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I think I'll find me a spot and sit here somewhere.

I've been lost since Christmas and January. Feeling stuck and not desiring fasting just now, but daily skipping breakfast and starting to eat around 11.30 am.

I just need to have that 'Just Do It' feeling and it has not hit me yet, even though I have a suspicion, I am secretly loathing the extra weight, dare not weigh, no way.


I will absorb the positive vibes floating around this tent. Ohmmm. Who knows?
:heart: Welcome @zamale You can rest awhile in here although we may have to get a marque as for what ever reason there does seem to be lots of members struggling for me
I truthfully think the "treats" are to bame :shock:
Last week I tried the refeeding which has seen me with a considerable loss of weight but I'm now worried it will yo yo back on again, I'm not even back to my early December weight yet, so while I'm resting up in here I will have to make this week a very cautious one indeed but fastday one has gone well today here's hoping for all of us. :heart:
Thanks@Sue.Q, for your support.
I too believe allowed treats trip me up and a suspicion about hormones as some days I can leave sugary foods and others they just pass my lips without too much ado.

Great job on a successful fast day. Go you :like: :smile:

Today I did virtual cycling at the gym, First try at this type of cycling, I was the only one in there, but I did 2 in a row and killed 350 calories.

Trying to psyche out why I won't re start 5:2, but going to the gym and getting some cardio is a start.

Can you tell me what you mean about re feeding in your post, and the weight loss that ensued. Great job :like: by the way. You seem a dedicated and disciplined 5:2er.
Hi @Zamale - I've found it really hard to do 2 fast days since Christmas, which is why I'm now doing 6:1 with 16:8 and low-carb. Neither the low carb, or the restricted eating window feel like self-denial, so I'm finding it much easier, and am finally getting weight loss, after a long plateau. I'm keeping the Monday fast, because it just feels right, and gets the week off to the right start (plus the money saving not eating at work, gives me enough to have my nails done every few weeks :cool:)

Whats virtual cycling?
@zamale re feeding is to me just having a break 5-10 days eating normally then starting back again onto IF. I am stuck and not losing even with 2 low cal liquid fasts per week, so I didn't see the sense of fasting any more but rather give my body a break then back on the fasting,and see if that kick started the weight loss again.

Rather than 5:2 I am considering 6:1 fluid fast and a 16:8 low carb too like minimonline. Not sure is that 5:2 ah I suppose it is if I come in under 500 cals. I am close to where I want to be for maintenance but can't flick the last 2 kg as my body is not cooperating. Still not in healthy BMI range but am pretty satisfied with my losses.

The motivation to get back on track, I bet if you just do a fast it will work out - go on dive in just like you used to before Christmas. Best of luck :smile:
@Sue.Q actually came into our comfy tent and got distracted by zamale, so yoohoo your award is back, lovely to see it, now that's much better :smile: :victory: :lol: :grin:
@Sue.Q I can also see your award again....woo, hoo!
@zamale well done on the virtual cycling x good that it uses up a fair number of cals eh!
hang on in there re IF..your mojo will be back! :like:
Try not to worry too much coz that often leads to mindless nibbling!
Maybe just forget 5:2 for now rather than giving yrself pressure..great tho IF is,its not always the right time for it! think Damage Limitation and concentrate on keeping to a reasonable number of cals per day for now and then when you feel up for it,throw in a sneaky fast and repair day! X
Big hugggggs x
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Just popping in to say hello.
Lovely kitten CandiceMarie very cute :lol:
I am back trying 4:3ing this week to try & get me to my Valentines goal. Well done on cycling Zamale I have just got my new exercise bike so I will be trying that out this morning in the hope of toning up my legs & keeping my weight moving. But I believe when just starting exercising we can gain weight because of muscle damage & fluid retention? I am also fasting today so I don't know what adding some exercise in will do :confused:
The way my body works is an ongoing puzzle & experiment so for me most days it is just keep plodding on & hoping for the best :grin:
I hope you are all doing well :clover:
Thankyou @CandiceMarie
I love going to the gym, likely for the social aspect and of course not seizing up as I get older, 11 months to the big ole 50, but I am not going to whinge about age any more as I see and hear of so many not having that privilege.

