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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Yeay! You are doing fantastically, Caroline.... I'm excited for you... you CAN do it!!!

Number 60 checking in.... maintaining for nearly 6 weeks now and STILL the same weight 9:13. Feeling more relaxed and not to so terrified now. I CAN do this (too!)
Wow, that's great. Any idea on how much weight gain you have prevented by that? Difference between TDEE at your start of 5:2 and current TDEE divided by 1100 gives you your weekly weight gain prevented (in kg.)
WOW - You are all doing great - Keep going, you can do it.. all of you :clover: :like: ...

Member #84 is reporting following for this Saturday weekly weigh in :victory:

Start weight in this Christmas Club the 23rd October: 74,5 kg

2nd November: 73,5 kg
9th November: 72,6 kg
16th November 71,5 kg

Weightloss this week : 1,1 kilo YES

Weight loss all: 3,0 kg

Do I need to tell I am over the moon and very happy to have joined this wonderful club :lol: . You all just make me continuing my way to hit my target weight :like:

Pia :heart:
I am another maintainer, for 16 weeks now, I would have sworn it was only 5 or 6. I have wondered whether I should loose a bit to put on again over Christmas. :?: That may be a slippery slope, if I feel I have a bit of leeway I may go over the top. :oops: My aim in this group is to be the same weight Jan 1st. In fact we are going on a Ski holiday Jan 5th so I will be very disappointed if I put on a lot of weight over Christmas an new year. In previous years this could be as much as 9lb :cry: Here's to us all meeting our targets :clover:
carorees wrote: Woohoo! Trendline says I've hit my interim target (73kg), weight this morning is 72kg, 2.1kg to go to reach the magic 69.xkg Xmas target! I think I might actually do it!

I am sure you can do it Caroline :like: - Well done .. Yahoooo :victory:
Maintained again this week. But happy with that as I have been poorly, did far less exercise and had a weekend away. But the scales are hovering on 12.9 something then settling on 12.10 so maybe next week i will be in single figures.
Within a smidge of losing the 2kg, not lost much this week, but still pleased. Fasting today so might lose a bit more ...
No 22 checking in ! :smile: Had a good week with two strict liquid fasts. Had friends for dinner last night so had expected the scales to tell me no loss, but they're saying I'm down half a pound. I'm happy with that. Out for dinner tonight with family and friends over for dinner tomorrow :bugeyes: so will be way over what I normally eat. Am thinking I might up it to 3 liquid fasts next week - Mon, Weds, Fri to give me a real boost towards next week.
Down 1kg this week & happy with that, so my goal for xmas feels achievable. My fast days within a 16/8 window have been bearable barring one choccie slipup.. ooops :oops:
I thought id check all the posts early Sunday and its so exciting to see comments like
"im pleased with that", happy with that"

Hope the club and JR is not too much "in your head" when you go for that extra chocolate piece on your "free days".. but i guess it can be working. its practically just 5 weeks to go now so everyone has to be full IF mode from now on and only the occasional chocolate slip up.

Well done everyone. Cant wait to update the cumulative stats for the group hopefully this evening.

Changing my usual Sunday fast day to a feast day today due to a family birthday celebration. How i love this way of life!
Member #145 checking in, with a very big grin on my face!

As I was working at a clients offices alone this weekend, it was easier just to pop an extra fast day in, rather than locking down the place to go out and get something.

Result, another pound off since my last weigh-in.

Even better news is, on the Progress Tracker page, is that the font colour of my BMI has gone from Red to Orange! (serious kudos to Moogie for that, it is really cool!)

So, another interim goal hit, and another one just set for myself, on this wonderful journey.

Have a wonderful time, whatever you are up to.

:heart: Member #105 Checking in with a frown on my face :shock: seem to be stuck again so will have to try harder this week because my Xmas target/pledge is now estimated Jan.
:shock: :shock: Sue. :clover:
Member #109 checking in. Happy to report another 1.4 lb. loss although it is immediately after fast yesterday (I usually fast on Sun.). I'll take it though. Now at 163 and want to get below 160 by Christmas.
I'm excited to be off on a 15 day holiday in southern Africa but a bit scared as I won't be fasting and won't have my Jawbone Up band to track all my food and activity. Rudderless !! :!: :frown:
Will check back in 3 weeks and likely will need lots of support to get back on track. Judith
judithn wrote: Member #109 checking in. Happy to report another 1.4 lb. loss although it is immediately after fast yesterday (I usually fast on Sun.). I'll take it though. Now at 163 and want to get below 160 by Christmas.
I'm excited to be off on a 15 day holiday in southern Africa but a bit scared as I won't be fasting and won't have my Jawbone Up band to track all my food and activity. Rudderless !! :!: :frown:
Will check back in 3 weeks and likely will need lots of support to get back on track. Judith

Enjoy your holiday Judith - I am sure things will not be as bad as you expect when you come home - and as you know, you will get all the support here to get back on the track again if so :like: :smile: :airplane: 8-) :)

Pia :heart:
My, you have been busy @Juliana.Rivers, I've just noticed the information you posted with the weight loss of all the members here. One little correction need though, you seem to have tagged tickatape (member 120) with my name as well as me - not surprising as it must have been a marathon to type it all, it would make my head spin!
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