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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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@Lil don't get down on yourself after all your just back from visiting a country with the worlds best food! You will snap back in no time. Muscle soreness again! drat. Dinner was a slice if apple cake and a hard boiled egg with tea. I am crawling into bed and I don't care if I ate the cake because I deserve it. I mean after all apples are full of fiber. I have fish in the freezer but I am just too tired to cook.

I'm afraid you could not tempt me with the gin as it is my least favorite. If I had access to such a fruit which I bet would be down right impossible I would turn it into a savory jam.

I will have a better game plan for Wed fast. Fish and some veg I guess. Nite!
Hello @clairemarie Evening here already. I seem to have been busy all day. Spent the morning in the garden dividing some perennials that had got too big. I've put 1/2 of each back and potted up the rest. I have an awful lot of plants to give away at the moment. Aqua as usual this afternoon then I called round on a friend to give her tickets for a show we are seeing tomorrow. Naturally I had to have a coffee ( black) and suddenly an hour and a half had gone by. Got home in time to cook dinner - Chicken Puttenesca another new one for us. I've just been out in the garden to scatter some chopped up chillis around the newly planted plants as we are having a lot of trouble with badgers digging up plants and the grass at the moment - they are after worms but they do make a mess! Time for a bit of TV now I think - haven't started with my catch up of Corrie following my holiday yet!
I hope your day at work has been a bit easier today.
Hi @Lil just home from work. So far I have had a good fast day two coffee's dark w almond milk unsweetened and an orange. Dinner will be chopped egg and veg salad. I call it a kitchen sink salad.
I wish I lived close by as I love shared plants. I put in some fall colored mums this past weekend.

My alpine strawberry jar is still producing. So it was a very good choice. I get a handful a day which is plenty for me. I read recently that you can plant garlic cloves in the fall for nice bulbs mid summer. I have tried a few and they are sprouting already. At least that's one less thing to buy at the grocery.

I am looking forward to Monday's weigh in because I already now I've lost a couple of pounds. Just hoping I don't overeat for the rest of the week.
Sounds like you are on a bit of a roll@clairemarie Just keep focussed for the weekend!
Night night@clairemarie I'm having almond milk cocoa for my beadtime treat tonight. Enjoy your kitchen sink salad. Fingers crossed for Monday!
Good morning @Lil are you ready for the best fast ever? I have weighed in at 175.5 today which puts me just a pound and a half away from my last lowest point. Somehow I feel much lighter than that. I have planned a greek chicken salad for dinner . I think it could be calorie heavy with feta and an olive or two. Maybe fish would be better.

So what are your plans for today?
Hi@clairemarie You are up bright and breezy. Well done on your weigh in , I see you have gone ORANGE again WELL DONE! :like: :like: you must be really pleased. I have lost 0.4lb this week - not back to my pre holiday weight but heading in the right direction again. :smile:
I been to aqua this morning and then we went to try and choose some new wallpaper for our lounge as it needs redecorating after the damp was dealt with. We like what we have and came home with 2 papers that we thought were very like it but they are not nearly as nice although they were a bargain as they were in the clearance section. Think we will have to go back and look through the books again! Hubby is off to the gym soon - I may get on with my ironing or potter round the garden as the weather is very nice here for late September.
I think I am going to do a pork loin with ratatouille this evening. Your dinner sounds as if it could be OK - a little bit of feta can go a long way - I should check the calories if I were you.
I hope your day at work goes OK, speak to you later
Well my day is almost done@clairemarie My dinner came in at 339 cals so enough left for some raspberries, which I have had, and some almond milk cocoa which I shall have shortly. We went back to the wallpaper shop and after looking through many books and becoming completely bewildered we finally decided on one but still don't think it is as nice as what we have. Very frustrating when the current fashions dictate what is available! We are wondering if we have enough of the old stuff left to repaper the bit that needs doing and just freshen up all the paintwork - it would definitely be cheaper.
Enjoy your dinner whatever you decide on
I haven't heard from my buddy for AGES - must text her tomorrow - @WestLondonChick - if you're out there - I miss you!!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
@Lil sorry I missed you today. Yes, I am very pleased with my weigh in today. With that kind of encouragement at the scale I should be svelte for the holidays! I am dreaming anyway.

