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It's getting difficult, and not helped by the encouraging paragraph at the top of the tracker page saying that since I started 124 weeks ago, I have lost 1.4 kg, although this time round it's a little more. Kept to the limits yesterday but this mornings scales show an increase on the week before as does the tape measure. Still keeping on.
Current weight : 73.7
Current waist : 85
This is sooooooo slow - but I do have a new low weight, another few grams down - 11st 1.25lb this morning.

Please can someone remind me again how to alter my signature!
WarriorPrincess wrote: This is sooooooo slow - but I do have a new low weight, another few grams down - 11st 1.25lb this morning.

Please can someone remind me again how to alter my signature!

@warriorprincess, hit the User Control Panel under the "Welcome back to the forum" message, then hit the Profile tab, then hit Edit Signature on the left.
barbarita wrote: @warriorprincess, hit the User Control Panel under the "Welcome back to the forum" message, then hit the Profile tab, then hit Edit Signature on the left.

Thank you@barbarita - I don't seem to have a User Control panel! I have done this before, and using the same browser - am at a loss (at a very small loss, unfortunately - story of my life!)

EDIT - Found it - through the little cog thingy on the opposite side of the page, above the Welcome back ... message! It must vary by browser.
Number 4; Chunk 8

Average deviation from goal = +2.78 lbs :unlike:
No of days at < 10000 steps = 0 :like:
Only dairy products consumed at home = butter, cream cheese, brie. :unlike: Well, the dairy-free did not last. When stressed, the most recent tweak to my WOE tends to bite the dust.

May I wish the losers on this challenge a really successful final 9 days.
Member 27 reporting: I reached the goal of this challenge, today's weight 89,6 kg
@Callanthe many congratulations on reaching your challenge goal, nice one :like: :victory: @Warriorprincess hang on in there, yes it can be slow, but the end result is soooooooooooooo worth it. :victory:

No 12. 18 days to go ..... reaching my first year of maintaining, Christmas present to self :smile:
Hello no.31 reporting in. I have to say that I seem to be sticking at 8st 13lbs or 125lbs which is actually ok and a comfortable weight. I think that my target of 120lbs was too ambitious and possibly too low for me to maintain. So if I stick at 125lbs up to and over Christmas I will be happy. Working in a school I am existing on school dinners, which are incredibly carby, and chocolate biscuits and chocolates sent in by lovely parents. This time of year is quite stressful and involves lots of late nights, tired children and grumpy staff hence the huge chocolate consumption :)
whoohooo @Callanthefor making it to your goal! well done!
Maggiee wrote: Member Number 2 reporting in. :smile:
This has been my best challenge ever - 4.7kg GONE!!! woohoo very happy. :like:

Not sure if I will make the 5kg target for my son's Wedding this coming Saturday, but it doesn't matter, it's close and I feel fantastic. I am down 10kg since November 2014, as you can see its been a successful challenge.

Very special mention to @Juliana.Rivers for this Supa Challenge and for being the great motivator that she is. :heart: It took me a long time to finally 'get' Fasting and this WOE and life.

I have also found that if Fasting doesn't go well one day, to pick myself up, and do it again the next day. Definitely 'always tomorrow' in my case. :smile:

Happy fasting everybody and thank you to everybody for your support and encouragement. :heart:

Maggie. :smile:

@Maggiee sorry just noticed your message to me... awwe how sweet.

You are a very inspiring.. and as Mother of the Groom you looked absolutely wonderful!!! With nearly 5kg lost during this last few months you must have been so delighted to fit so well into the beautiful dress. All the best for your son and new daughter in law.. May they have a healthy and happy life together.
Well done to everyone who has achieved/is on the way to achieving their goals.
I have well and truly fallen off the wagon and daren't go near the scales at the moment.
Suffice to say I shall join in any new challenge in the New Year but am just concentrating on looking after myself and getting through Xmas at the moment.
Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas and Healthy New Year
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Lost another little bit - 11st 0.75 this morning. Need to drop another pound this week to achieve target. Not the most likely scenario but it is possible - if I can take it right to the wire to get in 2 more fasts, the second next Sunday, last day of Xmas Challenge, & submit my final report on Mon 21st.

Feels a bit 'dog ate my homework', but dear @Juliana.rivers, please Miss, can I have that one day extension?
Juliana.Rivers wrote: whoohooo @Callanthefor making it to your goal! well done!

Thank you :) I just need to hold till the 23rd December, then this work-wise stressing mess will be over and I will have time to focus on myself. But I must say that fast days help me immensely in this stressful time, because I don't have to care about food for 3 days a week.
@@juliannerivers not sure where my updates have gone but I've been posting weekly updates but it's only showing that I've updated twice since 20th Oct.
start weight 126.2 lbs, current weight 121.2lbs, so a 5lb loss so far. :oops:
Member no 19 my weight in today is 60.5 kgs its finally shifting..... :grin:
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