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Member #21 checking in. This weeks "official" weight is 146.1 which is down 1.7lb. :victory: Details are in my signature this week which I will try to keep updated.
Participant # 76 checking in. I am down an amazing 5 lbs. since my original weigh-in. Whoo hoo! I suppose since I am just starting over again a big chunk of that is water loss but still I rejoice that I'm not lugging it around today anyway.

How would I put my statistics and progress under my signature as many of you have?

Thanks, Dee
drDee wrote: How would I put my statistics and progress under my signature as many of you have?

Thanks, Dee

Click on User Control Panel (found at the top of the page to the right of the cartoon girl), then on the tab labelled Profile, then on 'edit signature' and write whatever you want! :clover:
Ohhh my good golly! BIG mistake today..
I shared a bag of crisps with DD,totally forgetting my Crispmas Challenge! :curse:
It was an honest mistake tho..even DD didnt think on,til tonight when she suddenly said..
OMG!!! .... Mum..the challenge..and i said ohhh no ..then i said,its ok,the challenge hasnt started yet..and she looked at me like i was mad..which i am..
Just a silly old Moomin! X
CandiceMarie wrote: Ohhh my good golly! BIG mistake today..
I shared a bag of crisps with DD,totally forgetting my Crispmas Challenge! :curse:
It was an honest mistake tho..even DD didnt think on,til tonight when she suddenly said..
OMG!!! .... Mum..the challenge..and i said ohhh no ..then i said,its ok,the challenge hasnt started yet..and she looked at me like i was mad..which i am..
Just a silly old Moomin! X

Just like my ice-cream stuff up, twice now. Its funny, once ingested you cant do anything about it but pray.
Well my official weigh in day will be on Saturday. It's currently Thursday and in just shy of a week I've lost 3.6kg. BIG DISCLAIMER: I've been suffering some sort of gastro bug for the last two days so fast day was super easy :/
I do expect that when I get more hydration and some food into me the number will go up a bit...
I started the Xmas challenge at 77.8 kg on 1st October. I weighed in at 77.1 kg today 9th October so pretty pleased. I have a FAST day tomorrow, then again on Monday so I am hoping to see a 76 sometime next week.
Second weigh-in. Can't believe how long this past week has seemed! :(
Week 2 weight: 55.2kg, down 1.5kg from Week 1
My weight has dropped a bit over the week, but that is because my start weight was high due to excess carbs and water retention. When I calculate actual body fat, I appear to have lost 300-400g fat, which would be about right based on my consumption.
What has been MOST pleasing is that I have not snacked in the evenings (apart from a small apple and the bedtime piece of choccie that I have decided to allow myself) :D :D
Early days, and only a week, but this is the longest I have managed not to snack in ages!
Not sure the reason for my "success" - partly that I am home and in a normal routine, with no social engagements or other demands beyond the regular ones; partly cos I do want to shift the extra fat I have put on since I first reached goal (although I am almost at goal again, I am carrying over a kilo of extra fat for the same weight :( :( ); partly cos I want to get back into the maintenance tent; and partly cos of this challenge.
Rather an essay, sorry!
Looking forward to reading how others are going (haven't looked at the thread yet; I have written this on the notepad and will copy it into a post - have had too many instances lately of losing a post due to the screen freezing....)
Good luck all! :)
Juliana.Rivers wrote: I caught the Wheat Belly episode on Dr Oz on TV on the weekend. Thought it had merit but completely being free of wheat is scary. I guess like sugar if i cut it then thats still beneficial do you think?

If eating wheat causes you a problem, then any reduction in quantity will probably be of benefit. But I don't think everyone has a problem with wheat, or sugar, or all the other foods that someone or other may say is not good for you (providing you do not have excessive amounts of consumption of course!). Assuming you don't have an allergy or some other medical reason for not eating a certain food, then if you want to exclude it from your diet you need to be prepared to commit to that for life! (Unless you have decided to just go without for a short period of course.) If you aren't willing to give up a certain food, then excluding it now may lead to problems later - such as overindulgence, feeling guilty when you do, and giving up on your healthier eating regime, etc. As I indicated in my challenge, I don't want to give up anything, just learn how to moderate my intake of the less healthy foods. And I will put up with a carb belly if I chose to eat carbs!
One of the beauties of the basic 5:2 eating regime, as has often been said, is that you don't need to give up anything.
Good morning

