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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am now nicely below my Christmas target again and heading slowly to my Valentines one.
Thanks for this thread and all the work you did on it Juliana xxx
Oh dear .... member number 30-something (34?) checking in ...

I was going to weigh myself today after yesterday's fast and hoping to have something good to report. But things went a bit pear-shaped. I was travelling to a speaking gig 40 miles away yesterday evening and the trains got cancelled because of a landslip. So the journey turned into a nightmare involving replacement buses, a lot of wet and fed up travellers, my phone battery running down and unable to contact the event organisers. Anyway it ended up with the event being cancelled, my husband coming out in the car to rescue me and arriving home 4 hours after leaving having got nowhere. :frown:

So we both decided we deserved a meal out! Pizza, cake and wine.... I think it's the first Fast day I've actually spoilt completely, and it was going so well! :curse:

So I couldn't face the scales the morning. :frown:

But good to hear the club will stay open till mid-Feb, that gives me a chance to make it still. Thanks Juliana! :heart:
Number 8 checking in. Since reaching my Christmas target, I've lost just 1kg more in January, so total loss since joining the club is 6.6kg.
Number 11 checking in at 70.4 kgs so basically very little has changed
MY WAIST! Now 34.5"!
Member 119 checking in.
I did it, I've got back down to my maintenance weight. :like:

I joined the club on 8th November and after losing 1.5 lbs I changed to maintenance, since then the weight gain I've prevented is 1.26kg.

So my weight loss is 1.5lbs plus 1.25kg sorry to use mixed measurements Juliana, I hope you are able to do the sums better than me. :heart:
#105 checking in with a disappointing 99*55kg
Yo yo yo yo that's the final but can't remember my start :heart:
Member #64 checking in. I have weighed today although my official weigh in day is Monday after 4 'normal' days. Today I am 11 st 10 so 2 lbs below my Christmas target. As you are keeping the club open till 15th February I will check in again on Monday when I hope I will stll be down to at least 11 st 12. I will work out the Kg for you then
Lil wrote: Member #64 checking in. I have weighed today although my official weigh in day is Monday after 4 'normal' days. Today I am 11 st 10 so 2 lbs below my Christmas target. As you are keeping the club open till 15th February I will check in again on Monday when I hope I will stll be down to at least 11 st 12. I will work out the Kg for you then

thank you all for weigh ins.. keep em coming.. there are some positive vibes in this thread which is great! and @Carorees.. even more weight.. well done. im going to steal that extra weight loss for my group total if i may.

Yes keeping it all open till mid Feb. was going to wait till i got 50 that made it to finishing line but whatever the number is i will stop there.

If anyone has put in their weigh in at end Jan i wont chase more updates from you on Feb 15.

I didn't think about it when setting the original end Jan timeline as 5 weeks just ain't enough right. (for some of us). so another good 15 days will be enough hopefully to "seal the deal" including for this forum member thats struggling to see below 69.

Mantra to myself. i must not open milo tin at night, i must not open milo tin at night. i must not open milo tin at night. my milo story is somewhere in the forum. :grin:
Member 28 checking in, with good news, I finally, finally saw 62 kilos on the scale this morning, which is my target :grin:

So I think we can say that I have finally gone green !!

Thanks Juliana for all of your hard work in the club and your comittment to getting 50 members green, I think it has really helped me get the christmas weight off :heart:
Nicky_94 wrote: Member 28 checking in, with good news, I finally, finally saw 62 kilos on the scale this morning, which is my target :grin:

So I think we can say that I have finally gone green !!

Thanks Juliana for all of your hard work in the club and your comittment to getting 50 members green, I think it has really helped me get the christmas weight off :heart:

well done .. 62kg must be so pleasing to you. Enjoy some cake and champagne to celebrate!

You are the 35th member to go green. means only 15 to go .. im staying positive. we all have 15 more days!
@Nicky_94 whats your total weight lost whilst in club? so i can update the totals?
LOL - 2 kilos!!

Or are you counting the first bit where I lost 1.7, then gained 3 kilos, then lost 3.3 kilos to get to target? If so total is 5 kilos, but I did end up losing the same weight (and more) twice due to weight gain over christmas...
Regret to say I have only lost 1/2lb so although below my Pre Christmas weight I have failed to reach my New Year Challenge of 12stone 12lbs & am 13stone 4lbs :frown:
I have lost 6 1/2lbs since starting the challenge. Despite keeping to my TDEE & trying 4:3 January has been a disaster with bouncing around -/+ 1/2lb. But I know I am smaller & have lost inches all over :confused: I have no idea what is going on with my body apart for some kind of redistribution somewhere in my body :cry:
Well done to everyone you have made their target challenge :heart:
#106 Christmas Club, my final weigh in! Now 127.2 lbs. :like:
One and a half pounds below pre-Christmas low weight. It's wonderful, especially as I have just 1.8 lbs left to lose before reaching that arbitrary motivational goal of 9 stones.
I'm very pleased and always thankful for the support from our forum with its lovely leading lights!! :like: :lol: :heart:
Isis wrote: Regret to say I have only lost 1/2lb so although below my Pre Christmas weight I have failed to reach my New Year Challenge of 12stone 12lbs & am 13stone 4lbs :frown:
I have lost 6 1/2lbs since starting the challenge. Despite keeping to my TDEE & trying 4:3 January has been a disaster with bouncing around -/+ 1/2lb. But I know I am smaller & have lost inches all over :confused: I have no idea what is going on with my body apart for some kind of redistribution somewhere in my body :cry:
Well done to everyone you have made their target challenge :heart:

Thank you for reporting in Isis. Don't despair as we now all have till Mid Feb. I realised a few weeks ago people were really struggling even though they were really doing their 5:2 or other variant to the T. Many of us, including me just need more time. so you can weigh in again on Feb 15 and you may just get to 12 stone 12 pounds @Isis

so keep at it, strong.

Katharina wrote: #106 Christmas Club, my final weigh in! Now 127.2 lbs. :like:
One and a half pounds below pre-Christmas low weight. It's wonderful, especially as I have just 1.8 lbs left to lose before reaching that arbitrary motivational goal of 9 stones.
I'm very pleased and always thankful for the support from our forum with its lovely leading lights!! :like: :lol: :heart:

Excellent work Katharina. 1.8 pounds is not much at all so keep going .
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