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Congrats @peebles :victory:
Onwards & downwards x for me,its just onwards and onwards?.. :oops: failed this challenge but crimbo challenge will be better :like: x
Good morning everyone,
Mondays are almost always my high weight and no difference today. 134.8, although it'll probably be lower tomorrow. 3.2 lb loss, goal not met, but better than it was. Congratulations to all.
Talking of unrealistic goals.............

Maybe a tad over ambitious settling a 14lb loss in 14 weeks over this challenge.....

Failed to appreciate that it was school hols and my life went a bit on hold. Also, having lost quite a bit already (nearly 50lbs) I think I was a bit guilty of resting on my laurels and enjoying not feeling like a second-class citizen for a change. Not to mention enjoyable shopping trips where clothes actually fit nicely!

Yep, took my eye well off the ball:
Start weight 12stone 0.2lbs
Target 11stone 0.2lbs
Weight now 12stone 1.4lbs (1.2lb GAIN)

In some ways, I could look on it as maintenance! But I don't. I look on it as wasted opportunity. Which is why I have signed up to the Christmas challenge.........

Well done to everyone for committing to try - I know you've done the best you can! Some have succeeded, some have exceeded, and as far as the rest of us least we stepped up to the plate and have learned more about ourselves that should come in handy for next time....we hope!!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
No 30 Langstane for the last time on this challenge. My goal was to maintain even though I knew I was going to have a 7 week break from fasting. I started off at nine stone three and a quarter and weighed in today at 9stone 4. So I didn't quite make it. I'm still trying to get a wee bit below 9 stone though so will continue with twice weekly fasting.
@hazelnut20 could be called wasted opportunity ..its how i feel about the WHOLE of this year so far..but every day is a NEW opportunity too!..
And it IS still maintenance/ damage limitation for you
I reset my crimbo challenge from 12 lb to five..just being realistic and will be thrilled if i lose five lb plus!
Hiya all - checking in for the final total. I'm back to 72kg this morning, nice round figure :wink: So, total loss for the challenge 7.5kg, or I think (to save you the hassle of converting) that's 16.5 pounds.

Thanks @cblasz for running the challenge, especially knowing how busy things have got for you.

Well done too to all who joined in, whether you reached your target or not - the main thing is we're all healthier than if we'd never taken part in this, and isn't that really our ultimate goal after all?!

Keep up the great work all, and may the fast be with you!
You're so right @candicemarie - we are winning every day that we keep on keeping on!

I have a few days to give serious thought to a properly realistic goal for Christmas....but I am a devil for rounding up on the numbers front! I will want to aim for being a round stone number or a half stone number...irrespective of how hard it will be to achieve!!

Still, I know I am in great company here for sharing the ups & downs between now and Christmas! Xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
#49. Unfortunately I have failed this challenge. Nowhere near where I should be. Last weigh in I was 11st 9lbs!!! Still trying to find my mojo. No problem fasting, it's just the feasting that continually lets me down. Have started calorie counting which I always turned my nose up to in the past. Seems to be working - slowly. Also I've cut down on the booze.

Well done to all who met their challenge - Any tips for the strugglers appreciated. :frown:
@cblasz - thanks very much for hosting the challenge :like: it's been great :grin:

No 12 final checking in
Goal was and still is 124
Started 127.4
Ended 126
That's 1.4lb loss :smile:
Lowest weight recorded during the challenge was 125

I'm very happy with that - whether we reached goal or not as others say it certainly helps keep us on track and be mindful. As @Sallyo says, one day at a time :wink:

See you over on the Xmas challenge thread come 1 October :clover:
#65 checking in. My current weight is 75.1kgs, a total loss of 3.9kgs. Thanks @cblasz for organising this challenge.
Just popping in and seeing how everyone has done.
Well #60 reporting that after an initial loss :) , then put it back on :( then a get your butt into action moment.... I am 6lbs down :) 1lb off my goal, but the week isn't over yet!
#18 with a final check in. I bombed for this challenge - and regained the three pounds I had lost in the early weeks. I fell off the wagon and really need to get back on track. But at the same time I am all challenged out. Doing the Easter one, then the Solstice one and then this straight after has been a bit much so I'm going to skip the Xmas one and just concentrate on getting my fast days back under control.

But congratulations to all who took part, and good luck with the next. :smile:
I didn't make this challenge either for the same reasons as @Hazelnut but then I know without this new way of life the damage would be so much worse.
Christmas challenge I promise to do better :smile:
This challenge makes it crystal clear that we have to adjust our goals to where we are relative to where we'd like our weight to be.

If you are just beginning you should expect a lot faster weight loss than someone who has already lost 20% of their starting weight. And if you are within 10 lbs of goal you should expect progress to be very slow.

My research has shown that having lost 15% of starting weight is the level at which most people will see their weight loss start to slow. Many people who have had a lot of weight to lose NEVER get to goal, even with radical weight loss surgery. So when helping people set goals here on the forum, it probably would be helpful to give people a more realistic idea of what they can expect at various stages so that they don't come away with feelings of failure after having actually done extremely well for the stage they are at with their weight loss journey.
A final checking in & since the start of the challenge I have lost 5 lbs in weight but far off from the weight I had hoped to lose! I was unrealistic with myself because of not taking into account various holidays and family celebrations of my fortieth wedding anniversary and my son's wedding celebrations all of which caused weight gain and extra time taken to lose that weight gain. My core weight has reduced and I am pleased with that but must still strive to get to my proper weight. In my next challenge I will as peebles suggests opt for a more realistic goal to reach because my body seems determined in continuing to take the scenic route! :snail: :snail:
Very well done to everyone who has stuck with the challenge :like:
Thank you cblasz for running this challenge :grin: :rose: :rose: :star: :star:
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