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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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Sun Mar 18
Weight: 168.7 (168.3) :frown: Weekly WI
Eating Window: 10-9 :neutral:
Calories: 1650 :frown:
Net Carbs: 187 :frown:
Water/tea: 3 :frown:
Steps: 3806 :frown:
Other Exercise: none

Scale was down a little from last week, but still up from my lowest a couple of weeks ago. I did have a bit of an indulgent weekend. But I am ready for this week. I want to get all smileys M-F this week!
cblasz wrote: ... Are you saying that it's going to be harder to lose weight or that I will suddenly start losing weight faster? Because I've been at the same trend weight now, for a while!

Sorry. Neither. Just a bumbling attempt to be encouraging about your consistent progress since the first of the year.
Well, I appreciate the effort @ADFnFuel! Unfortunately it hasn't been going so well and my tracker is more like cross country skiing! :grin:
Mon Mar 19
Weight: 169.4 (168.4) :frown:
Eating Window: 12:30-8:30 :smile:
Calories: 1042 :smile:
Net Carbs: 99 :smile:
Water/tea: 7 :smile:
Steps: 9235 :smile:
Other Exercise: none

Well, I had a good day yesterday and despite it being a little chilly got in a walk at work. Unfortunately it's supposed to snow AGAIN tomorrow!!! The scale went up again, but it could be from the weekend still, plus I worked late so dinner was kind of late. Hopefully I'll see better results by the end of the week!
Tues Mar 20
Weight: 168.3 (168.4) :frown:
Eating Window: 11:30-7 :smile:
Calories: 1246 :neutral:
Net Carbs: 93 :smile:
Water/tea: 7 :smile:
Steps: 7488 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

So, not a bad day yesterday, but not perfect. My schedule got changed a bit, so I didn't get my walk in and I had a chai latte last night while tutoring my cousin. But still kept my carbs down and got my water in! And the good news is that today is not a snow day. Instead we have early dismissal, which is ok. I should be able to do well today!
Weds Mar 21
Weight: 166.6 (168.2) :grin:
Eating Window: 11:00-7 :smile:
Calories: 1132 :smile:
Net Carbs: 100 :smile:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 6010 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

Well, I did well with my eating yesterday, but not so great with exercise. We had an early dismissal from school. It was good because I had a bunch of work to do, but for some reason I was pretty tired once I got home, so I didn't get in a walk or much else. But none-the-less, the scale is down this morning!!! It's the lowest it's been since Nov. So I'm very excited and therefore more motivated to keep it up. I'm going to semi-fast today and not eat until 3. I should be able to get a walk in during my lunch time.
Thurs Mar 22
Weight: 166.1 (167.9) :grin:
Eating Window: 4-7 :smile:
Calories: 647 :smile:
Net Carbs: 45 :smile:
Water/tea: 4 :frown:
Steps: 9709 :smile:
Other Exercise: none

Had a good fast day yesterday. I was very hungry all morning, but went for a walk when I normally ate lunch and then got so busy I didn't eat my snack until 4! Happy that the scale is down again! I hope that keeps up. I was thinking of going out to eat tonight, but I probably won't so as to continue to do well. I do have plans for dinner tomorrow night, but I hope to do well during the day and make semi-good choices at dinner!
Congratulation, @cblasz, it's great to see such determination to keep going. Hurrah for you! :grin:
Glad to see you keeping such a good track of things @cblasz. So are you using the fasting window at the moment? Do you do this every day? What is your strategy?

I have just taken @StowgateResident's lead and re-used my tracker. It was most depressing to see my last entry was September 2016 - and I was my lowest weight in YEARS!! Oh how I've let myself go ! :bugeyes: Anyway, at least I'm back on track again now.

I'm currently using the Every Other Day way of fasting. This is my first week and so far I'm really enjoying it. Unlike last time I did ADF, I am keeping a better eye on my carb intake and trying to keep it to 50g per day where possible!! :wink:

Look forward to hearing from you with your next stats!

Bean :wink: :heart:
Fri Mar 23
Weight: 165.6 (167.6) :grin:
Eating Window: 12:30-7 :smile:
Calories: 1211 :neutral:
Net Carbs: 97 :smile:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 9768 :smile:
Other Exercise: none

Wow!! I can't believe how well I'm doing this week. I did say I was going to really try to do my best and even though I haven't been perfect, I guess even trying to do well has helped. Now, I just have to be careful not to ruin it this weekend! It really shouldn't be that hard. As I said I have dinner plans tonight, but won't go overboard. I'll try to stick with my eating window and I'm planning to walk/jog both days (even though it's still a little chilly.)

Of course the timing isn't great, because my birthday is next Friday and Easter is next Sunday. But at least it is all in one weekend!! Then in 2 weeks I will be on vacation from school and going to visit my family in Florida. But still I have to not give up and stick to my habits as much as possible! I'm also going to really start training for the 5K, so that may help as well!

Thank you @StowgateResident and @nursebean for following along and the encouragement. My strategy is pretty much in my signature. Good for you for entering the tracker and getting back on track. Unfortunately sometimes life gets in the way, it happens to all of us. But you will lose it again!
Sat Mar 24
Weight: 166.6 (167.6) :smile:
Eating Window: 9-9 :neutral:
Calories: 2165 :shock:
Net Carbs: 238 :frown:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 10414 :smile:
Other Exercise: 3 mile walk/jog

Well, the scale is up a pound from yesterday, which is not surprising because I had a very high calorie day. This is mostly because the restaurant we were supposed to go to had a 45 minute wait, so we had to go to this other place that mostly just has fried, fattening type food. It wasn't even that enjoyable. But at least I did get my walk in and I will try to do better today. I'll be getting another walk in too.
Every so often I have a day where while I can get out of bed, I can't get anything done that I mean to get done and end up either on the couch or back in bed most of the day. I'm not sure if it's just exhaustion from the week or mild depression or just laziness! But, as much as I try to get myself to do what I need to do, it just doesn't happen. Yesterday was one of those days. I did manage to do some laundry, make potatoes for pierogi and empty the dishwasher, but that was about it. So I didn't get my walk in. :frown: So, of course the scale is back up to 168 today. :frown:

But I'm planning to have a good 4 days until my birthday on Friday. After that, I do plan to not worry about it for the weekend and then go from there!
Mon Mar 26
Weight: 168.3 (167.6) :frown:
Eating Window: 12-7 :smile:
Calories: 1139 :smile:
Net Carbs: 114 :neutral:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 7904 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none
Hi @Cblasz! Try not to be too despondent after yesterday. We all have those days where you just can't get motivated or energy doesn't allow you to do anything. You haven't gained any weight after a relaxing day though have you? So don't worry too much! Daily weighing is bound to be disappointing at times. My weight this week has bean more up than down - but its not a race is it!

Ooh your birthday on Friday eh?! I hope you've got something lovely lined up for your special day?!

Bean :heart:
Hi @nursebean - Thanks for the encouragement. I did gain weight after the weekend. Almost 3 lbs. and that's still high for my weekly weigh in. I definitely understand the ups and downs of daily weighing. But still since Jan 2, I've only lost 6.4 lbs. I was doing well last week, when I tried super hard, but then it all fell apart over the weekend again. I'm going to keep at it, there's nothing else I can do, but it's frustrating.

I am looking forward to my birthday. I have plans to go out with some friends that night. And I'm planning to take the weekend off from all dieting! But of course that will probably set me back on Monday. But I'll just go from there. The 5K I'm doing is April 28th, so I'm going to have to really put a lot of effort into that and maybe that will help!
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