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Member 32 with an overdue update. After a bit of a stall, I dropped to 150.6 last week. Then I traveled to Orlando and ate out every meal, so we'll see what that did to things. However, steady forward progress, right?
Member 11 here. Sorry I've been MIA the last couple of weeks. I'm on the verge of a breakup and things have not been going well with my diet. My weight has been bouncing around due to the lack of sleep and stress.

My usual weigh-in date would be tomorrow, but I'm off for the next week. Going on a much needed vacation. We'll see what kind of damage THAT does to my body. Anywho, I don't see me logging on here until I return so may as well update now.

Starting weight: 148 lbs
Goal weight for this challenge: 138 lbs
10/07/15: 146.2 lbs
10/14/15: 147.2 lbs
10/21/15: 145.8 lbs
10/28/15: 146 lbs
10/31/15: 144.4 lbs
11/4/15: 143.2 lbs
11/10/15: 145 lbs
11/17/15: 143.4 lbs

4.6 pound loss so far.
So sorry to year of your relationship problems, @SammyIAm, but I do hope that you are going somewhere lovely and that your enjoy your holiday.
I can easily gain up to ten pounds on a weeks holiday (mostly water, I know) but I find that, for me, the secret is to get straight back to 5:2 as soon as I return.
:star: You have done well to lose 4.6 pounds. :star: That averages out at just over half a pound a week, which is a good steady rate and any holiday gain will probably go as quickly as it came. Chin up and keep smiling! :smile:
@stowgateresident, thank you for the kind words. They mean more than you know. My weight was down to 142.2 today so I'm pretty excited about that! I know all about that pesky water weight. I'm going to try and be good but we shall see.
Thought it was about time I posted in here. I am very pleased with myself at the mo because I've lost 1 stone 3 and a half pounds and am on track to get my Christmas challenge aim which is to be 10 stone something by Christmas! I'm not able to do whole fasts at the moment but I do skip the odd breakfast and try and go for longer without eating. Little steps.
Bean xx
No 31 reporting in. I've lost 1lb this week which I am pleased about as I've done 3 sort of half hearted fasts this week. On the right side of 9st again now at 8st 13lbs :)
Hello everybody
Reporting in - .300gm down this week - loss total this Supa challenge so far 4.2kg - very pleased with this. MOG dress fits nicely now for the Wedding on the 12th Dec, so not too worried if I don't loose too much more, but then will keep going after the Wedding, want to get the BMI down out of the 'obese' range!! Not too far away from it now!!

Doing well everybody, Fasting combined with some exercise really does work.

Maggie. :smile: :smile:
I've achieved a new low weight today - 11st 2 - a teeny tiny 1/4lb below the last new low over a month ago, but it is the right direction. :smile: And I've found out how to make a signature - what a technical genius. :grin:
But I can't for the life of me remember how to post a new topic - please could someone enlighten me, in words of one syllable & preferably with diagrams. :?: :?: :?:
EDIT - worked it out all by myself & posted new topic! :lol:
Thank you for all the updates everyone,.. i Ill reply to each and every one as soon as possible. I had a great week.. .embarked on a new eating method and feeling all remotivated and rebooted .. this will work hand in hand with 5:2 .. Some who know me on facebook will know what i mean. supa excited and saw the scales lowered, more energy and all good. Will share soon.

back soon and congratulations to those making some great progress on this challenge and chin up to those who are struggling.

btw its only a month to go!!!! i.e before the challenge ends so let us all step it up to the best of our abilities. And as one lovely lady said to me this week... start moving! (exercise whatever form you are comfortable with ) . thanks @Maggiee

cheers !
No 12 reporting - maintainer. Happy to report I lost 1.2lbs this week, which brings me closer to my mid range maintaining weight of 125lbs. One more 1lb to shed this week. My eye is firmly on my first maintaining anniversary - only 37 days to go :victory:
Good luck everyone - keep going :clover:
1.2 lbs is a great weekly loss my fellow bean @Lizbean - well done!! I, too, lost a pound last week and am now 11 stone .5 so if I'm good this week I might actually get to 10 stone something next week! Mind you, I always seem to take the scenic route so it might not work as quickly as that. At least my BMI is now 24.75 so I'm happy with that!
My tummy is rumbling this morning - but I'm still going to have milk in my coffee!!
Good luck everyone - 4 weeks isn't long is it!
Bean xx
Thanks Beanie @Bean whoop, whoop to you, a 1lb loss and 24.75 BMI, that's cool. Good luck with squeezing out the 0.5, push hard! At some point soon, it'll .... plop at it's own accord, then bingo your a very happy tenner! :wink:
Bean parky down south .... the office was a ffffreezer. I've pealed off my cold clothes for snug pyjamas and whacked up the heating. Bliss.
Have you seen Bean Good - tiny packet of cracking healthy beans, not sure about the cost though :smile:
Number 4; Chunk 6

Average deviation from goal = +2.56 lbs :unlike:
No of days at < 10000 steps = 0 :like:
Only dairy products consumed at home = butter, cream cheese, brie. :unlike: I have realized I have little control around dairy. I am going to knock it on the head altogether for a bit.

Better than last time without being good. 27 days, 3 chunks
Thanks Beanie ! I've never heard of those little beans. Where do I find them?!
IMG_20151030_180233219 (225x400).jpg
IMG_20151030_180233219 (225x400).jpg (203.12 KiB) Viewed 439 times
They can be found in Itsu x
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