mon I will stop in early am and then 5ish my time , thinking its 10 your time? This is just training and it remains to be seen whether it will lead to an actual job. ....So nice of you to spend time with your friend. Pets do become very loved members of ones family. We have a big grey cat named Stuey. He is a very affectionate young man! Jumps from his sleep to greet us at the door just like a dog. He does drive me crazy though when he brushes against my legs in hopes of some milk or when he hears the can opener...Do you go to yard sales? I enjoy those because as they say one mans trash is another mans treasure. Oh dear looks like I'll be having a yard sale so I don't have to lug all my 'junk' to the next apartment. :frown:
Morning@clairemarie Just a quick one to wish you good luck for your training. I have put on 0.6lb thisweek but that means most of last weeks loss was 'true' so I am happy. That means I have definitely reached my interim target of 11st 7lb and have now set a new interim target of 11 stone. Also a slight drop in body fat and another 1/2 inch whittled off my waist . So all in all I am a happy :bunny:
See you later
Well, you go girl!!! I am so happy for you @Lil. I bet you feel like a million bucks, or is that pounds? It is just so gosh darn encouraging so be extra good on this fast to keep the ball rolling.

Snipped a bit of Lil and lemon verbena and added to my ginger tea yesterday and I thought I was in heaven. yum. It should be nice iced for the summer.

I will stop in tonight for your update.
Hope your training day is going well@clairemarie I've had my normal sort of Monday. Aquajog this morning followed by a bit of shopping. This afternoon I had a couple of friends round for coffee ( black for me!) and to foist some of my spare plants on them. I can never resist taking cuttings or potting up plants that have seeded themselves so I tend to have a few spares around. It is now 5pm so I will start cooking in about an hour - salmon with watercress sauce and veg tonight.
Hope your day went well@clairemarie and that your bullet proof coffee saw you through. I'm off to bed now. Are you training again on Wednesday? See you then
@Lilare you still up? Bulletproof worked well. Training is week long. See you Wed. Hamburger sans bun for dinner. I was starving!
@clairemarieStarving is good - think of those pac men chomping up your fat! :lol:
Hi @clairemarie Well it's almost 5.30 here so not long till food time. I've had a busy day. Sent in an application for my seniors bus pass. I hadn't bothered before as there are no buses locally that I regularly used. I've had my hair cut - my hairdresser is good but very slow, I've opened a new savings account, I've bought a new iron - the last one didn't like being dropped on the floor - booked some theatre tickets, been to a hospital appointment with my husband and sorted out Virgin media! No time for aqua today unfortunately.
For dinner tonight we are having portugese pork - I had 2 left over portions in the freezer so am defrosting them. 324 cals so room for some veg - the actual dish had chick peas in it so nice and filling.
I hope your training continues to go well. Any luck finding a new place to live yet?
The forum finally seems to be working pretty normally for me so that's one less thing to worry about.
Hear from you later maybe?
I'm off @clairemarie Feeling tired now. Hopefully I'm due a good night's sleep. Enjoy your dinner. See you Friday?
Good morning @clairemarieIt seems ages since we touched base. I hope things are good with you. I've had a very good weight in today - I've lost nearly 3lb since last week ( when admittedly I had a gain) and 4lbs over the month. Unusually good for me - well things have to go your way sometime don't they.
Have you had any luck with finding somewhere new to live - I expect you are pretty busy what with your job training last week. I hope you are not getting too stressed
I am planning a turkey stir fry for tonight - not sure if I will have mine with shiratake noodles ot cauliflower rice

I am ready to get back to fasting :grin: (not that I particularly enjoy not eating :wink:). My sisters are both doing loads better and the stress levels have decreased considerably :victory: I will fasting tomorrow, I plan to have a slim a soup for lunch and then the beans recipe that I make for dinner.

Which days do you fast? I tend to fast on Mondays and Wednesday with a day time fast on Friday.

Thanks for being patient with me. :cat:
Hi @Riel
Glad to hear things are better with your sisters. It must be so difficult for you to focus on you when loved ones are in difficulty. Good for you to get back to 5:2. :like:

I am fasting today, usually do Sun and Wed fasts if possible. Not sure what I'll be having today but will hold off to have one meal at supper time. I have also occasionally done a completely liquid fast (1 miso soup my only calories) but it will depend on how I feel later.

Went on a shopping trip last weekend and gained 3 pounds which I still haven't lost :frown:. I am within 10 pounds of my goal and it is sobering to realize that I really will have to remain vigilant for the rest of my life to maintain this loss. I will likely be here in the forum for a long time. Buying smaller clothes and chucking out the baggy ones are good encouragements though :wink: .

Have a good day and good luck with your fast tomorrow :clover: :heart:
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