I'll just slip in a 5:2 in when I lease expect it, if overthinking takes place, it won't happen.
For now I'm doing mindful eating(surprise) and staying away from chocolate.
Doing pushups, anything to keep my mind in the healthy camp, while I have 5:2 in the foreground of my head. I know I will do it. If I just had a different mind, I swear things might be easier. I think too darn much. Anytips on how to stop overthinking? Ha.

Hi, @Isis go easy with exercise if you dont normally incorporate it with 5:2. Just see how you feel, I dont over do it on a fast day though or zombieness ensues.

@gillymary I'm liking your idea of 6:1 fast and 16:8 low carb. Having a break of 10 days may just be the kicker your body needs. The body needs a tricking to keep it guessing and on its toes, no comfort zone calorie set.

Hi@Minumonline Thanks for your comments, I also like your idea of a 6:1 and Monday suits too. I'm just going to experiment and see what I want to do. I never thought of sitting with 6:1 till I get my mojo. :smile:

Wishing ya all well and success in your endeavours :heart: :smile:

Virtual cycling/cineama cycling - well a really big screen with Utah, Giro De Italia,
Beautiful scenery rocky mountains and gorgeous places to ride a bike. I did Utah National Park, its not like I'll see that for real.
Then there is a virtual class on screen with instructors and I swear they really look into your eyes and bit creepy, but motivational.
I do miss the real people, but I still do that class on Saturday and Thursday, we even get to sing on Thursday and be silly while getting a great cardio on a bike.
Hi there zamale, I too will be hitting the big 50 in 11 months, and being fit and healthy has never been so important. Not sure about staying away from chocolate though, life is definitely too short for that (says the woman who got a six pack of walnut whips half price today!).
I have to say my idea of virtual cyclone is sitting on the sofa and watching the Giro D'Italia!! I have been trying to do HIIT in the mornings but conked out half way though my 21 day shift as I was exhausted. I will try again this one coming and see if I can do a bit more.
And yes, like you I tend to overthink things, which is why I have stopped reading too much of the science stuff, just trying to keep it simple now!
@Debs Wish I knew what a walnut whip was, I saw a post about this a while ago on here somewhere, thought it was an English treat :smile: , sounds yummy.

I eat walnuts like candy, yeah bad for the hips, I know but good for the heart.

Did you just finish a 21 day work shift. Are you in the mines?
HIIT is big cardio. I know an instructor and she says if they can do cycle after HIIT, they didn't put in enough, so kudos to you. :smile:
I suspect the last walnut whip post was mine too!! Triangle of choc filled with soft marshmallow and topped with a walnut. A sugary, unhealthy treat for special occasions only!

Yes, I work in mine construction, three weeks on and one off, not easy but it funds our travelling extravagances!! My biggest problem is trying to keep the gym intensity going when I get really tired and getting up at 4.30am every morning. There is a lot of ill health in my family which I do NOT want to be one of them hence all the exercise!
@zamale don't despair! I think a lot of us have slipped back after all the Christmas indulgence. You're right, though, once you get that "drive" back you'll be back fasting with a vengeance! Look at me: I'm now doing ADF, cutting out puddings and chocolate and have just poked my head in the tent of low's all go!

@DebsI guess you must find it really hard when you have to go back to work, do you? Mind you, sounds as though there's never a dull moment

Bean :smile:
Morning bean! Hope it's all going well over in your tent. Yep, don't want to go back :cry: but trying to think of the bigger picture. OH is going over to Melbourne to work while I'm in WA so at least I don't have to fly so far to see him.
Make sure you have some nice things to eat bean or it will be too much like a 'diet' and we know what happens with those :confused:
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