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Oh, @wildmissus, I think I must be the first one to read your news due to time zones - omg I am SO sorry that this is happening to you! It's such a tough time! I remember! I've been divorced for 12 years now - and I can say that you WILL survive - and even thrive in future times, but my goodness it can be tough! Hope you can surround yourself with good friends to support you! Sending you hugs and best wishes, my heart really goes out to you!!
So sorry to hear your news @wildmissus but I've sensed for a while that things at home haven't been going too well so although it is distressing it may all be for the best in the long term. Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes and you know we're all here for you should you need a friendly ear or a shoulder to cry on. xx
@wildmissus So very sorry to hear you say those words but say them you can now and you should feel slightly better after "sharing" your bad news, yes we knew things were going badly for you, and you will get through this in one piece probably stronger but more independent deffo because you've being trying so very hard to please everyone around you.
Look after yourself because no-one else will,
and just for now you matter more than anyone, yes the family does matter but you'll all pull through this because that's what we do.
You've got everyone on this forum to "talk" to and I'm sure your sister will watch over you so don't ever feel lonely were all here for you with whatever help we can give.
Try to make the meet up next week, you'll feel better for it.
Take very good care of yourself. Sue :heart: :heart: :heart:
Sending cyberhugs @wildmissus to you and the children x x x
Glad youre managing to eat some healthy food,it will stand you in good stead.we are here to share with you when you feel like popping in
We've go our virtual arms round you x
@Wildmissus so sorry to read your news, I also have been thinking of you lately and sensing that all was not well. I hoped it was that hubby was not coping too well with your health problems and that he would come round. I am sure you have plenty close friends you can talk this through with but if you need to unburden yourself on a distant friend I can meet you in Inverness and lend you an ear anytime just PM me. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Wild missus, I am so sorry but as you say, it is not unexpected. Your lovely girls are now the important thing in your life, after yourself, so it's good to hear you are concentrating on being healthy, as much for them as for yourself. Hard time for you and on top of your health scares,not great, but in the words of the ubiquitous song, "You will survive" I send you my best wishes and hugs,

Ballerina x :heart:
I am really sorry to hear what has happened @wildmissus, it must be really tough for you at the moment and my heart goes out to you. Try and be strong and look after yourself, hard as it may be. We are all here for you :heart:
Sorry to hear your news@wildmissus. Hopefully now the decision is made you will start to feel more positive. Look after yourself!
Sending love and strength @wildmissus. Take good care of yourself :heart:
Thanks everyone for your support, I need it. I just wish you all lived a little closer to me (yes, Nessie I'd love to meet up with you again).

Unfortunately things have turned nasty. We are both still in the house which doesn't help and later on this week I have to meet with the practice manager at my doctors surgery to sort out a phone call he made to my doctor suggesting a whole list of damning things he thinks might be wrong with me!

On a lighter note, and I do mean lighter, fasting is going well and my clothes feel a lot loser. I started having a sort out of my clothes and am quite shocked at how little fits me now and how many size 16's I had in my wardrobe!
Hello @wildmissus - how horrid for you, I am thinking of you and sending you a great big hug {{{++}}}

You have been on my mind, take care my sweet.

Maggie :heart:
@wildmissus, so sorry to hear that things are horrible. Is there a way you can persuade him to leave the house? Having him in the same space just escalates things really badly. It used to be said ( I don't know whether it's true) that it's better if you stay in the house - possession being important. But I don't even know whether you own the house jointly - if you're renting then it's much simpler. If he's behaving irrationally & making potentially slanderous phone calls, then it would be good to document that as much as possible. Gather your friends around you, perhaps they could make a roster to be with you & support you. But do try to make arrangements to get him out of the house, or if necessary leave yourself - it's too toxic to be in the same space.

Sending you lots of support!
Hi @wildmissus I went through this a few years ago, being a man, the hardest thing was leaving my children. A few years on and all is good and I still see my kids twice a week. Chin up and you seem to have a lot of friends here. Try take one day at a time.
{{{+}}} Wildmissus I really feel for you, having been there twice myself. Stay strong and calm, eat well and maybe sleep in a different room so you CAN sleep. Space is important emotionally.
I hope for all good things for you, all shall be well.
((((((((Wildmissus))))))) big hugs from me. I'm sorry to hear things are bad for you.

There is life after divorce. I've been with my second husband for nearly fourteen years now (the two events were completely unrelated BTW) and he's a blessing.

I hope the meeting goes OK. My ex also turned nasty and spread a lot of untruths about me. Fortunately I was able to prove he was lying, but its not always that easy. I wish you strength and luck. This too shall pass.

Enjoy the lighter you. It's good that you have something positive. I'm a great believer in silver linings :smile:
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