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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Re: The WAGS tent!
09 Apr 2014, 08:02
@nursebean glad Pops seems to be ok x did you know that if you're in receipt if some benefits,you can take your pets to PDSA for free treatment
Don't know if you qualify or if you have a branch near you,but worth looking into x
Re: The WAGS tent!
09 Apr 2014, 21:44
Aaaah! Ayone watching all the lovely dogs on the cloning programme?
Re: The WAGS tent!
09 Apr 2014, 21:46
Aaaah! Ayone watching all the lovely dogs on the cloning programme?..sorry bout dooplicating x
Re: The WAGS tent!
09 Apr 2014, 21:51
Didn't watch the cloning prog but watching Paul O'Grady orphans repeat :lol:
Re: The WAGS tent!
09 Apr 2014, 21:53
Agg CM, your post was...cloned!
Re: The WAGS tent!
09 Apr 2014, 23:20
Madcatlady wrote: Didn't watch the cloning prog but watching Paul O'Grady orphans repeat :lol:

Lovely doggies on POG but..very sad :0( XX
Re: The WAGS tent!
10 Apr 2014, 10:24
I have (in vain) tried to persuade The DH that next time we get a dog, we will adopt one. But puppyhood is so lovely (oh yea??) and most adoptable dogs here are mistreated PittBulls and Amstaffs...
Re: The WAGS tent!
10 Apr 2014, 18:06
I know I'm a wuss but I just can't watch animal programmes! I LOVE animals, but I get really upset if I see them suffering and it stays in my mind for ages. I know I'm pathetic and need to 'man up'...but thats me!

My darling girl seems a lot better, now, thanks. In fact, she seemed ok as soon as we returned from the vets! Does she think that just going there will cure her?! Anyway, I think I've got her on a better routine now (giving her her last meal just before her bed time...supposed to help her Crohns...who knew!) I'm sure she's better because of all your good wishes, though xx

Love your cats @MaryAnn and @Rawkaren. They are real beauties.

I feel as though I've neglected this place a bit...and yet I'm sure its only bean a day! I'm currently doing some market research and trying to find the right niche for my eBay business. Didn't realise it was going to be this difficult!!!

Anyway, I'm rambling now. Hope all your furry friends are well.

Bean :smile:
Re: The WAGS tent!
11 Apr 2014, 04:55
nursebean wrote: I know I'm a wuss but I just can't watch animal programmes! I LOVE animals, but I get really upset if I see them suffering and it stays in my mind for ages. I know I'm pathetic and need to 'man up'...but thats me!

My darling girl seems a lot better, now, thanks. In fact, she seemed ok as soon as we returned from the vets! Does she think that just going there will cure her?! Anyway, I think I've got her on a better routine now (giving her her last meal just before her bed time...supposed to help her Crohns...who knew!) I'm sure she's better because of all your good wishes, though xx

Love your cats @MaryAnn and @Rawkaren. They are real beauties.

I feel as though I've neglected this place a bit...and yet I'm sure its only bean a day! I'm currently doing some market research and trying to find the right niche for my eBay business. Didn't realise it was going to be this difficult!!!

Anyway, I'm rambling now. Hope all your furry friends are well.

Bean :smile:

I have not been around much either @nursebean. I have alot on my plate at the moment. My 'beauty' was responsible for the very large and very dead rabbit at the bottom of the stairs at home this morning apparently. I was sent photographic evidence but considered it inappropriate to post here :curse:
Re: The WAGS tent!
11 Apr 2014, 08:19
@rawkaren Archie looks like butter wdnt melt in his mouth
He is only obeying his instincts tho,not just choosing to be cruel,unlike some adults
Poor old bunny tho RIP x
Re: The WAGS tent!
11 Apr 2014, 17:14
That's the only problem with cats isn't it! Poor rabbit...and so near Easter too

Bean :frown:
Re: The WAGS tent!
13 Apr 2014, 20:21
Our lovely boy Charlie helping with the ironing...
Re: The WAGS tent!
13 Apr 2014, 20:25
Ohhhh he is just gorgeous! X
Re: The WAGS tent!
13 Apr 2014, 20:30
yes - we fell in love with him when he was at the RSPCA all swathed in bandages and a cone on his head! They kept saying he couldn't be reserved but we pestered them into submission - he is so affectionate and absolutely loves his Dad!
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Apr 2014, 10:16
Madcatlady wrote: Our lovely boy Charlie helping with the ironing...

Oh what a lovely guy :heart:
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