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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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@clairemarieJust going to start cooking dinner. We are having Portuguese pork which is pork with lemon juice, angostura bitters and chick peas. I will do some pasta for hubby and daughter and lots of veg. What are you having for dinner or are you going for 36 hours again?
Tried the Hairy Bikers Spanish Chicken last Wed @Lil. It was very nice but it was not as spicy as I would have expected. Next time I will jazz it up a bit or maybe it needed a little extra love. I already had a peach today. Bought them at the farm Sat and they are at their most perfect ripeness today . It has been several years since I had a really sweet, juicy run down your arm peach. I savored every moment of it. I will call it 100 cals. Dinner? 4 more peaches? :razz: :razz: :razz:
Sorry I haven't been around much this evening@clairemarieWe were chatting with out daughter after dinner and then she and I watched the new Michael Mosely programme about eating meat. I felt it was a bit padded out - lots of close ups of lumps of meat - there is a second part on Wednesday. I didn't feel it was as logically put together as the one on 5:2. It will be interesting to see what others think. We certainly eat a lot more red meat than he is advocating
Your peach sounds very yummy. It is nice when you sometimes get a piece of fruit that tastes perfect, so much of it seems sort of mass produced these days.
I've just had a mug of decaf made with almond milk and I will be off to bed soon. See you Wednesday
Hey @Lil. Glad you both are catching up on things. No pressure on Wed as I am sure you and your daughter might have to go scouting out the thrift shops. The only good thing about my move is that I am surrounded by small farms so there is plenty of fresh from the tree fruit and out of the ground veg. The price is higher than the grocery but there is no comparison in the taste.

Regarding blueberry bushes, they do require an acidic soil. Do you have a product called Hollytone over there? Add it to soil for good results. If not amend your soil with oak leaves or pine to buff up the acidity. I do think they would be much happier in the ground.
Hi @clairemarie How's it going with you today. I don't know where the time has got to today. I am just back from aqua but didn't manage to get out in the garden this morning as I hoped. My husband dug a new flower bed at the weekend so I have been moving a few things around and putting in some of my 'spare 'plants - I can't resist splitting perennials and taking cuttings to get free plants but then I don't have space for them! I will think about putting the blueberries in the ground. I think our soil is quite acidic as we can grow rhododendrons and camellias. If I put them next to the currants they could share the crop cage as well.
Tonight we are having salmon with watercress sauce and veggies.
@Lil it is now Sunday and somehow I bypassed Wed. I am sure I did 24hr fast though. My lemon verbena did very well so I clipped it severely to dry the leaves for tea this winter. I was very pleased with my tea or tisane garden.
I don't know the variety of your blueberry bushes and there are a lot of varieties out there but I do think they will flourish in the ground.
See you tomorrow. :wink:
@Lil good morning! Seems it will be summer again this upcoming week. Weigh in at 180.5, another pound gone. Progress is slow but its still progress. How did you do today? What new revelation did Mosely have concerning meat? I was up before the birds this morning which makes me happy. It feels good to have a restful sleep and wake up energized. :victory:
Hi@clairemarieSorry I am late to the party today.Congratulations on you weight loss, looks like you are well and truly back on track now.
We have been away for the weekend and have just got home. As we were staying in a hotel last night I was undecided what to do about fasting today. I had some breakfast at the hotel so won't be fasting till tomorrow this week. I will try and do 2 in a row which I have done once before but if that doesn't work out it will be Thursday. Not weighed today as I was away from the scales. I will weigh in tomorrow. I hit my lowest weight since starting 5:2 after my second fast last weeek but it has been a bit of a heavy weekend so we shall see what tomorrow shows!
It is a public holiday here and the weather in this part of the country is pretty awful.
My daughter flies back to Berlin this evening so will spend the rest of the day with her.
@Lil enjoy your time together. Tell her that I hope she has a pleasant flight and that she has a very nice mother!
hi@clairemarie I hope you fast is going well again buoyed up by your good weigh in this morning. I am pretty sleepy - had some late nights. I've had a text from my daughter to say she is safely home so I'm off to bed. Fasting at work tomorrow - I don't like it but it needs to be done!
Night night
@clairemarieYou probably won't see this till tomorrow but I am checking in to report a 2.8lb loss :lol: I am sure some of this is the 'water weight' I gained last week but my BMI is 27 point something for the first time so I am well chuffed. I have just packed my bag for work with a variety of teabags, half a stock cube and some sugar free squash so I am all set. See you tomorrow
:cool: : :like: :victory: just plain :cool: @Lil ! I am sooooo happy for you. Water or not its an indicator of the downward trend. I will be thinking of you today for your good fortune. I am eating pumpkin raisin bread at the moment I am sorry to say :oops:
Morning@clairemarie I'm back! I was a bit anxious about doing back to back fasts but it's going OK. I've done various tasks and popped into town for a couple of things. I'm going to go out and pick some mulberries and do a bit of dead heading. Then it's aqua and it will be nearly 4pm when I get back from that and only a couple of hours till food time. I am planning a Hairy Dieters meal tonoght - it's a chicken bake and you stuff the chicken breasts with a mixture of grated courgette ( zuchini) cheese and sun dried tomato and bake on a bed of onions, pepper, sweet potato and tomatoes. It comes at about 365 cals I think which is a touch high but I need a treat to look forward to today!
See you later!
Sounds like you have today under to control @Lil. I like the combination of veg in your chicken dish. I am not familiar with mulberry barring the nursery rhyme. As for my dinner, I am going to my freezer and pulling a portion of Hairy Biker Spanish chicken. I have been wanting to make a melon soup to include my pineapple mint but I don't think it will hold me over for the night.
@clairemarie I have just picked about 3lb of lovely juicy mulberries and not one has passed my lips! I am a star :star:
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