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Right. I've fixed my signature. I was hoping I'd drop a bit more after a fast, but that's the way it goes.

As I sit here with a latte and muffin, I am thinking that if I actually low carbed instead of just talking about it, I might actually meet that goal. Hmm....
Member 138 checking in a bit late (but I had to wait for my weight to come down a bit). 100.1 today so I'll log that for the week. Woo hoo!
Number 149...

Weighed in at 63.3kg 2 days ago.
So, 1.3kg until my Christmas target, and a loss of 1.8kg so far...

Still doing 5:2, but keeping tabs on intake on other days too, so as not to go over TDEE.

Keep it up everyone!!!! :) x
Member #89 reporting in.

730grms loss :)

Broken the 3 stone off in total :grin:

Xmas target adjusted :) Got a small op next week so not sure how that will pan out.
Member #145 checking in

Another 0.8lb / 0.35kg off, taking me below the 13 and a half stone mark.

Have achieved the initial Christmas target, so have reset my goal for Christmas to 13st 3lbs, as a number of things come together at that point.

My scales run in kgs or lbs (not st/lbs) so that will be 185lbs, which has a nice ring to it. It is also 83.9kgs, so breaking another number on my metric journey.

185lbs also happens to be the weight limit of the pedals on my "play" bike, so another mini milestone there.

Cheers for now,

Member no. 11 checking in.
Today I weigh 69.5kgs, fat 31.3%, water 46.4% ( seems to be rising?), waist 35".
Not too bad all round :0)
Member 141. I am really unsure as to where to go for this christmas pledge. The original aim was two kg (4lb) Now three weeks in with under four weeks to go I have lost 5.8kg (almost 13lb). What do I aim for now?
No85, still going nowhere fast!! Down another 300g, hoping for global warming to speed up my glacial progress :wink:
cassyn_05 wrote: Member 141. I am really unsure as to where to go for this christmas pledge. The original aim was two kg (4lb) Now three weeks in with under four weeks to go I have lost 5.8kg (almost 13lb). What do I aim for now?

Oh my gosh Cassy that is a wonderful loss!
Where to go now? If i were you i would sit back on my laurels now and bask in the compliments i bet youre getting!
Wow classy just go for it my girl.

Candice fancy little avatar you have there

Just peeking into the tent ... Nothing else to add ... Be off then
dcsb wrote: CC 92 here – Hip, Hip, Hooray – happy dance here. Met my CC target. Will aim for 2 more lbs. by Christmas.
Good luck everyone.
Christmas Club Member 92
Started – Oct. 23
Christmas target – 3 kg
Loss to date – 3 kg !
Updated November 30
Additional goal – 2 more lbs.

well done on the target!!! i have updated you in Post 1 to Green. :like: :like: :like:
You need to spell it out for me (sorry, I need help sometimes) !

Page 1. I see you my recorded loss which I reported yesterday. Are the totals re-set as it doesn't reflect what I have lost in the xmas club in total ?

I reached xams target last week (could be week before!) and re-adjusted my signature yesterday to reflect a couple more pounds.

Thanks :)
so far i tally 135kg loss for the total group

i have to double check i havent missed anyone so feel free to private message me if i have yours wrong in post one. i updated it as of yesterday and a few updates today.

150 is a lot of numbers to track!

some have no recordings as we havent a check in or ive missed it.

well done all - lets make a 250kg target by DECEMBER 25

Ssshhhhh... don't tell anyone, but.....

*whispers* I was 10 stones 11 (and 3/4) lbs this morning, a loss this week of 1.25lbs on my previous 'lightest'.

Soooo... keep it to yourself, please, just in case I have a wobble!

I.75lbs to go before Christmas. I'll update my signature on Friday and then it might be 'official'
135kgs, WOW! That is one big load of fat and blubber (almost three small persons or 2.5 normal ones) and all achieved without the aid of wet fishes or public flogging (my iPad just changed public to pubic :shock: and I was seriously tempted to leave it as it made me laugh so much! the mental image is now stuck in my brain! help!!!!). Well done everyone, :like: :like: :like: the power of togetherness, support and will power is amazing. Actually, the funny thing about 5:2 is you don't actually use much will power, how good is that? :grin: :cool: Keep up the good work JR :like: :victory: :like:

Ballerina x :heart:

And Penny, don't worry, your secret is safe, honest, and VERY well done :like:
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