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Thanks @Debs It'll be hard but SOMEBODY has to eat delicious food...don't they? May as well be me I guess

Bean :confused:
You don't have to suffer alone, I shall also eat nice food occasionally too :wink:
Woo, hoo, singing, dancing, feeling great, my mojo is back! I lost 4lbs this week. Absolutely delighted given then rate I was putting it on.

What have I done differently? Well first of all I feel so much better. Secondly I switched to 16:8 with Mon & Thus 500cal days and on those fast days I have have a lunch and a dinner. Previously I did 2 liquid fasts per week and ate breakfast and treats on normal days. Last week I know I overate, hence the weight gain of 2lbs then but this week I more or less stuck to my plan. So a shake up seems to work. I hope I'm still saying that next week!
wildmissus wrote: Woo, hoo, singing, dancing, feeling great, my mojo is back! I lost 4lbs this week. Absolutely delighted given then rate I was putting it on.!

:heart: Wow well done @wildmissus So glad you're feeling a little better today and 4lbs off that's one hell of a loss that alone should make you feel better. :heart:
Wonderful news @wildmissus (and did you have any of the Moser Roth?? :lol: )

I agree altering your strategy / shaking it up does seem to work. This week I stuck to well below 500 cals on fast days, and it seems to have worked, lost another 1lb after 3 weeks of plateau.
Oh yes, @Silverdarling, an orange and almond one and only one! I've just finished a glass of the Toro Roco and it is very nice, though it is making my heart pound so no more. Not meant to be drinking alcohol but I want it more because I'm not allowed it, a wee one won't hurt.

I have had a major carb fest today - paninni at lunch time, pizza for dinner, red wine and Aldi equivalent dorittos just now. That's what you call shaking it up :lol: . Back to a proper 16:8 tomorrow.

Well done you for breaking your plateau.
And I had a milk choc Moser Roth today to celebrate :victory: like you @wildmissusback to 16:8 tomorrow, then weekly bacon sarnie on Sunday :shock: don,t you just love this WoE :wink:
Oooh 72.1 kgs today :0@ gawd help us but backwards I go! I sort of 16/8 but not like I should, winter is really pinning me down this year. March heralds Spring and I MUST be firm with fasting then.
Lunch with a friend today, will no-carb it for a curry lies waiting for me in the fridge for dinner.
I had such a good year with fasting all 2013, it annoys me to have so gone off the boil with it this year.
Onwards onwards.
Have a happy day :0)
:heart: Yes I'm still taking the scenic route with an early weigh-in Thurs instead of my usual Fri a bit of a cheat really because I thought I may get Thurs lunch out but the man flu was so bad we returned home and then went out later so I had a small loss of 400 grams :heart:
:shock: However I jumped on my scales Fri morn just for the hell of it and had an overnight gain of 2kgs :shock: :shock:
What's that all about I'd like to know I'm aware that it can't be a fat gain and yes I did have chips :shock: water retention is a big problem with me and always will be but no I'm not stressing about the gain its only numbers and hopefully I'm back on track because all this was followed with the day in bed and I won't bore you with the details TMI to say the bug left me with nothing at all in my stomach, rather fragile today and the red stuff will flow only slowly this weekend and food in moderation. :heart:
I hope you will be he feeling better soon Sue. :clover:
I gained 6ozs this week so rather fed up not getting closer to my Valentine Challenge. I am still in the ridiculous position of still weighing more than my husband :shock: he weighs in now at 12 stone 11.5 lbs having lost 1.5 lbs this last week. Life is really not fair sometimes so I am celebrating with chocolate & have just eaten two Foxs chocolatey biscuits & a piece of Cadburys Turkish Delight Chocolate that my OH was eating & so kindly offered me a piece :lol:
We will be going out to a Valentines dinner tonight at our local pub so this weekend will be indulgent although I may get some exercise painting one of our bedrooms tomorrow. :wink:
I hope you all have a good weekend. The sun is actually shining here in a Sussex although it is still windy.
:heart: Thanks @Isis And yes I'm also heavier than
my OH but at least 50lbs less than this time last year.
Good of yours to share the chocks and enjoy your meal. :heart:
Get Well Soon@Sue.Q but pls remember you couldnt possibly have felt as bad as yr brave hub did with his shocking man flu xx :lol: :grin:

@Isis i am stones heavier than my boyfriend
Most of you here wont remember Peggy Mount,used to play battleaxe type women..she was in a sitcom,think was called george and the dragon..well thats like a big battleaxe,he shrimpy ( me being unkind ) or slim ( me being kind) xx
Hehe! Me and my young man! :0) x
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Yes, hope you're soon feeling better @Sue.Q,stomach bugs are nasty! Don't worry about the numbers on the scales, all will come out in the wash! :like: :wink:
callyanna wrote: Yes, hope you're soon feeling better @Sue.Q,stomach bugs are nasty! Don't worry about the numbers on the scales, all will come out in the wash! :like: :wink:

OH No @callyanna I'm not bothering washing my knickers probably best binned. :shock:
Sorry to read that you are not feeling the best @Sue.Q - take care my sweet.

cheers Maggie :heart: :heart:
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