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Re: The ADF Tent
27 Sep 2014, 09:47
My quandry is sorted. The lovely man replied saying "don't worry about the 50p, my daughter will love it either way". Now THAT is the sort of customer I love!! :wink:
Re: The ADF Tent
27 Sep 2014, 09:48
@nursebean youve given me an idea...savoury rice..havent had it for ages...dya know the cal count for a packet of it..i get mixed up with dried and cooked weights :confused:
@cheekychicken i love the chinese variety @nursebean re yr dilemma...that's a nuisance isnt it..not yr fault he hasn't got back to you,irritating wretch..
Anyway IMHO i wd hold my horses and wait..send email explaining you've missed the post for today awaiting his answer
I say this coz of the contretemps the other day with that woman and the dont want to rusk this man marking you wd be unfair but we kniw there ate unreasonable buyers and sellers on ebay sometimes :curse: and it sounds like youve nuff to do today
Soz bout yr nosebleed..horrid aren't they...xx
Re: The ADF Tent
27 Sep 2014, 09:50
Glad its sorted ! X great punter eh! :like:
Re: The ADF Tent
27 Sep 2014, 09:52
Oh isn't it great! Such a relief! You can see what sort of a seller I am can't you...a worrier! :confused:

As for the savoury rice. I had chinese last night. They really are delish! The calories are 216 per half just right for fast, if you want, you can add veggies!

Good morning Candy, by the way! :smile:
Re: The ADF Tent
27 Sep 2014, 10:15
Goodmorning @nursebeanBeanstalk..well you will be with all this fasting/ 16:8/ etc etc etc ( always feel likeThe King And I when i write that) :lol:
Thks for cal i assume that is 216 cals half pack cooked? Or dry? And which has more cals dry or cooked :curse: :confused: Caro? Whats the explanation? @carorees Help! X
Re: The ADF Tent
27 Sep 2014, 10:17
Shall we dance? der um dum dum...

It says on the packet that is the calorific content..."as prepared" so that will be the rice when its all fluffed up and ready to be consumed

Re: The ADF Tent
29 Sep 2014, 17:40
Hi chicken and beanie x
Went food shopping today. No crisps in the trolley :) feeling righteous!
Re: The ADF Tent
29 Sep 2014, 17:41
Well done brave your boots!
Re: The ADF Tent
29 Sep 2014, 19:12
Hi @minsmum

You are being very good :grin: I went to the supermarket on my way home from work. There are certain aisles I have to just walk past, the crisp aisle being one of them. The fruit and veg aisle I can just browse to my heart's content.

Have felt tired out and consequently a bit fed up today. Had a terrible night (well of course, it was a fast day yesterday). I'd put all clean bedding on too and was looking forward to getting into bed but got very little kip. Hope I sleep better tonight. I've had a good tea and am full so I should be okay I reckon.

I weighed myself at work today and I have lost exactly 1 stone. I know that's good because I've only been doing this for 3 weeks but because I've been feeling a little fed up it somehow felt disappointing. :confused:

:chicken2: x
Re: The ADF Tent
29 Sep 2014, 19:24
Oooh a stone @Cheekychicken you go girl!

(doing the 1 stone loss dance, with Pom poms)

Mmmm sounds like you need a good nights sleep to get you feeling a bit happier. And EXCUSE ME, yes I did a loud voice then.
1 stone in three weeks you are amazing, do not feel dissapointed, feel empowered.

Stay away from the crisps xx
Re: The ADF Tent
30 Sep 2014, 06:54
Good morning @minsmum and@nursebean :like:

Fasting day for me today. I have a feeling it's going to be a tough one. It took every fibre of my being last night to resist going into the kitchen to raid the cupboards. Because I was tired out I was craving junk. I resisted, however, and tucked into a pomegranate. I LOVE pomegranates and Tesco have some particularly ripe and juicy ones at the moment.

I slept well but am still tired. It's partly my own fault because I completely overdid it at the weekend. I work a 40 hour week and during the week always think I'll take it easy at the weekend. Invariably I end up killing myself at the weekend (extra long dog walks, cleaning out the chicken coop, gardening, housework etc. etc.)

I feel like I've been doing this now for AGES but it's only 3 weeks which seems a bit odd :bugeyes: I think that's why the 1 stone seemed a bit disappointing as I feel like I've been eating this way for months rather than a couple of weeks. Hard to believe I was in hospital 3 weeks ago which kicked all this off.

Have a good day y'all and happy fasting if it's your turn :chicken2: x
Re: The ADF Tent
30 Sep 2014, 16:01
Hi @Cheekychicken sounds like you need to slow down (said in a slow motion voice) and take some time out before you burn out!

Beanie @Nursebean I'm quite happy to end the crisp challenge on the 20th and cheer Chicken on until the 24th. But am happy to go until then, don't mind either way.

Feed day today so I'm off out for a curry ......going to have an extra poppadoms because they remind me of crisps ( please accept my apologies if you are fasting today)

TTFN Minsmum x

Re: The ADF Tent
01 Oct 2014, 06:12
Hope you enjoyed the curry and poppadoms Minsmum :grin: I can't enjoy a curry as it sets my gallstones off :bugeyes: The last two occasions when I thought "oh, it'll be okay, it's only a vegetable curry" I ended up in agony. I love a good curry and hopefully when I get my gallbladder out some time over the coming few months (Lord knows when that'll be, but that's the NHS for you) then I can enjoy a curry again.

I had a great fasting day yesterday. If only every fast felt like that then it'd be a breeze. Despite fearing it was going to be a toughie, it was a good day. I never felt hungry or thought about food once and did almost 2 hours of dog walking plus an hour of cardio boxing. Oh and I fitted in 7.5 hours at work. Lol.

This WOE certainly resets your body and your way of thinking. We are brought up to always have breakfast, the most important meal of the day, and eat 3 square meals. It just goes to show how little we do actually need and the world doesn't end just because you've not eaten for 36 hours.

Have a good day everyone if it's your fast today. I've had my coffee and think I might aim for a 5 hour eating window today. See how I go.

:chicken2: x
Re: The ADF Tent
01 Oct 2014, 07:55
Good morning Chicken @CheekyChicken and@Minsmum. I must say it sounds as though all is going well so far! To lose a STONE? In 3 weeks? Not good? Berlimey Charlie! I would be super duper pleased with that! Give yourself a pat on the back :wink:

Well I've weighed myself this morning which probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world BUT it had to be done as part of my Christmas Challenge. Yes I was disappointed but at least I feel back in the zone now. Its going to be more difficult doing ADF when my folks come home because of the smells of food at lunch times but I'll see how I go. I may give 5:2 a go...something I never really tried for very long...but if I'm doing 16:8 as well, it might just work!

Anyway, I haven't touched a crisp. I think we should set the crisp challenge to end on the 20th don't you? Along with our Chrimbo challenge? Is anyone wobbling yet?

This is Bean signing out. Have a good one folks! :grin:
Re: The ADF Tent
01 Oct 2014, 09:28
Hello ladies x I didn't have poppadoms in the end :(
Oh well, good luck on the Crimbo challenge Beanie.
Cardio boxing Chicken! Now that sounds like fun :)

No crisps till 20th..... We can do this!!
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