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Monthly Weigh-Ins

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Hi Caroline,
Firstly thank you for all your work on the forum this year.

Haven't lost any new weight this month. Started this WOL on 1 February when I weighed in at 64.8k at the moment I am 59.3k and lowest this year was 58.1 and I will get there again. It was a fast weight loss until May when I went on holiday. Have spent the rest of the year fasting when we are on our own and not fasting when we have visitors. Seems to be getting harder losing the little bits that have gone on. Am still really pleased I have lost nearly a stone and all my clothes fit me now.
Okay here goes:

Weight 4/11/13 = 11st 6.8lbs (72.04kg)
Waist 4/11/13 = 36" (91.44cm)

Weight 9/12/13 = 11st 0.3lbs (69.99kg)
Waist 9/12/13 = 34" (86.36cm)

Loss = 2.05kg & 5.08cm

Started fasting 24/1/13, weighing 15st 4lbs (97.07kg), with a waist of 46" (116.84cm).
Total loss in 45 weeks & 4 days = 27.08kg & 30.48cm.

I've been doing 4:3 the whole time. Needless to say, I'm absolutely delighted with the results and as of this mornings weigh in, my BMI is now normal! I'm only 0.3 pounds from my target.
I missed last month's weigh in as I was away on holiday, but taking my stats from just before I went on holiday, my month's loss is 2.2kg and 1.5 cm from my waist and a drop in body fat of 1.8%.

I started the fast diet last October, losing 7kg before the end of 2012. In 2013, I've lost a further 27.1kg and an unbelievable 26.5cm from my waist!!!! :grin:

I can't quite believe it and I get a shock each time I look in the mirror!
Back on the internet just in time by the looks of it to get stats in for the monthly/yearly weigh in (yours are AMAZING Caroline :like: :victory: :smile: ). This is a bit rushed 'cos I really shouldn't be here.... stacks of things to do around the house, unpacking boxes etc., etc., so I'll just put my stats on here and come back later for an update

Weight loss in the last month is a mere .5kg (really bad week last week with the move - far too many carbs!!!)

Loss for 2013 to date is 8kg

However, on top of my weight loss which is very slow, but I'm reasonably OK about that, since Jan 2013 I've lost 1" off my neck, 2" off my waist, 3.5" off hips and 3" off each thigh! So really pleased about that.

Looking forward to reaching my goal in 2014 and maintaining thereafter. It's been a good year and finding this forum has been the icing on the cake.
Ok this is the first time I've done this and I'm joining in as want to help increase those massive forum loss numbers.

Since 3rd June I've lost 12.02lb 5.46kg
Waist measurement has been reduced by 6cm
Fat percentage reduced by 4%

I am hoping to maintain, probably not gaining more than 4lb will be realistic at present.
I have been a regular 16.8er with 2 fast weeks a week, occasionally 3.
I've dropped a dress size and feel fantastic about myself, more importantly I have a brand new relationship with food and alcohol. Being that I will not die of hunger if my tummy rumbles and my Friday, Saturday and Sunday night is not dependant on red wine. I could have found an excuse to pour a glass of wine every night of the week if I wanted.

So here's looking forward to achieving my end goal of 11stone that's 22lb more to lose in 2014

I hope I've done it all properly @carorees
Well my one year anniversary will be 3rd January, so that's what I'm going to count as my full year loss, but here's my stats so far:

Started 3rd Jan 2013
Weight: 94.5kg
Waist: 97cm
Body Fat: 55%

1st Nov 2013
Weight: 78.0kg
Waist: 83cm
Body Fat:43.4%

7th Dec 2013
Weight: 76.2KG
Waist: 82.5cm
Body Fat: 41.8%

For the month
Weight Loss: 1.8kg
Waist Loss: 0.5cm
Body Fat Loss: 1.6%

Since started
Weight Loss: 18.3kg
Waist Loss: 14.5cm
Body Fat Loss: 13.2%

At the start of the year I ambitiously set myself a target of 4 stone loss over the year, obviously thinking I could keep the average weight loss up at 1lb a week. I've not made that, but I have lost nearly 3 stone, eaten delicious food, had some holidays and indulged in that time. I know the rest will come off in the next year and so I'm feeling great. Healthier and slimmer than I've been in over 20 years. I finally have a good relationship with food - it doesn't rule me anymore.

On top of all this I don't have my hubby's stats in full detail, but he has lost 4 stone and 8 inches off his waist. He's gone from wearing XL clothes to medium and he looks fantastic.
OK, my first "Official" weigh- in ( although in Christmas Club)

Joined 5:2 fast diet forum Oct 13, 2013
Started 5:2 diet Aug 18, 2013

Aug 18: 82.5 kg ( 181.4 lb.)
Nov. 3: 75.5 kg ( 166 lb. )
Dec. 9: 74.4 kg. (163.6 lb.)

Total loss Nov - Dec: 1.1 kg ( 2.4 lb.) (On holiday and off 5:2 from Nov.18 - Dec.3)
Total loss on 5:2: 7.5 kg. (16.4 lb.)

