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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Jan 9
Weight: 172.7 :frown:
Eating Window: 12:30-8:30 :smile:
Calories: 1109 :smile:
Net Carbs: 93 :smile:
Water/tea: 5 :frown:
Steps: 8614 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

The scale was up a bit this morning, it could be carry over from Monday night's dinner. But, I also didn't do great with my water yesterday. I did do well with my food. I had leftover black bean chili that I had made on Sunday, and I have to say it is VERY filling! I also need to work on my steps/exercise. I have to start taking a walk at work now that it's warmer.

I should have a good day today, salad for lunch. Not quite sure about dinner yet as I'll probably be going to a cafe to work on my college class. Speaking of my college class, my Saturday in person class got cancelled. I just have the online one left. This is a little disappointing because I could use the money, but it is kinda nice because it frees up my Saturdays. I should have no problem getting my exercise in both days of the weekend. Also there's a 5K at the Bronx Zoo that I enjoy doing and wouldn't be able to if I had my class!
Jan 10
Weight: 171.9 :smile:
Eating Window: 11:30-7:30 :smile:
Calories: 1190 :smile:
Net Carbs: 112 :frown:
Water/tea: 9 :smile:
Steps: 8977 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

The scale is back down - yay! My carbs were a little high yesterday due to a dark hot cocoa at night, but I think it was worth it! I needed it after a tiring day. The rest of the week should be pretty easy and then I have a 3 day weekend ahead. I'm supposed to go skiing, which will be great, but the conditions might be lousy, so I'm not sure if we will.
Jan 11
Weight: 171.4 :smile:
Eating Window: 12:00-7:00 :smile:
Calories: 1232 :neutral:
Net Carbs: 92 :smile:
Water/tea: 7 :smile:
Steps: 8589 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

Pretty good day yesterday. I did finally get in one lap around our campus yesterday. It was mostly because I needed to get out of our extremely hot building!!

It looks like I will probably not be going skiing this weekend. The weather is going to be crazy here. Lots of raining and then freezing. I'm not sure what I will do for exercise this weekend. But with Monday off, I should be able to get something in!
Jan 12
Weight: 171.2 :smile:
Eating Window: 12:30-7:00 :smile:
Calories: 1163 :smile:
Net Carbs: 108 :neutral:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 5589 :frown:
Other Exercise: none

Well, the scale is down a little bit more! But of course now it's the weekend and I have to try not to ruin it. I don't have too many eating out plans. I might be doing dinner and a movie tomorrow and then I have lunch or breakfast plans on Monday. So I should be ok. I might try to get a walk in today, depending on the weather and I'm planning to swim tomorrow morning. Monday I definitely should be able to get a walk in.

I will say that I've been very good about not eating sweets and not really missing them that much. Granted I haven't been tempted by them either, but still I haven't felt the need for them really. I have had a couple of chai lattes and a couple of dark chocolate hot cocoas and a piece here and there of dark chocolate (all which I have allowed myself exceptions for) but no cookies or ice cream or pastries, etc!
Dear cblasz, you must be feeling pleased with yourself. Good luck for the weekend, hope you get in the exercise you are planning for! :clover: :smile:
Jan 13
Weight: 171.6 :frown:
Eating Window: 9:00-8:00 :frown:
Calories: 1434 :neutral:
Net Carbs: 117 :neutral:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 3415 :frown:
Other Exercise: none

Well, the scale was up a little this morning, but I guess that's to be expected. I'm ok with my calories and carbs being up a little on the weekend and they weren't too bad, but I definitely need to start exercising again. I stopped with the holidays basically and it's so hard to get back into it, especially when it's 14 degrees F (-10C) out! I ended up bailing on swimming. I just couldn't bring myself to put a bathing suit on yet. So, I will try to bundle up later and at least get a walk in!
Jan 14
Weight: 171.8 :frown:
Eating Window: 7:00AM-4PM :frown:
Calories: 1504 :neutral:
Net Carbs: 139 :neutral:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 6134 :frown:
Other Exercise: 2 mile walk in the cold :grin:

Well, I'm very happy that I managed to drag myself out yesterday to finally get in a real walk. It was really cold though, so I could only do 2 miles. But it's a start. I just need to get back into the habit.

