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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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:heart: OH @janeg I'm so glad you sound as if you've had a great time wish I could have seen them :heart:
These old rockers do put most of the younger ones to shame whose next for you?. :heart: Sue
Maybe Black Sabbath @Sue.Q but it is in June and outside. It will be as hot as hell. I am very sensitive to extreme heat (sure most of us are) so I might not manage. However it would be fabulous to see Ozzy Ozzbourne in the flesh :shock:
We get a lot of what I call the 'hasbeen circuit' out here and millions of DJs that I don't really know despite having stage managed Creamfields.
Clapton is coming but I'm really not a fan but will be there if I'm working it.
It's getting towards the end of the outside season although it gets pushed further every year. Madonna last year in July. Stupidly and dangerously hot. Not good.
:heart: Here we are @Maggiee come on in have you been a naughty girl today . :heart: Sue
thanks for the post @Sue.Q - not so much as naughty but very down about a few personal issues that seem to send me straight to the fridge and pantry. I ate a whole packet of Arnotts Gaiety biscuits yesterday then I had a big chuck of chocolate cake - not very good as I am diabetic type 2!

I will once again pitch the tent and stay a while - and see if I can sort myself out.

It's currently 10.40am and I am going well without food, so at least I can do 16/8 without too much trouble.

Maggie :heart: :cry: :cry: :cry:
that was meant to read chunk not chuck!
:heart: @MaggieeLife's problems always take us straight to the kitchen and fridge and the 16:8 are good especially when we're in that frame of mind and with hunger monster being woken up a couple of times a day with your medication so now you've found your way back to this tent stay awhile until you're strong enough to make other tweaks and changes regarding a fast, just as important stay focused on how well you've done this year alone. :heart: Sue
Glad you found us in here Maggiee, there are a few of us who've taken refuge in here recently, especially me as I am going nowhere fast, despite, yes, you guessed it, a fast! Forget your Easter challenge if necessary, it will only put added pressure on that you don't need.
Thanks for the great words of support and encouragement @Sue.Q - very much appreciated.

I do hope that all goes well for you this week.

Cheers Maggie :heart: :heart: :heart:
@Maggiee What do you mean lonely in this tent there must be someone else other than me and you taking the scenic route surely, Anyone else in here??
OK I did do a good fast yesterday which I'm pleased and once again because I'm busy today I'm doing back2back today because I'm not so sure about Thurs yet plus obviously I'm OK with them and always have been.
Doing a mushroom stroganoff with courgette ribbons for the evening meal I'm looking forward to that actually,
So yes I'm on the scenic route until my body gives up this battle we have going at the moment because I will win this one however long it takes deffo. :heart: Sue.
:heart: Hi @Debs yes I'm putting the challenge out of my mind not giving up just concentrating one one fast at a time for now. Sue
Yep, I have been lurking since Xmas as I am going nowhere fast, mostly around in circles, even ADF doesn't seem to be having the desired effect. Janeg has been around too.
I am lurching between 70-72 kgs currently. Infinitely boring. Trying to listen carefully to what my body wants rather than my head needs! Yesterday became 21/3 but the three hours took me over 1000 cals due to an apple and blackberry pie with custard that needed eating up. *sighs*
Each day is a new beginning ...
Debs wrote: Yep, I have been lurking since Xmas as I am going nowhere fast, mostly around in circles, even ADF doesn't seem to be having the desired effect. Janeg has been around too.

Hi Debs. I so relate to the feeling of no where fast. It's disappointing when the efforts are the same but the problems keep
Popping up. But hang in there you have done so well persisting at it so far. I actually got advice during my own struggle to just pull back to 6:1. It actually helped as it slowed the need to rush. But you'll find your way like you have before. I think you're great how you keep at it trying several solutions very patient. I think
Pulling back rather than more fasts worked for me. Even though I wanted to put the peddle down I decided to go slow.
The body hates changes and make us work hard to convince it it's ok to change.
Hope your week goes ok.
Hi fellow campers, I seem to be camping at 133-134 for awhile. :neutral: I really would like to be at 128-129 for the rest of my life, but I am definitely not getting there quickly. I am trying very hard to just "work it." I'm just trying to keep my 2 fasts per week going, trying to stay as close to 500 calories as possible, trying to sleep more and walk and zumba more. Even before 5:2, over the last few years, I very gradually whittled down my weight from an all-time high of 187 about 18 years ago to 172 about 5 years ago to where I am now thanks to the 5:2 boost. It has given me hope for maintaining a healthy weight for life. :smile: My pattern has always been kind of like a slow motion bouncing basketball: big drop, medium to small rebound, another drop and subsequent small rebound, but overall going down. So, I tell myself to just be cool about it. It will happen at its own pace. And, after all, I'm in this for life. :wink:
I'm a slow one - I finally managed today to see on the scales a number last seen mid October, so I've been effectively on a stall for 4 months. And prior to that, only lost 1kg in 3 months.

But, I've never felt better health-wise, or emotionally, and I'm not gaining, despite lots of meals out, bottles of wine etc. But it does feel hard to be trying every trick under the book, and still not getting to goal
I've got my feet firmly glued to the ground sheet in the Scenic Route Tent. I completely and totally failed at fasting yesterday. I think I need a brain transplant as I just can't get my head round this at the moment. Never mind I'm not on my own.
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