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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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CandiceMarie wrote: Get Well Soon@Sue.Q but pls remember you couldnt possibly have felt as bad as yr brave hub did with his shocking man flu xx :lol: :grin:) xx

I know better than anyone @CandiceMarie just how serious this man flu is now coz @Debs Pointed me in the right direction plus of course the OH who is very slightly better just in time for tomorrow's golf. :shock:
That must be just pure coincidence sue...surely!
But hey what a spot of good luck he is just slightly picking up in time for the golf?!
Thank heavens for small mercies eh! Cdnt bear to think of him going thru much more of that suffering! X
:heart: Thanks @Maggiee Yes I'm OK now just feeling a little fragile and tired. :heart: :heart:
I need to pitch my tent here for a while.

Having lost 5kg over in valentines challenge I am now struggling and its now day nine and i have not completed a fast day in two weeks.

I am craving carbs mainly biscuits and bread and if somebody put a bowl of pasta in front of me I would eat the whole lot!!

And all of a sudden im hungry all the time? Im on iron tablets could that be doing anything?

I have usually had success with 16/8 but i think I may change things around a bit, I am not quite sure how just yet but i think I need a diversion of some kind.

Now where is my sleeping bag?

Cheers maggie. :starving:
Morning. I'm back up again today, after thinking I'd finally got off my 6 month plateau :frown: I can only carry on with what I'm doing, I've tried everything now.

Got a lovely day planned, which involves plenty of walking, so I'm going to forget about my weight now, and get on with busy-ness :heart:
:heart: Morning @Maggiee Yes rest here a while you've done very well recently and its probably your body resting up if that's so there's nothing at all we can do about it and there's plenty company in here lately for whatever reason me I'm in and out while my body makes up its own mind :shock:
Trouble with all these bloody tents I'm not sure where I've just come from and going to next. Lol :heart: Sue
Golf who said golf my DH passionate about his golf too down here he has been really crook and yet able to get around the golf course when he should have stayed in bed ... But miss golf never

Hi @Sue.Q just don't forget in your wanderings pop into our fasting foursome thread
Lol @gillymary And @CandiceMarie He didn't make golf after all wait for it gout!!!! :shock: :shock:
Will pop into the foursome tent when I get back
later. :heart: Sue
Good golly miss molly!gout! I hope you've insisted that yr hub gets straight back on that couch being waited on hand and as it were - foot!
( Tho if he really has gout, i do feel sorry for him a bit!) no sympathy whatsoever if its just him wildly exaggerating! :lol:
@Maggiee ive heard a few people say that taking iron gives them a big appetite! X
Wow thanks @CandiceMarie - i have been on them for about 14 days and have noticed my appetite soar!

As I have low iron I have no choice but to stay on them.

Thanks @Sue.Q i did hit those 5kg pretty hard and you are right I need to rest and my body is telling me something.


Cheers maggie :smile: :smile:
What a bummer,M!
Perhaps when you get more used to the tablets,the hungry feelings will pass? In meantime,keep an eye on cals but allow yrself to have whatever feels most filling? X
Fading here in australia but just wanted to quickly suggest what triggers my carb cravings. If i get poor sleep or stress. Also if i'm overdoing it, carb cravings will tell me i need to take the foot off the pedal with whatever I'm pushing at.
Glucose in the blood is required for most actions that require us to stretch. Hence carbs cravings. A nap is recommended - I'm always balanced after a nap, or a shower, a nice cuppa is also helpful. Just some sort of slowing down - like meditation. I'm still not sure about walking as a way to curb the cravings. It works some times.
Insulin resistance will also cause carbs cravings big time.

Looks around and dusts my tent a lil and thinks I should remember to lounge in here when it gets rough.
rest well play well.
Maggiee wrote: I need to pitch my tent here for a while.

Having lost 5kg over in valentines challenge I am now struggling and its now day nine and i have not completed a fast day in two weeks.

I am craving carbs mainly biscuits and bread and if somebody put a bowl of pasta in front of me I would eat the whole lot!!

And all of a sudden im hungry all the time? Im on iron tablets could that be doing anything?

I have usually had success with 16/8 but i think I may change things around a bit, I am not quite sure how just yet but i think I need a diversion of some kind.

Now where is my sleeping bag?

Cheers maggie. :starving:

Maggie I empathise with you & you have done well losing 5kgs. I am also struggling & have succumbed to Fox's chocolatey biscuits & chocolate cake! I don't know why but just seem much more tempted than usual. I wonder if it's the grotty weather? I also have mild SAD so I suppose carbs seem more attractive. Let's just try to stick with it as much as possible even though it means following the scenic route for a little longer :smile: You will get there :like:
:heart: Hi @MaggieeAnd @isis Yes I'm back in here don't
know what's going on because after 4:3 this week and two fastday meals were meat free ( carb heavy just found)
Well result = 150grams gain!!!. :shock: :shock:
Plan B again:: going to stuff my face in here for 3 days a sort of camping weekend away healthy food of course.
The daft part is I do feel "thinner" today and getting demoralised now 11 weeks have passed, NO not giving up or stressing about it because obviously I can do nothing about it at the moment I'm trying to practice what I preach in sitting it out and play the waiting game. :heart: Sue
I am certainly no expert, and feeling thinner is a good sign @Sue.Q - weigh in again tomorrow morning you might be pleasantly surprised.

Great positive attitude as well - just keep going, you will endure my sweet.

Take care my lovely friend

Cheers Maggie :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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