Member 37 here

I am going to have to give you Sunday's weight as I accidentally dropped my scales this morning. Lets hope the day improves

Weight 115.6kg
Loss of 400g from last week

I had a topsyturvy fast yesterday. good all morning then fell off the wagon at lunch but ended up with no dinner at all, just an apple at 9pm. I was sure that I had more weight off but as said the scales slipped out of my hand and since they were made of glass they shattered in a not nice little pile. I think I am more upset about the fact that a new scale will not really show me an accurate up or down as I have never found that my weight is the same on two scales. anyway I'll take a reading once the new ones are bought and then just have to work from that.
Member 95 checking in and...well...this is rather embarrassing but I haven't lost any weight at all since last weds- not a sausage. Now some would choose to blame the homemade pizza fest we had on Saturday or the fish & chips we had on Sunday but I am going to blame all this cardio and weight training (3x gym sessions & one body attack class) I've been doing, building muscle. Yes, that's it. *cough*

Anyway the positives are that I have exceeded my 2500 cal burn target and haven't touched a drop of booze so not all a failure. And I actually started in earnest again 2 days before the challenge began so when I first weighed in I had lost 2lb on the previous fast. So I am down 2lb since I started, just nothing since starting this challenge.
Never mind, let's see what next week brings...
Member #26. Just as a quick interim update before the weigh-in on 11 Oct: my weight is stabilising after last week's over-generous intake of asparagus resulted in FODMAPs-related mayhem and a 4 lb uptick and I'm optimistic it will be more or less back to normal. My weight stayed just about within the range but it was a near thing. However, I knew the cause of the variance so I was interested rather than freaked. :geek:

I'm managing the One Minute Meditation every day and find it surprisingly helpful. I don't always manage to do it while sitting down etc. but I think while standing up, in a neutral position, while waiting for something, is still useful. :)
No 43's weight 85.5. A loss of 1.1kg! Really pleased.......this does work! Carbs reduced greatly.

Onwards and downwards!!!
Sassy1 wrote: Second weigh-in. Can't believe how long this past week has seemed! :(
Week 2 weight: 55.2kg, down 1.5kg from Week 1
My weight has dropped a bit over the week, but that is because my start weight was high due to excess carbs and water retention. When I calculate actual body fat, I appear to have lost 300-400g fat, which would be about right based on my consumption.
What has been MOST pleasing is that I have not snacked in the evenings (apart from a small apple and the bedtime piece of choccie that I have decided to allow myself) :D :D
Early days, and only a week, but this is the longest I have managed not to snack in ages!
Not sure the reason for my "success" - partly that I am home and in a normal routine, with no social engagements or other demands beyond the regular ones; partly cos I do want to shift the extra fat I have put on since I first reached goal (although I am almost at goal again, I am carrying over a kilo of extra fat for the same weight :( :( ); partly cos I want to get back into the maintenance tent; and partly cos of this challenge.
Rather an essay, sorry!
Looking forward to reading how others are going (haven't looked at the thread yet; I have written this on the notepad and will copy it into a post - have had too many instances lately of losing a post due to the screen freezing....)
Good luck all! :)

Thank you for your long post @Sassy1. I love a good long post. What a great result and the reduction in snacking may just be the answer for you.
Screen freezing.. know it well.
When updating post 1 i do it in stages so i dont lose too much. getting quick at it now
greenmonster wrote: Member 95 checking in and...well...this is rather embarrassing but I haven't lost any weight at all since last weds- not a sausage. Now some would choose to blame the homemade pizza fest we had on Saturday or the fish & chips we had on Sunday but I am going to blame all this cardio and weight training (3x gym sessions & one body attack class) I've been doing, building muscle. Yes, that's it. *cough*

Anyway the positives are that I have exceeded my 2500 cal burn target and haven't touched a drop of booze so not all a failure. And I actually started in earnest again 2 days before the challenge began so when I first weighed in I had lost 2lb on the previous fast. So I am down 2lb since I started, just nothing since starting this challenge.
Never mind, let's see what next week brings...

dont worry @greenmonster.. the muscle build is good. its early still .. 11 weeks to go till Santa arrives
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