Aug 18: 96.5 cm. (38")
Nov. 3: 91.4 cm. ( 36")
Dec. 9: 92.7 cm. (36.5").
(Really hate tracking this, thick- waisted all my life. Even when I weighed 60kg, my waist was 81.3 cm (32"!))

Not going to put body fat because my scale is all over the place, likely need a new one.
Started with WW in January at 205 for about the 5th time in my life. Dislike the daily points counting...becomes a chore. Found 5:2 in April and never looked back.

Weight 193 lbs (87.6), Waist unknown but 40 (101 cm) in Jul, BF 35

Weight 171 lbs (77.6), Waist 38 (96 cm), BF 30

Weight 168 lbs (76.4), Waist 38 (99 cm), BF 30

Have lost 25 lbs (11.18) since started 5:2 the end of April, but have lost 37 lbs this year. Lost 3 lbs (1.36) since last month. Waist is just plain stubborn and have only lost 2 inches (5) since first measured in Jul, but am sure it was quite larger earlier in year. Body Fat down to 30 from 35 in April and from 31 in Nov.

SO HAPPY I found 5:2 about 32 weeks ago. While I hit that dreaded plateau at 6 months, I kept with it and stuff started moving eventually. I am 55 years old and wearing pant sizes I wore as a young teenager! Gotta love it!
FatDog's December monthly weigh-in:

previous weight 2nd November: 114.6 lbs (51.98 kilos)
current weight 7th December: 112.0 lbs (50.80 kilos)

previous waist 2nd November: 26.0 inches (66.04 cm)
current waist 7th December: 25.6 inches (65.02 cm)

weight lost is 2.6 lbs (1.18 kilos) November to December
waist lost is 0.4 inches (1.02 cm) November to December

n.b inch loss was recorded on Monday 9th - was evident before...

Horribly slowed down losses but I did have two substantial Ferriss-style binges (planned) which will have held things up...

For the year:
start weight 1st May 146.0 lbs (66.22 kilos)
total weight lost 34 pounds (15.42 kilos)

start waist 1st May 33 inches (83.82 cm)
total waist lost 7.4 inches (18.80 cm)
No change since July - maintaining at 112 lbs and waist size 27"

No fasts since the last weigh in in November
You've done so well @FatDog that I felt compelled to compose a little ditty specially for you! :victory: :victory:
Now FatDog's a tiny wee lassie
No flab on her streamlined new chassis,
Veggie low carbing rocks!
Hence the need for posh frocks
To make her look even more sassy!
BOOM! BOOM! XX :heart: :heart:
Callyanna's odes...
09 Dec 2013, 14:32
I've a sting in my nose and tears in my eyes from laughing @callyanna. That's a lovely ditty, but isn't it a bit early for sherry? :) xxx FatDog
I started this WOL on 7 June 2013, so just over 6 months ago, and I weighed 78.2kg then.

On November 5th I was 71.5kg.
This morning (December 9th) I was 70.8kg.

So 7.4kg off this year, and 700g off in the last month.

I only started measuring my waist in August, and it has dropped from at least 90cm to 82cm on November 5th and 79cm this morning.

So 11cm off the waist this year, and 3cm off in the last month.

When I write it down here it looks impressive and smooth, but it’s been anything but. I’ve hovered at just over the 70kg mark for two months now, and can’t seem to get below it. Each time I get on track, along comes a great weekend away or a great party and the 500g I’ve worked so hard to reduce is back in an instant.

So I’m not feeling great about my progress recently, but I AM feeling great about the way I look and the way my clothes fit. There are lots of photos of Christmas parties doing the rounds at the moment, and I really look OK in them, not brilliant (bad lighting, mouth full of food), but really OK. My skinny jeans actually feel a bit baggy, so time to hunt further back into the wardrobe for the really skinny jeans.

I’m finding the fasting terrifically easy. A fasting day is no bother at all, and I intend to keep up with the fasting forever, really. But unlike many on this forum, I wouldn’t say this WOE has changed my habits much. I still adore the sweet, sugary carbs and on non-fasting days I’m constantly picking and snacking. It might just be winter…..
Start, April 1, 2013 = 124.28kg (274lbs)
November 4th = 113.76kg (250.8lbs)
December 5th =112.22kg (247.4lbs.)

Loss for month = 1.54kg (3.4lbs)

loss for year (on 5:2) = 12.6kg (26.6lbs)

BMI down 4.17 points

average loss = .34kg/wk (.75 lb/wk)

oddly have not lost much in the waist with the tape measure (2.54cm or 1") but I have gone down a size in clothing, I can wear belts I have not been able to wear, and jackets that I couldn't button before button now, go figure.

This has been the easiest most consistent thing I have ever done, and likely the first time in my 40+ years of dieting that I can honestly say that I can continue this for life in order to maintain my losses.
Re: Callyanna's odes...
09 Dec 2013, 15:37
FatDog wrote: I've a sting in my nose and tears in my eyes from laughing @callyanna. That's a lovely ditty, but isn't it a bit early for sherry? :) xxx FatDog

Just wanting you to get those socks pulled up PDQ or the frock police will be round to confiscate your latest purchases! :razz:
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