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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 21:00
Christmas tree refund today. Hubby bought a sparkly, optic fibre and LED light Christmas tree with controls for what pattern of lights you like. Within 6 hours the red LED lights had failed. So hubby emailed and they sent us a second one immediatly with a 'no need to return the first one'. We were chuffed as the old broken one could go in the porch and look all 'cool' and festive (blue green and white lights are still working).
Within 4 hours the red ulbs had gone on the second one. Hubby emailed and complained, pointing out that he probably had a bad batch. The next day he repled saying he would do a full refund and to dispose of the second tree as we thought fit.
So the refund has hit the account, and we have two pretty christmas trees, that just don't have red lights.

The money will come in handy this Christmas.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 21:04
Wendy Darling wrote: Hi chatterers, I have been so busy that I haven't had time to visit but have just caught up with all your news. I can't respond to you all individually but I have read all your posts and awwwww and awwwww and doh and lol. Think that just about covers it.

I have decided to make up a hamper for a friend for Christmas and am going to make some clementine curd in some 500g Kilner jars and some mincemeat popcorn. Did you see Kirstie's Homemade Christmas on the box? The popcorn looked so unusual and yummy that I thought I'd give it a bash. Got some nice bags to put it in. I have also got some luxury conserve and onion marmalade, going to get some sherry and some other bits. Hope she will like it.

I also have a Christmas cake to ice and cards to write and post. I know, I know.......

Christmas tree went up today, we have two this year, never done that before. We are always late with all this because we have December birthdays and a sad anniversary, to get through, so once all that is over we start Christmas. I am always on the back foot!

Do any of you tweet? I love twitter. PM me if you want to be my twitter friend or whatever you call it :smile:

Would like to tweet but don't know how. Can you give us all tweeting 101?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 21:06
CandiceMarie wrote: Thanks guys x
The ticket collector has been heart sank coz asked to see senior railcard..think he just enjoyed his bit of power for a while then said he wd let me off just this once..
Darent take a chance coming back in case same guy collecting tickets! :shock:
Have had to rebook journey home..forty quid...serves me right for being careless..
That senior railcard deffo back at home!
Only purchased it in Nov so not used to it yet..
@Betsysgr8 yes think its tucked in back at home in my undies drawer!
Am a bit blotto now ..have really downed the rose wine ..shdnt be allowed out alone! X X :razz:

@rawkaren. @Betsysgr8 @SianS
Ahh well you live n learn..thanks for yr support ladies,youve no idea what a comfort it was! XXX

Good on you.@candicemarie. Enjoy time with your family in London :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 21:19
@carorees if I ever make a mistake in postage I change it to courior as its usually cheaper if the item is heavier than 1 kg, or costs more than £4.00.

I'm trying to upload photo's but the site is telling me the photo's are of the wrong type. So I will upload them to a photo place and share from there.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 21:28
Our little cat called ghost has started jumping into the washing machine for a snooze when its half full of mucky clothes (it must be the socks). So here she is, Ghost!

Click on the picture for a full size image.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 21:56
I can give you all a tweeting lesson, but after Christmas is better. @Wendy Darling am sending pm, so we can be twitter buddies x
\Candice, glad you made it safely.
Everybody else... hugs and ghostly images xx
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 22:24
Wooooooooo woooooooo
Scared yet?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 22:35
Crikey, my eldest son has just come back from ASDA where they refused to sell him alcohol, because, wait for it, he had my 16 year old son in tow. Even when my son produced ID showing that he was 27 years old they still refused. They say that they are now refusing to sell alcohol to anyone with children with them.
So he sat on the end of the till and demanded to see a manager, the manager said the same. So he told them to call the police to clarify the legallity of the position, so they called a senior manager, who said the same. They even said that if they suspected you of leaving the kids in the car they wouldn't allow you to buy alcohol. He did eventually relent and allow my son to buy his booze, but it was a near thing with Martyn as he was about to have a meltdown (Autistic) with it all.

I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life before. I think a written complaint, plus a call to the newspapers or even the BBC may be in order.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
20 Dec 2013, 23:18
Right, I'm off. The pizza sauce has reduced to a nice consistency, without burning, so I'm off to watch some TV.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 00:38
Cor, you should see @pennyforthems chutneys
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 05:36
Hello Everybody

Most of the food shopping is done, just have to get the pork and some fresh vegies on Christmas Eve.

Baking done and the place looks very Festive indeed.

I have been shown (thanks to Moogie)how to post an avatar of our 22 year old Foxy, Harry.

We didn't think he would see this Christmas, but we are delighted he is still with us, even though he is a little frail, failing in eyesight but in no pain, and still has a wonderful appetite and gets excited when he sees his favourite people.

Harry and I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a terrific 2014.

cheers Maggie. :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 05:57
@Julieathome , She's a beauty your cat :heart: . Mine doesn't go in the washing machine but stares at it like if she was hypnotized with it
About the alcohol, it's silly but nothing can surprise me these days.....

A long day of cleaning ahead of me, I want the place to be spotless and as in order as possible before next week. No cycling today as I need a bit of "me time" without going out at all, for once

Also, I found an eternity rose for my mum, it's a rose, a real one, which will never dies. That should please her :wink:

Edit to add @Maggie, I didn't see your post :confused: . I am so impressed, 22 years, I dream of keeping my babies for that long. Your Harry looks good and I cross everything I can cross for him to stay with you for a long time :clover: :crossed: . Happy Holidays to you both
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 06:39
wendyjane wrote: My fortune cookie from yesterday's Chinese dinner says "You will soon receive a package of joy from a friend or relative."


Then, tonight, I was looking for just a bit more sugar, so I ate hubs fortune cookie, also from Wednesday's dinner and guess what? The SAME fortune.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I kinda want to go back there and see if the company sent the restaurant a whole batch of the same one....
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 08:53
Happy Yule on this shortest day!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
21 Dec 2013, 14:46
We went out for a lovely meal with friends last night, complete carb, sugar and booze overload which my body just isn't used to any more so wondering if it's just coincidence or sod's law that I've woken up this morning with the most humungous red spot on my chin pulsating away to rival Rudolph's nose, just in time for Christmas!
:cry: :unlike: :reindeer:
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