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Re: Fashionista Tent
04 Apr 2014, 14:22
izzy wrote:
I always had the gappy waistband, especially with jeans. The zip on my skirts always ended up at the front. :oops:

Yep that sounds about right...keep thinking I should learn how to sew properly so I could alter my trousers because the gappy waistband is so not flattering...

Anyway, hope you feel more posative soon :heart:
Re: Fashionista Tent
04 Apr 2014, 21:54
Oh @izzy I am sorry you are feeling so down right now.

Please don't hate yourself - I'm sure you have no reason at all to do so. There is so much pressure on women to look a certain way - but this is totally unrealistic, not to mention unhealthy. Steroids make you put weight on & if you need the steroids, then you don't have much choice but to take them right now.

Whatever size you are truly has no bearing on the person you are. People with perfect figures or faces can be deeply ugly within. Mean, selfish, thoughtless, unkind etc etc. I am sure you are delightful - so please let's have no more talk of hating yourself. I am a relative newbie, but even I know there is the ever-present possibility of a wet fish being employed by @Janeg if we're not careful......

I have no good reason for why I am the size I am....other than the fact that I have spent most of my life comfort eating to fill various emotional voids. You are experiencing the effects of steroids. Fact. Should society hold this against you? Of course not......& neither should you.

Well, I'm sure that's enough from me for now. Chin up, dear girl xxx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Fashionista Tent
04 Apr 2014, 22:29
Very sweet of you to reply @izzy.

Please cut yourself some slack! The steroids are clearly causing you all sorts of grief & would challenge the patience of a saint.....

Also, if I've learned anything on this forum (& by golly, I've learned loads!) it is that this is a safe place to offload....whatever you are feeling. So please don't think you've spoilt a thread just by being honest/having a bad day - because surely that is what we are all here for.

Your turn today...someone else's tomorrow, no we all need to be waiting with a few kind words & encouragement. I do hope Saturday is brighter for you xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 04:52
@izzy. Don't talk to yourself like that. YOu would never talk to another person like that so don't beat yourself up. I have been on steroids for endometriosis when I was in my 20's and 30's. I ended up with a moon face, hairy legs and big arse in the prime of my adult life. It's temporary and you will get back. The great thing about pears is that they normally have a waist that is much smaller than the hips. Accentuate it - buy a nice belt and show it off. Also if you are an A cup, you can wear polo necks. Those with big boobs can't do that - they look too matronly. There is always a way. Scarves are also great. Go and get some retail therapy girl.
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 08:22
Great advice above @izzy from other lovely caring forumites so I do hope you have taken it on board and are being kinder to yourself as you have been really helpful to me in the past and come across as a very genuine, thoughtful person. Look after yourself and treat yourself to something nice to cheer yourself up! xx
Oh, and never feel bad about off loading on here, that's what this great support network of online friends is here for! :grin:
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 08:43
Hi @izzy like @rawkaren said,this is temporary and you WILL get back! X
So frustrating in the meantime tho isnt it.
I know what you mean by " i lost me" ... I feel that too thru ill health and i don't think illness necessarily makes us better nicer people like the stereotype "Beth from Little Women!.."
i get so crotchety and down at times..we are just human beings after all!
Come here and have a vent and a rant whenever you need..there's always someone here to listen and empathise.
One day you can ditch those steroids! X
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 08:56
Hi @Izzy

I hope that today finds you feeling a little kinder to yourself and behaving accordingly. You have given yourself a rotten beating and now need to treat yourself more gently.

Please do that, rather than beating yourself up. Treat yourself as kindly as you treat others, and remember, sometimes kindness entails giving someone a good talking to. So...just stop that, and be nice! :heart:
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 17:03
May I present my bargain of the week?

:grin: 50p :grin: At the jumble sale I helped at this morning.
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 17:32
@Izzy, get yourself one of those white flags from the nervous husband shop, position yourself in front of your biggest mirror, wave the flag, smile at yourself, take a good long look at the person that is smiling and waving back at you, what do see, no, not what do you think you see, but what do you ACTUALLY see? I bet you see a courageous lady with a kind and friendly face , the sort of person you would love to have as a best friend, someone who is thoughtful, funny and supportive. Now, where has the demon you imagined that you were gone to? She has gone nowhere because she does not exist anywhere except in your mind so, behave yourself but more importantly love yourself, as others have said, be kind to yourself and if all that fails then strip off and have a look at the naughty Izzy, you know the one, that's her, the sexy vibrant woman.......need I say more?

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. The wet fish is on standby so........
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 18:25
@minumonline they are one pair of fun funky shoes! X
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 18:35
CandiceMarie wrote: @minumonline they are one pair of fun funky shoes! X

Woo,hoo, what sassy shoes, bet you look absolutely fabulous in them

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 22:11
Ooh, loving the shoes @Minumonline! What a jammy dodger you are! Well spotted that girl.......

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 22:19
Minumonline wrote: May I present my bargain of the week?

:grin: 50p :grin: At the jumble sale I helped at this morning.

Bargain of the year I'd say @Minumonline :like:
How much for the wine in the background?
gone now I assume. Well done :clover: :clover:
Re: Fashionista Tent
05 Apr 2014, 23:52
So glad you're feeling better @izzySteroids suck! I used to have to take them when I got an attack of vasculitis. At the time I was doing weight watchers and in 1 week I put on 2 & 1/2 KGS (5.8pounds) I can remember thinking " that's what my daughter weighed when she was born!!!)
Xxx julianna
Re: Fashionista Tent
06 Apr 2014, 07:51
So glad you are feeling brighter @Izzy!

Blather away....I do all the time! Why use 10 words when 100 will do - that's my motto!

Also, getting other people's perspective is so helpful....& what goes around comes around, so all in all, this forum is the perfect place to hang out!

Hope the week ahead is kind to you xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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