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Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jun 2015, 21:23
FIRST WEEK Penny's Summer Challenge - lost four and a half pounds ( thank you Slimmers World for getting me back in the groove! ) :heart: :heart:
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 06:10
Pleased to report pound lost since starting the challenge! Now within in maintenance band.
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 06:51
Hazelnut20 wrote: Hello and welcome @mimosarosa - loving the name!

Don't worry that you will "waste away"........ think of it more as "waist away"!!!!!!!! Ooh, that's a good reminder for you to measure yourself you can keep a record of the inches you will lose!

It's great to have you with us. My best advice would be to read as much as you can on here whenever you have a moment, because there's many an inspirational story and plenty of advice, support & friendship on offer whenever you need it.

Well done for joining us & I wish you the best of luck...

Thanks for the encouraging words Hazelnut20. And well done on the 2 lb loss so far this week!
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 08:35
Some very encouraging posts here, fast friends!
@mimosarosa I've lost 72lbs and I'm WELL over 40!!! Stick with us all!
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 10:59
How lovely @mimosarosa to have kids of 2 and 3. They'll be good little buddies I'm sure! xx Good luck with you fast journey. What better way to really get into it than to join the Summer challenge!
Candy?!! What can I say?!! That is a great start...4 and a half pounds! Well done.
I'm weighing in tomorrow and am a bit nervous. I retain so much water that I'm currently feeling a little on the bloated side...doh!
Here's to a good result for everyone this week
Bean xx
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 11:11
Start: 76kgs
Today: 74.6kgs
Slowly slowly, gently gently this old blubber melts away :0)
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 13:59
Ooh, Candy, I wrote all sorts of things just a minute ago, tried to post it & it got rejected.....think it was to do with tagging & smilies.....coz I've had it go pear-shaped before! Anyway, without the embellishments, this is wot I wrote:

Whoop whoop CandiceMarie - that is terrific news! You go girl!

What a great motivator for next week! Am so proud of you!

Onwards and downwards, eh?!!!! Xx

PS. Sorry about all the exclamation marks.....but I am very excited for you......
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jun 2015, 21:29
Second Friday weigh in for the Super Summer Challenge.
SW 73.3 kg
Week 1 - 0.5 kg
Week 2 - 0.7 kg
CW 72.1 kg
Loss so far 1.2 kg
Goal at end of July 68.0 kg
Pleased with the start. Haven't done anything special just 2 fast days and mindful eating the rest of the time (I mindfully enjoyed wine, chocolate, chips and dips and fish and chips last weekend!). Plus plenty of walking and a step class. Now I just need to keep up the momentum. Looking forward to hearing how everyone else has done. :clover:
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 06:47
Ok, weighed myself this morning 72.8 kg - that's nearly a Kilo from last week .. not too bad :smile:
Unfortunately i entered the wrong weight in the tracker and it's not editable ... or is it?
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 07:01
PennyForthem wrote: Some very encouraging posts here, fast friends!
@mimosarosa I've lost 72lbs and I'm WELL over 40!!! Stick with us all!

Thank you for the encouraging words @PennyForthem , it truly helps! To know others are doing well and have lost so much is an inspiration!! That was the one thing missing in all my other attempts- lack of a support group.
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 08:11
I've bucked the trend and put on 0.75lb this week. It's my TOTM and I have been carb craving no idea why but some months are worse than others. Hopefully next week it will sort itself out.
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 08:39
Oh, you have my sympathy, @brand-ie! I put on weight twice a month due to bloating and it is so annoying when you are trying to lose weight.....

Keep the faith though, because you have been doing brilliantly! X
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 10:41
Update time...

Starting weight: 150lbs
End of week 1 (05/06): 148.5lbs
End of week 1 (12/06): 148.5lbs

Boooo! No progress this week, however this is my lowest weight since I've been 5:2ing (and my lowest since I first put on weight as a teenager), so I don't feel too bad about staying here a couple of weeks.

My scales were very naughty this morning though and definitely paused at 147.5 before settling a pound higher - I had to give them a second chance as they seemed a bit confused, but unfortunately they decided they're quite happy staying where they are a bit longer!

Congratulations to all those who have had a loss this week though :victory:
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 10:45
It is Friday and weight reporting time here.
52.5 kg. blääh!
If only I could have reported on Wednesday instead. I was so pleased after my Tuesday fast
52 kg.
I was so pleased that I ate exactly the same thing on Thursday evening as on Tuesday, when the result was so good. I ate nothing during the day. On Thursday I walked for more than 6 km, usually it is only 4 km a day. So why was I heavier!!!!
I have long ago given up trying to figure my weight fluctuations!
I suppose 52.5 is still acceptable. I am glad now, however, that it is the week end and that there is no fasting in sight! :lol:
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jun 2015, 13:21
My weekly weigh in.... 9 st 13lb (and a half!) or 139.5 lbs.
Onwards and downwards!
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