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Hey @Riel, how are you doing? I haven't been a very good buddy but I do lurk here a lot and haven't seen your name. Are you OK? I hope your family is too.
I am still doing classic 5:2 with a side of low carb and slooowwly the weight is coming off.
Next fast is tomorrow for me; the ever unpopular Sunday fast.
Hope to hear from you :grin: :like: :heart:
Hi @judithn, I haven't been on here for a while, some family probs also extra work (starting at 07:00 most days :frown:). I have been fasting though and have lost 3 pounds :smile:. I am going to get back to a low GI diet soon as I have found that works best for me. It seems we are suited as buddies, neither of us are prolific posters :lol: but as long as we are here when we need each other that is what matters. :like:
Congratulations on the weight loss @Riel. Do you mean to do only the low GI diet and not fast anymore? Sounds like you are busy with work and family. Hope you have some time for yourself too.

On the feline front, I now have a family of four kittens with their feral mother, Scamp, in my house. They are 5 weeks old and just starting to bounce around and do more than sleep in a pile with their mother. Very cute. :cat2: I hope to find them homes in a few weeks and then mom is getting fixed :lol: I already have her brother, Henry in my house and he is a great cat, very calm and affectionate.

Have a great day :like:
Hi @judithn, I do low GI as well as fasting, next fast is tomorrow. What are you doing up at silly o'clock on your fast day! :confused: you now have to watch out for curtains and legs with the kittens exploring :grin: very tiring :sleepy: . Is their mum tame now? Was she always feral or was she a stray so is used to people?
Yes @Riel, insomnia gets me on the computer at stupid hours. I was able to get a short nap after that. Used to crazy sleep hours since menopause, I just go with it and catch up when I can.

Henry and Scamp were from a litter of 4 born in my garage Mar.2013. Their mother was very feral but trusted me since she picked my garage :lol: . I tried to socialize all the kittens and was successful with 3 of them. Found homes for 2, kept Henry as he was my fave and no one wanted him :frown:. Scamp always kept just out of my reach but hung around. I kept saying I was going to take her to the SPCA but never got there. She was the runt; tiny but with enormous eyes, so cute. She will never be a cuddly cat but I will keep her. I have 5 cats and that's IT. NO MORE :shock:. Her family is corralled in a spare room to keep the kitten-mediated destruction limited. :lol:
What is your cat situation?
Hi @judithn, I have just the one a rescue cat called Drizst. I read science fiction and fantasy love all the names. My little cat is around 3 years old black male and very affectionate with me but nervous with strangers. I generally call him dizzy 'cos he is. I can't upload pictures or I would show you just how george he is. :grin:
You who,@Lil I am here! Fasting today. I had a banana/coffee smoothie and a half cup grapes. Lentil soup with a bit of beef for dinner. Weighed in today at 181 so not to bad for being away so long. I really need inspiration for exercise, mainly a push off the couch and onto the road! Living out in the country now and only know my second daughter who works constantly but she stops by on her way to work so that is nice. What's for dinner?
@clairemarie ! Welcome back. It is great to see you again. Well done for getting back on the wagon now you are moved. You haven't done badly with your weight after all this time - onwards and downwards now.
I am glad my fasting day is over - not been an easy one. We had Hairy Bikers spanish chicken tonight - an old favourite.
We've just had all the lights out and a few candles lit to commemorate the start of WW1. In the middle of the 'dark' hour I went out and had quite a good view of the international space station going over.
Off to bed now - good luck with the rest of your day
@Lil what a nice tradition for the commemoration of WW1. My grandfather and great uncles fought in France. Uncle Tim suffered psycologically the remainder of his life, in and out of hospitals. Though some might find it irreverent, I fly my grandfathers casket flag on all the major holidays and such memorial days. I figure their sacrifices should be remembered by those who live the good life today. Those that come to my country should realize the sacrifices we have made to make the world a safer place for all. I guess that was politically incorrect to say but I do get frustrated when people take things for granted. The sacrifices your forefathers and mine made needs to be respected.

Can you give me the recipe for the Hairy Bikers chicken? Last night I made a pesto from my lemon verbena and lemon balm with almonds. It was very nice.

Lately, I have developed the bad habit of snacking late at night. This is new for me. I also have been having great fun making my own ice cream. And a lovely Italian Rum cake in honor of my birthday. Now that I am on the straight and narrow I will not snack anymore(fingers crossed).

Tina's demise was quite dramatic don't you think? I can hardly wait until that low life Rob gets caught.
Hi Buddy chat tent.

I'm Jo.

I'd like to get some help with my eating and exercising. I'm not wanting to do it alone.

I don't know if this works here, but I'd like to find someone who will "sponsor" me. And I would be available to "sponsor" someone else. I think "sponsor" is an AA's term. I like buddy too. But I think what will suit me is if the person buddying different to the one I'm looking out for. I'm open to suggestions.

I'm pre-diabetic and am nervous I'm slipping down the slippery slope to diabetis. I don't want that to happen.

I'd like someone to help me just exercise to start with. And slowly move to low carb.

Anyway. I feel selfish to be asking for myself, but I would really have a lot to offer in exchange (I'm an experienced counsellor). Please message me if you'd like to talk more, or chat out here. Either is fine.

Hope all are well
kindly Jo :clover: :like:


how are you both?

Just popped by to do a little update. I've not been fasting for about 2 months so haven't been here as much, although I still keep an eye out, and it's been quite quiet?

I've been running a lot more, and a lot of 8 hour eating windows etc. I went on holiday for 3 weeks and stayed the same weight. Basically my weight hasn't budged at all in about 5 months now! It's steady as a rock! Which is both good and bad. Good because I haven't put on and I haven't made effort to really watch my food as much. Bad because I still need to lose another 40 lbs!

My shape has changed, with the running and exercise and I've been eating healthily, as I always do! But after my 2 months off I've decided to start fasting again and see what happens! I did my first yesterday and it wasn't too bad at all! :)

Hopefully I can get a few more lbs off now I've given my body a bit of time to re-calibrate and get used to eating regularly again!

Hope you're both well!?
Am new to fasting watched the Horizon documentary and then did some research. Nothing else was working despite all my best efforts and I did do this in my younger years without realizing all the health benefits so I thought why not. This has been the best decision yet been doing 4:3 for 4 weeks now and on Sat was under 60kgs but had a bad weekend so am up again but I love chocs and now I can eat them without getting fat. Best of all I have no more joint pain :cool: . You are all such an inspiration and reading your posts helped me to do this ......... :like:
Hi@clairemarie here is a link to the Hairy Bikers Spanish Chicken
If you make it with bone in thighs which I sometimes do the chicken needs to be cooked for a bit longer - about 15 minutes say
Johanna5 wrote: Hi Buddy chat tent.

I'm Jo.

I'd like to get some help with my eating and exercising. I'm not wanting to do it alone.

I don't know if this works here, but I'd like to find someone who will "sponsor" me. And I would be available to "sponsor" someone else. I think "sponsor" is an AA's term. I like buddy too. But I think what will suit me is if the person buddying different to the one I'm looking out for. I'm open to suggestions.

I'm pre-diabetic and am nervous I'm slipping down the slippery slope to diabetis. I don't want that to happen.

I'd like someone to help me just exercise to start with. And slowly move to low carb.

Anyway. I feel selfish to be asking for myself, but I would really have a lot to offer in exchange (I'm an experienced counsellor). Please message me if you'd like to talk more, or chat out here. Either is fine.

Hope all are well
kindly Jo :clover: :like:

@Johanna5I added your request for a buddy to this thread.. post152560.html#p152560
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