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I Don't normally roam around this tent but just thought I'd pop in and say hello.......HELLO EVERYBODY xx

I am on maintenance and like everyone else my weight fluctuates around the same 4 or five pounds but I am noticing a trend, if I do a liquid only fast ( I actually like to try and do this once a week just to give my system a rest, nothing to do with wanting to lose weight ) my weight goes up and then, like last night, when I went mad shovelling carbs into myself like a demented person who could not shovel the food allowance of a small country, no, make that a LARGE country, into my mouth fast enough, I was 3 pounds down today.......logic? There is none!

The moral of all this is.......em.........actually there is no moral but it just highlights what we are up against, our own bodies, we have to learn to be more clever than them and just keep at it, if you do, you WILL get there in the end, honest, good luck all

Ballerina x :heart:
Helloooo, Ballerina!
I've been doing the large country eating for the last three weeks with my daughters here. I have enjoyed it immensely.
Now I am ready to get back to the 4:3 and see if this splurge period has done anything.
Glaciers are cool; I identify with their bulk and slowness!
We'll see what happens.
Our bodies are strange aren't they?
janeg wrote: Our bodies are strange aren't they?

Mine certainly is :lol: glad you had a good time with your wee lassies

Ballerina x :heart:
I feel really rejuvenated and optimistic. I think the break from so many things has been an absolute tonic and has done me the world of good.
And we're off to see the Rolling Stones tonight.
Haud me back ! I canny wait! :)
@Ballerina oh I so wish my body would be so responsive. I am semi maintaining as it sounds better than plateau. I do 6:1 fluid fasting each week. It is keeping me stable. Waiting for a bit at present

How wonderful for you @Janeg rock on
:heart: Hi @ballerina So nice of you to pop in would you like a coffee? Yes I know I have to keep doing what had worked so well for me in the past I just feel so helpless never mind my usual weekend refeed and the red stuff will at least make me feel different at least, I'll go and do the weekly shop and fill my trolley full of veggies, fruit, and salads I can't believe how much salad stuff I get through in
one week
I suppose I could be overindulging with lettuce :shock: Sue

Well done Janeg enjoy "thick lips". :lol:
@Sue.Q, whatever you do I can do better. After losing 4lb last week I've put on 3lb this week. I have no idea what its going on with my body but I'll keep persisting with this way of life and eventually my body will get the message!

@janeg, enjoy your concert.
Tahnks all. I intend to be sore and hoarse tomorrow.
I hope we're not disappointed. Don't think so as apparently the sound checks were really good.
Being in the industry does kind of change how you see things. I generally check out all the tech stuff and have the lighting rig memeorised before they even hit the stage. Unless they are really really good. I can't even remember what staging Eminem had.
Here's hoping all I remember is the music!
*bouncing with excitement*
:heart: So nice to "see" you today @wildmissus Hope alls well as for our bodies we can do nothing about it because we are the back seat passengers on this on but I'd bloody well like to get back in the driving seat again sometime this year otherwise the other 50lbs will be 2020 at this rate. :shock: Sue
Whoo @janeg just found out about yr exciting job! You should write a book about meeting all these peeps! Hope you enjoyed seeing the Stones! I adore Keith!
There was a great spoof tv series a few years back, "Stella Street" ..about Mick and Keith running a corner shop! Hilarious! X :lol: :lol: :lol:
:oops: Thanks[tag]CandiceMarie[\tag] 'tis not exciting though, and i just don't get to meet anyone. I am far too far down the pecking order for that!
Usually long hours, little sleep or thanks, and mostly conferences or launches. Get to travel a bit which is cool, and usually end up seeing the airport, venue and sometimes the hotel bed!
BUt the Stones will be BRILLIant!!! Legends. They have to be good to still be going!
Got a chance to see Black Sabbath in June, but it's outside and hot as hell here then. Sonwe'll see but after my escapade at the Bon Jovi gig, it might not be advisable.
Hark at me namedropping ! :shock: :oops: :bugeyes: I just love live music! :heart:
They were AWESOME!
Hoarse and spaegied. :) :D
Those old rockers have still got it by the sounds of it!!!
Debs, they would knock the socks off so many bands. Came on stage on time, 2 hours of sublime LIVE music, not an autotune anywhere, no haranguing the audience, lovely interaction with us punters. A treat.
It's no wonder they are still performing, although it's a miracle they are!
Most definitely have it and more.
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