I gained a little weight again yesterday, which I have to say I'm not 100% sure of the cause. It could be the increase in calories from the weekdays, but it is still under my TDEE. It could be the increased carbs, although still not that bad. Maybe it's the small amount of movement or not enough water. Or maybe it's the increased eating window! (I have a hard time waiting until noon to eat on weekends.) It's not that much of course and I know fluctuation is to be expected!

Anyway, I'm off today, but treating it like a weekday. It will be easy because I have a ton of work to do. I am meeting a friend for lunch, but I'm hoping to make a healthy choice! Tomorrow will be my weekly weigh in and I'm hoping the scale will be back down a bit!
Jan 15
Weight: 171.7 :neutral: Weekly Weigh In
Eating Window: 12:30-7PM :smile:
Calories: 1214 (estimated) :smile:
Net Carbs: 107 :neutral:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 3260 :bugeyes:
Other Exercise: none

Well, down a little from yesterday and .7 for the week. Was hoping for a whole pound, but better than nothing! I'm going to keep plugging along. Today should be a good, normal day. Tomorrow there's a chance for another snow day, but I will try to plan for it!
Jan 16
Weight: 171.8 :neutral:
Eating Window: 12:30-7:00 :smile:
Calories: 1117 :smile:
Net Carbs: 94 :smile:
Water/tea: 6 :neutral:
Steps: 8019 :neutral:
Other Exercise: 1 lap around the campus

I've decided that while I want to meet all of these goals every day, that I should especially focus on one goal each week. I think it will be easier to commit to it and also it might give me some insight into which tactic is doing the most for my weight loss! This week I've decided to make sure to stay within my 8 hour eating window (and even shorten it when possible) including the weekend.

No snow day for us. Just rain where I live, so today should be pretty easy to stick to my window! Once I'm at work I don't have a chance to eat anything and it keeps my mind off it!
Sounds like a good plan! I have just received an email from the Beck Insitute about not taking on too many strategies/restrictions when trying to get back on track. Good luck! :clover:
Jan 17
Weight: 171.6 :smile:
Eating Window: 12:00-8:00 :smile:
Calories: 952 :smile:
Net Carbs: 95 :smile:
Water/tea: 7 :smile:
Steps: 8720 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none :frown:

Pretty good day yesterday! Today and tomorrow should be good. I do have eating out activities on both Saturday and Sunday though, that I hope I can manage!
Jan 18
Weight: 172.2 :confused:
Eating Window: 12:00-9:00 :neutral:
Calories: 1020 :smile:
Net Carbs: 94 :smile:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 6264 :frown:
Other Exercise: none :frown:

Well, the scale is up 1/2 pound today, which is a little frustrating, since I've hardly lost anything so far. Yesterday was a little weird. I had kind of a lousy day at work and didn't feel great. I met my cousin at Starbucks to tutor her in Statistics. Normally I get something to eat beforehand, but I left work earlier than usual and wasn't hungry before. We ended up working later than expected, so I didn't get home until 8:30 or so. I really wasn't that hungry but I was afraid if I didn't eat something I'd be starving this morning. So I had a small snack. I didn't really drink enough either.

And of course this weekend isn't going to be a bit challenging. But all I can do is keep on keeping on and maybe when I start getting more activity in, that will help a little. :?:
Hi @cblasz, I think you are doing okay! You of course know that daily changes tell you very little, since hydration levels and body waste are the main factors that influence a change from day to day. But you are down 2.2lb (1kg) since you started recording your daily stats, and that rate of loss is all you would expect on a standard 5:2 approach. Obviously you are using a different approach, but presumably your calorie reduction is similar. So keep up the good work! :like: :clover: :smile:
Hi Csaz I am new to this forum & am wondering why you’re counting calories every day on the 5:2. I thought we didn’t hav to do that. I lost 20 kg in 12 months just doing the 5:2. Then I got sick & couldn’t do it cause I was dizzy. So back into it now. I’m finding I want to do 4:3 cause the weight isn’t shifting. I don’t really want to count calories every day.
@Sassy1 - thanks for reading and responding to my posts! I am not doing 5:2, but I am doing eating windows, which is another form of intermittent fasting. My hope is to lose about a pound a week, which is not the case right now. I was sorta hoping the first few pounds would come off easily, since it is all just "holiday" weight. But I will have to just keep plugging along and try to be patient!
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