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Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 00:12
June has not panned out as I expected with curtailed walks & gym. Have persisted with 5:2 +8:2 to continue my weight loss albeit at a snails pace. Slow and steady wins the race eh.
Oh coffeetime what a shock for you hope your OH is ok as well as you
Hummingbird veggies rock in juices and every other way, well done re reducing sugar
Great work Legoman big numbers there you must be chuffed
No-More-Mrs-Michelin it's good isn't how you can adapt this 5:2 to fit your lifestyle
I did liquid fasts for a bit so power to you green monster well done for you with your fast
Good news Debbie and hang in there Josie plateaus frustrate and hi to Merlin how's that DVD
Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 07:50
Hello everyone!

Phew... I have just completed my report. It has taken over my life for the last two weeks. I don’t know if I am alone in this, but I operate my life on priorities and once I make something my top priority I get it done, while I put other items aside.

Anyway, as I said my report is completed and now I just have to make a trip at some point today to get it bound – I will wait till rush hour is over. I have a currier collecting it at 5pm today.

Thanks everyone, I certainly am super happy with my weight loss to date – Its strange looking in the mirror and not seeing any belly, and clothes just, well.. fit! I have a little more to lose but it’s safe to say that I am enjoying the “new” me. I even got a trendy new hair cut yesterday.

It seems like we are all doing amazing in this Team! I know what you mean about sugar – I am fine until I have a little bit then I need more.. More I tells you! So over the weekend I will watch that link. I don’t know if I can give up sugar but cutting back a bit on it is a good thing!

Anyway I have personal training tonight and have match tomorrow (which normally leads to the pub afterwards) so I am fasting today.

In other news...

I only told my family about this way of life and My sister is now on it, my brother and dad are thinking about it. I have just sent the book over to them.

We are changing the world one pound at a time.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 08:10
June really is jubilant for me, I've been offered a new job!! That and my weight loss is back on track, after 3 weeks of losing nothing I'm down 1lb :D. Looks like calorie counting for 3 days fasting 2 then eating whatever 2 has is working ^.^
Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 08:58
This month is well named for most of us, despite the few dramas and ups and downs it really is jubilant.

I'm over the moon again, I've lost another pound which brings be into the healthy BMI range.

Great news TayTay with both the new job and the weight loss and Legoman so glad that everything is going well for you.

Thank you Gillymary, hubby has a stair lift but thinks it will wake me up if he uses it at night - it doesn't, I keep telling him that but he forgets. I hope after his fall he will always use the stair lift but he gets confused. Slow and steady is good, at least your weight is going in the right direction.
Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 13:20
Thanks Gillymary for encouraging me. I think I'm gradually, finally coming off my plateau. Will keep you all posted.
Legoman, good for you to 'convert' your family to 5:2. I am convinced that this WoE is healthy as well as sustainable. Congrats with the finished report. I think it's approx the same feeling I get when I have to finish a translation. Nothing gets done until the thing is handed in. Good luck with your training and your match tomorrow. Have fun in the pub afterwards.
TayTay, congrats on the new job and with the lost pound.
Coffeetime, good to hear that your husband's head is healing. And congrats with your BMI, it must feel marvellous to be in the healthy range. I still have a bit to go before I get there (overweight right now), but I am confident I will get there at some point. For all of you a Wonderful Wednesday in this Jubilant June. :clover:
Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 19:54
Hi all,

Sorry I've been quiet but been so busy! My exam went not so well but managed not to reach for the chocolate to compensate (yay!). Went wedding dress shopping for my best friend at the weekend and the woman sizing me up for my bridesmaid dress called me lean. LEAN! She did also say I had a huge rib cage, which I'm not sure any amount of 52-ing will sort out so not sure what to do about that :razz:

Gosh coffeetime, sorry to hear about your husband's fall but glad to hear he's on the mend.

Congratulations on the new job TayTay :smile:

And well done for continuing to fight the battle against sugar, Hummingbird. You've inspired me to think about my intake more!

Anyway, it's my birthday on Monday so I've got my 2 fasts out of the way already this week and am forcing everyone to celebrate with me for the next 5 days - T20 tomorrow after work, drinks with work people Friday, Cocktail Masterclass on Saturday, Up at the O2 on Sunday and nice meal with the family on the actual day. Phew! What a way to end a very Jubilant June :grin:
Re: *Jubilant June*
26 Jun 2013, 20:25
@imajen8tion it's my birthday Monday as well! (hmmm, interesting that we both have '8' in our names, lol) I like the idea of celebrating for a week :drink: :drink: :cake: :drink: , I'll have to get through my Thursday fast then "wey-hey" through to a Tuesday fast. Happy early birthday imajen8tion! :cake: :present: :drink:
Re: *Jubilant June*
27 Jun 2013, 09:06
Happy Birthday to both of you for Monday - I shall raise a virtual glass to you as I will be fasting.

