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Have you thought about lowering your daily carbs? This might give you a little boost. I try to keep mine below 50g daily but on my feast days I don't worry about it TOO much! We have to enjoy our food too don't we!

I don't know about you, but I do enjoy the actual fast days. Its so much easier isn't it - although I'm not too sure what to have tonight. What I do know is that I am going to try Cauli Rice and perhaps a boiled egg - and cheese?! Its all a bit crazy in my mind at the moment. I'm obviously too hungry!! :confused:

Bean :bugeyes:
Snap, @cblasz! I also gained three pounds in three days but I know that it will go (almost) as quickly as it came! I am fasting today and that 'water weight' will soon be gone. I think that consistency is the solution and I need to remember that a couple of days of over-indulgence is always going to result in a gain! However, I enjoyed the chocolate so now I am paying the price!
You are doing brilliantly and with a birthday coming up, I guess that more weight will return but stick with it and it will go!
One thing you can always be sure of - you can gain weight a lot more easily than lose it!! Annoying isn't it!! :starving:
Tues Mar 27
Weight: 166.5 (167.5) :smile:
Eating Window: 11-8 :neutral:
Calories: 1092 :smile:
Net Carbs: 106 :neutral:
Water/tea: 5 :neutral:
Steps: 7882 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

You were right @StowgateResident the scale went down a bit today, not the whole 3 lbs. but down. I'd just like to see some progress from week to week. But I guess I should really try to worry about the trend weight more than the actual weight. And I'm definitely going to ruin it this weekend, but I'm hoping to have a good month in April!

nursebean wrote: One thing you can always be sure of - you can gain weight a lot more easily than lose it!! Annoying isn't it!! :starving:

@nursebean - You got that right! It's so unfair!! I'm doing 16:8, so I'm don't really have any fast days or every day is a fast day! :wink: I try to keep my calories under 100g, which at 1100 or so calories a day is about the same percentage as 50g of 500 calories. My carbs come mostly from fruit and dairy and some whole grains, so I feel ok about that amount. I really have cut way down on sweets. I am adding a semi-fast day on Thursdays and so my carbs are lower that day, just because I'm eating less. I think I just really need to stick with what I'm doing and try to do better on weekends (after this weekend!)
Hi again @cblasz! You've really got everything worked out so well - well done!

I hope you make the most of this 'birthday weekend' - just enjoy! And then start again next week. Its so easy isn't it!

Bean :heart:
Weds Mar 28
Weight: 166.3 (167.5) :smile:
Eating Window: 12-7
Calories: 1348 :frown:
Net Carbs: 96 :smile:
Water/tea: 4 :neutral:
Steps: 7553 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

Not too bad a day yesterday. My calories were a little high, because I had an extra snack in the evening. Today I am semi-fasting. I won't have lunch, but have a snack after school. I was supposed to go to trivia night tonight, but it looks like all of my friends are bailing, which is a little disappointing, but at least it means I won't be eating and drinking out!
Now you're not going out, maybe you could turn your day into a fast?!! :wink:
No, I still don't fully fast on Thursdays. And I'm still sort of eating out because I'll be going to a cafe to work on my college class and will eat something there. But it will still be better than what I would've had at the bar!
Thurs. Mar 29
Weight: 166.3 (167.2) :neutral:
Eating Window: 12-8 :smile:
Calories: 1005 (est)
Net Carbs: 108 :neutral:
Water/tea: 3 :frown:
Steps: 7826 :neutral:
Other Exercise: none

Well, despite my semi-fast, I still had kind of a lot of calories. But not too bad. I was really hoping to be 165 by today, but I guess it's not too bad. I'm planning to splurge a bit and not worry about calories or carbs or fasting windows for the next 3 days, but then hope to start up with a vengeance on Monday! I do hope to get in a walk/run all 3 days.

Have a great weekend and happy Easter everyone!
Happy Birthday, @cblasz, and enjoy your 'weekend off'. :cake: I often find that a couple of days of less careful eating leads to a fast increase but then a good loss. :victory: I'll keep my fingers crossed for that working for you! :grin:
Happy Birthday too, @cblasz! Enjoy the weekend, whatever you do. :smile: :smile:
Thanks Ladies, I treated myself a bit during the day, but didn't go too overboard. And then last night at dinner I only had a couple of pieces of pizza. I actually didn't want to have any dessert (I had a Starbucks cake pop during the day and am going to the Cheesecake Factory tonight), but my friend was very sweet and brought a cake for me, so I had no choice. I have to say it was VERY sweet and I didn't really even enjoy it that much!! I am going to check the scale at some point this morning, but I didn't track anything so I don't have any stats!!
Oh I hope you had a lovely day on Friday @cblasz!! Sounds as though you aren't used to such sweet things as cake now.

Hope you're enjoying your 'birthday weekend'!!

Bean :wink:
Well, I definitely indulged a lot this weekend, especially yesterday. I went out for breakfast with my sister-in-law and we had just a ridiculous amount of food at dinner yesterday, mostly carbs. I had dessert all 3 days this weekend. I did not however have any candy! I am embarrassed to say that I didn't get a walk in at all. I just really couldn't fit it in. I'm also not in the habit, so not as determined to get it in. That needs to change though as the 5K I'm doing is 26 days!! Luckily I will be on vacation next week and going to Florida for part of it, so should be able to train every day.

I did weigh in this morning and am up to 169.9 :curse: but, I know it won't stay that high for long. I will sort of get back on track today. We have another snow day today!!! :shock: But I was already dressed and made my lunch, so I may go in for a little bit anyway. However, I have some leftovers from yesterday that I will probably eat for dinner. It still won't be nearly as much as I've been eating.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday!
Well, the scale is back down a bit to 169.1. And I am ready to be back on track today!
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