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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Bobshouse wrote: No, I have been on a very big detour! Route barree! Hope tomorrow sees me back on track!

@Bobshouse You very quickly got your head in gear and pledged good loss over in the challenge area
Back on the 4:3 route for you @justdee And me a willing fast come Monday. :clover: :like: :heart:
I'm still here too on my glacier - I wish! That would be cool, literally. :phew:
Seem to be maintaining despite 4:3ing forever. Wonder if my body has just decided it likes this weight.
I have bagsied a place in the next challenge, despite holidays and working away looming.
We'll see how it goes with a bit of focus and a goal to aim for. I tend to do as best as I can and see where it takes me...and enjoy the scenery too :D
How's everyone else doing?
I just have to do this however long it takes! I will get there one day. As I have often said this is more about health than weight although I do need to shed the fat. All my extra fat clothes have now gone so have to do this!
Are we there yet? No? Nor me!!! Bouncing along in my happy little world while my body decides it wants to hibernate and eat fat over winter!! Still I keep trying. Read an article on the ABC today about being cooler increases 'good' brown fat at the expense of 'bad' white fat. So I am shivering for victory!!
Shiver me brown fat - who'd have thought? Was told today I am looking much slimmer by the little beautician I see every 5 weeks for my eyebrow wax and tint.

I am taking it although methinks she needs glasses. First fast where I did not even register the usual 1kg fluid loss instead was just the same. Ok I get it I am here for a while and dare I say I have a plateau anniversary coming up. Tragic isn't it?

@JanetM any room on your glacier think I have to do some shivering might be the trick
Intend to keep the glacier cold but welcoming @gillymary. I've ben sliding about on it for so long I should be like a skelf now! Room for lots more :D
My, the frustration of this lingering around 72kgs for eons now.
I fully expect to go way over this in the next three weeks as we have a few days away and I'm doing the Harcombe Summer Blitz 1-14th July.*
Every intention to resume fasting after all that!

* Why? I hear you ask. Just for a change, a different point of view, get off the sugar addiction that frets away at me.
Why not @Azureblue
Mixing things up a bit has always been my motto, my body doesn't have any idea what's coming next.!!!
Good luck with your new plan.♣
Well I'm still taking the scenic route just whittling a little off
now and then but at least something is now happening albeit very slowly, which is just as well because with this bug that seems to have struck @Azureblue her OH and me well its completely floored me like nothing before,
On the mend now it seems and yes on the SRoute in that dept too.
Lost my route buddie @wildmissus She's taking the SRoute down in Ibiza as of today with her new svelte 11st figure
lucky lady
Probably sailing around the island tomorrow. :heart: ENJOY :heart: You deserve this holiday but don't forget to join me occasionally back in this tent on your return.
:heart: :clover: :like: :victory: :heart: :clover: :like: :victory:
Anyone else in this abandoned tent with me? Hellooooooooooo
The upside of this horrific illness is I've lost three pounds!! Also my appetite is far less than it was, though I admit to just eating two squares of 90% chocolate, purely as medicine.
Now if I can only stop coughiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg
@Sue.Q @Azureblue that sounds very nasty - I hope you are both over the worst of it. Sue, you keep on whittling away, you never know it could be the beginning of a big jump start. Azureblue, 3lbs is a lot to lose through illness - enjoy the choccy! I'm whittling away towards goal and it's a slow ride approaching as everyone says. Maths is not my strong point, in my tracker I had 124lbs as goal and in my head I had 8st 10 lbs which would give me a 4lbs allowance in maintaining till I hit the 9stone alarm bell. But 8st10lbs does not equal 124lbs - it's 122lbs, so I have another two pounds to add on ........... shame it was not the other way around :wink: never mind, I should not grumble.............. but will probably be in this tent more often over the coming months - Buddy @spanner silly me ........ I have given you a 2lb head start!
@Lizbean I am gutted for you but maybe see how you feel about being 124lbs when you get there. 4lbs wiggle room is lovely but 2lbs might be enough - especially for your petite frame! :smile:

I am also taking a rather scenic route - mine involves many mountains and valleys - I seem to have visited the holiday hill many a time on my journey! :grin:

Still, just nibbling on some celery and remembering how unhappy I was before I started my trip - we will all get there in the end!! :clover:
Thanks @spanner - you are so right 2lbs might be enough wiggle room, so I'll keep goal as 124 and see how that works .............. off to change my tracker back to 124. Pheww I feel better already :wink:
@Azureblue I lost 1kg in my first 3days but when I jumped on them on my "official" weigh day it read just a measly 200grams hopefully I was full of all this extra water I'm drinking. lol
I think I'm right in saying chocky is a medicinal must with all these strange summer bugs :shock: works for me and soothes
the stomach too. :lol: :lol:

@Lizbean I totally agree with your buddie @spanner just see how you feel when you reach that first goal because the shape difference with this WOL is truly amazing so if you're getting into a smaller size bracket well who cares what those very fickle scales say to you/not me anymore.
I seem to going backwards! Not a good idea really! Another week battling social services over my dad and every time it hits the fan I eat...anything and everything! Google helped me find a new dementia service that is part of the NHS so I emailed the contact with details of my concerns. That was this morning. By lunchtime I had spoken to a manager who agreed they should have my dad on their books and a promise to intervene with the poisonous GP. It looks more hopeful but we have been here before with empty promises. If I could just stop eating.
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