Wallpaper is so difficult to choose isn't it? Just like a new paint color it really depends on your natural light and furnishings. Always looks good in the mags/store and much different at home. I F you are happy with what you had maybe you could do two walls with the others painted or go half or 3/4 up and add book/knick knack self.

also you could try to google mfg for a different supplier.

Good job on your downward weigh are doing well. How s your TV nook working out?
First day of diet - first day of fast - first time looking at this forum. I just cant work out how to post myself. or do you follow people and post on theirs? Seriously I must be slow! Also first time ever I have got my big bellied husband to join me on a diet quest - Do any of you have a drink on non fasting days. I love a champagne or scotch on the weekend!?
Morning@clairemarie Not sure if you are up yet or if you have already gone to work.
We are having unseasonally good weather at the moment. I really resented being at work yesterday. I have spent the morning in the garden sorting a few things out and a friend came round to take some of my spare plants - I have divided quite a few perennials recently so plenty to go round.
I am trying to decide whether to join in the Christmas challenge. I did it last year and by a last minute fluke achieved my target. Because my weight loss is so slow now I haven't joined in any of the recent challenges because I don't want to stress myself with 'failure' However I am tempted to join this one and set myself an achievable target - what do you think?
I have a couple of gammon ( ham) steaks in the fridge so tonight I am going to do some sort of stew . Either a tomato based one to have with noodles ( shiratake ) or with lots of veggies and maybe some pulses added.
Nearly time to get ready for aqua now - see you later
Welcome, @Josephine Joy, to your new WOL (Way Of Life). I hope that your first fast day went well? I don't know if your question about posting has been answered but below I have done a brief guide for you. In answer to your question about drinking alcohol on non-fast days, there is nothing to stop you! I have a glass of wine or two, once or twice a week but, as I'm sure that you know, alcoholic drinks are quite high in calories. Many people on here find that they tend to cut back on their drinking, particularly those who were drinking every day but a moderate amount a couple of times a week probably won't slow your weight loss down by too much. Don't forget though that the salty snacks which tend to go along with alcohol, most certainly will!

To post on the Introduce Yourself thread
Click on 'Home' (Red text on Grey background at the top of the page)
Scroll down to 'New To the 5:2 Diet Forum'
Click on 'Introduce Yourself'
Click on 'New Topic' (turquoise rectangular button)
This will then take you to a page with a few guidelines on what to include. Then you give it a title and start writing in the box below.
Easy! Hope this helps.

Good luck with your weight loss. :clover: There is lots of advice and friendly chat on here, so stick around and let us know how you are doing! :smile:
Hey buddy @Riel. Just saw your post over on the Christmas challenge page. Great to see you're back to 5:2'ing (or whatever plan you're using). I have not been a very good buddy as it's been a long time since I contacted you. How are you doing?

I have been plodding along on a never-ending plateau. My plan this month is to significantly cut back on alcohol. The daily glasses of wine are making me feel crappy every morning and significantly messing up my sleep. I need to do this to prove that I am in control. Also, less wine means less calories and ?weight-loss. Hope so :grin:

Good luck to you in the Christmas challenge and hope all is good in the rest of your life. :heart:
Hi @judithn, nice to hear from you, I don't think you are any worse than me as a buddy :grin:. Yeah life is getting back to normal, my sister, who was poorly, is now fine and eating things she hasn't eaten for ages. My sister with the moron partner has now convinced him that she has no desire to see him ever again. So my time now. I am doing 5:2 with low carbs. This month there is a campaign to raise money for MacMillan cancer support, sponsored "sober for October" so I am TT this month, like you I am also hoping this boosts my weight loss :like: :clover:
Hope you get off your plateau soon, boring on the flat all the time :lol:
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