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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Hi all, I was just about to write a blog about being on the scenic route and then i saw this tent so I'm popping in to put on the billy. My weight loss is stalled, as it did last winter. I am not going to weigh myself daily because nothing is happening. Weekly will do and keep me posted if I actually start to gain. I will just keep on keeping on with my 2 weekly fasts, trying to be strict with them and i will walk. That's sustainable. I have lost quite a lot of weight and it's ok to consolidate that new weight and come next summer, let's hope it shifts again. Perhaps I should try a long range goal - like size 12 in a year?

@maggiehow frustrating! You just have to go with the flow, get well, finish the medication and then carry on as before.
Hi ladies,
Still here. Apparently fat buring according to my wee :oops: , but weighed more today. Not sure why but there we go. Still , I shall carry on regardless on tul I fly out on Tues.
Sorry to hear you are having problems @Maggiee, but as you say, wait it out and then get back on the wagon; just try and be as healthy as you can. Esy to say when those carb cravings try and bang down the door :grin:
Hello everyone
@minumonline and @Debs move over on that boat I am pretty much stalled since July too. I think we ought to get one of those very long boats as we have a bit of a crew happening here.

Nice view though @Maggiee agree and hope you feel less hungry. Nice attitude too @Sallyo. I have a similar goal to be size 12 but might be a while

My dear buddie @Sue.Q we do seem to be missing buddies, but we can keep the home fires burning . Also sorry to say but on my iPad your award is still AWOL. It is a flighty little thing.
Just found this tent and think it is for me. My yoyo way of weight loss/ gain is epic! I am now doing 4:3 and have done my first week. I am keeping off the scales, my clothes tell me how I am doing. My size 12 jeans ( sorry) are still rather too tight but one day they will not display a muffin top and I will wear them with a T shirt not a big jumper. I am choosing the scenic route and not putting pressure on myself as I know it will come off however slowly. I have come to understand weight loss is complicated, but that is fine, I am now able to both understand and control my eating. That is awesome!
I'm here too, still losing but veeeerrrry slowly, and about 3 lb since the new year ... Hopefully it will continue - or even speed up - now that summer is on the way ...
It is getting popular again in here!! I have some nice skinnyish jeans I wear at work but feel very self conscious as I have to have my shirt tucked in for safety reasons. I am constantly wondering 'does my bum look big in this'?!!!!!
I know that I gain weight, very, very quickly, but not so quick to lose again so I shall have to be permanently careful :frown:
Sorry about your medication problems @Maggiee That's so annoying the pills giving you the munchies stay as strong as possible and let's hope it cures your hives :heart:

Welcome @bobshouse yes this is a good peaceful tent to relax in while our bodies make up their minds to let go of some more fat :like:
@Silverdarling you've not got far to go with your journey at least I thought not, so the last few lbs are usually the hardest. :shock: as for my disappearing awards well I don't remember being a naughty girl well not enough for them to be taken from me, but I can see them on my cheapy tablet but @gillymarycan't see them on her posh iPad :lol:
Ignorance is bliss, have a scenic weekend all.
Ooh la la posh am I with an iPad, @Sue.Q had to convince DH why we needed to get one and now I share it and at times to shoo DH away from it to be on here. So I feel I deserve it :smile:
I think I blew it big time today with muesli and other carby stuff. What a pillock!

I have an ipad, my hubby has the Mac Air and I can't prise him away from it. That is my justification!!
Posh iPad peeps you both are but you can't see my awards why is that I wonder.
@Debs I rarely have breakfast now for exactly the same reason, carbs create cravings especially the cereals for me at least so my days of 18:6 suit me coz I'm not hungry now and could even go all day but OH wouldn't be pleased so I'll doa large salad full of fresh air. Lol that wwon't give me the munchies, try cleaning your teeth or sucking a sugarfree mint, I'm off out for a walk in the sunshine now.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
Ballerina wrote: Just to let everyone know that @Wildmissus looked sensational in her new jeans when we all met up on Saturday. She also came across as very together, strong and capable so here's hoping it all Bodes well for her, oh, and she looks at least 10 years younger than on her avatar

Ballerina x :heart:

Wildmissus I hope things are going better for you & how lovely wearing size 12 jeans :like: & thank you for your updating post Ballerina.
I have been plodding along as usual but have lost 2 lbs 2oz this week after gaining the week before so still up & down but I have finally lost 3 STONE since starting trying to lose weight in January 2013. It became a sort of mental hurdle/goal to overcome so I feel pleased. I can now use my Christmas voucher from my OH & book a massage to celebrate.
I hope you are all sticking in there & doing well :clover:
Hello everybody :heart: :heart:

I like your plan and your goal @Sallyo and like you I only like a weekly WI myself. I can feel it I am putting the weight back on around the waistline at the moment unfortunately.

Terrific attitude @Debs just keep on trying and it will eventually happen. Are you coming over to Melbs this trip, I suppose you are getting ready for your big holiday? You can do it Debs! :heart:

Hi @Minumonline - that is such a lovely pic of you – hang in there! :like:

Hi @Sue.Q - :lol: Yes its quite funny, the hives have settled down and I now have all this increase in energy and the biggest munchies, I am looking forward to when they are finished on Tuesday. We are going away tomorrow to Ballarat for a funeral and I will not be able to Fast until I get back, but I will do the best I can. Today I got some control back and only had three slices of bread, an apple, mandarin and tonight for the evening meal we had Osso Bucco and Sweet Potato Mash, it was very yummy! :razz:

Oh, I do love your fresh air salad – what a hoot!! Giggle Giggle!! :lol: :lol:

Hello to @Bobshouse @Silverdarling and @gillmary my goodness we are a rather large select group in here at the moment! Enjoy the scenery. :smile:

Maggie :smile: :smile:
I am just writing to congratulate you all on your sticking with it even when the weight isn't coming off as quick and you would like - I really hope that doesn't sound patronising because it's not meant to because I'm not exactly a speedy loser but I don't care any more - I just think that reading people's stories of perseverance on here helps people to stay positive and focussed (it certainly does me). And I also know from reading what people put that it does pay off in the end - I think a lot of people when trying to lose weight just want a quick fix. This isn't it but it's sustainable and it works and I know that from the posts on this forum. Thanks peeps!
I'm still sliding up and down the same 70-72 kgs ... Boring but steady I suppose ...
Well done to everyone who has achieved a sustained loss of any size, I really should stop pretending I can lose more as it's really maintenance to stay at the same point endlessly.
Off out walking again today anyway, cool but bright so wrapped up well.
Edit: managed 4295 steps #duff hip #walks with stick
Justtaking a peek in here..
Ooh just realised that might look like taking a pee in here :lol:
Can assure you i havent! Hehe!
Wanted to say well done @Isis congratulations and so pleased for you ! X
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