Weighed in today as I finished my second fast yesterday. Another 400g off and another mini goal reached - 2 stone off in total so far. Dropped down another point on BMI and a whole % on body fat - I think that's because I've been more consistent with the toning exercises this week. :grin:

josie50 - you will get over that plateau - just keep on at it and eventually you'll get a pleasant surprise.

Legoman, glad the report is finished. I seem to have far too many deadlines this month and am burning the midnight oil a lot at the moment. Still, when you are freelance, it's good to be busy, as otherwise I've got no income!

Taytay, congrats on the new job - it's good to have things going well in different areas of your life too.

Imajen8tion hope the exam didn't go too badly - do you need to re-sit? And bridal shops - if they called you lean then you really are!

Picked up an absolute bargain in a local charity shop this week - a brand new Per Una dress - the tags were still on it and it only cost £4! Perfect for my summer holidays and it's a size 14. Honestly I'm still really happy about being a 14, I never thought I'd wear that size again before I started 5:2. I was in size 18 at the start of January, so for me, 2 stone equals 2 dress sizes! I'm trawling the charity shops though as I know I will be losing more weight and anything I buy this year will be potentially too big for me by next summer.
Re: *Jubilant June*
27 Jun 2013, 10:58
High Five No_More_Mrs_Michelin!

Great weight loss! and that is a bargin for a per Una dress. When are you going on holiday? I am being slow and have not booked my summer holiday. Best get on that soon.

I was fasting yesterday and after training a few people went for drinks and after my report I really felt like a nice cold one, so I only made it through half a fast. Anyway as this way of life is so flexible I will just make up for it with another half a fast on friday as I am going out for a meal on Friday night.

Last few days of Jubilant June..
Re: *Jubilant June*
28 Jun 2013, 03:36
Hello Jubilant Juners !! And Happy Birthday to imagen8tion & Betsygr8 for Monday ! :party: :present: :cake:

Reading through the posts, it sounds like June has been a busy and dramatic month for some but everyone despite plateaus and hiccups have stuck to this WOE. And I think that's the great benefit of 5:2 in that you don't feel all is lost if you have a few "bad" days, a food/wine drenched holiday or if life gets in the way as it invariably does.. you can just dust yourself off & start again 'tomorrow'.

June has been pretty jubilant for me, especially when I finally wore my smaller sized jeans that I'd bought a year ago (wishful thinking at the time!) and they are actually a little loose ! Yeah !! The yoga DVD's are being used each morning & Pippa, the buoyant pointer, is loving all the walks.

I haven't had a dramatic weightloss but I'm feeling positive and looking forward to Joyous July and dare I say more fast days (?!!) :bugeyes:

debbiejgb, I noticed your post about not sleeping so well.. I think it was in Kate Harrison's 5:2 book she mentioned that a kiwifruit just before bedtime might help... I was a bit sceptical but thought it was worth a try and it works for me. :sleepy:

Congrats everyone & see you in July ! It's back to the books and end of financial year for me, :geek: so I'd better stop thinking food and get on with it !
Re: *Jubilant June*
28 Jun 2013, 14:37
roserobin59 - thanks so much for the tip. I haven't had kiwi in a long time even though I do like them. So, I'll give them a try!

June is winding up well for me with lower weight and smaller waist. Went to the doc for annual - and my weight 15 lbs lower than last year! She wants me to stop at 145, my original goal was 140 (I like the sound of 10 st - what an american, eh?!) I figure I'll stop when my waist finally goes 1/2" below healthy - I am a titch above at 34". I knew when I started that was where the real fight would be, and I was right!

Gotta say, this forum is the BEST! I get so much motivation from all y'all! Take Care!
Re: *Jubilant June*
28 Jun 2013, 20:04
Well June has been good. I know we tick over to July for real on Monday, but as far as I know the official forums weigh in will take place next weekend - I think Carorees said she'd open the thread next Friday.
Either way, I've lost more than my target for the month, so I'm happy!

6 weeks to my hols. Legoman, we have to go in the school holidays which means we have to plan ahead or we don't get good accommodation or flights at a price we can afford, even booking independently. So we booked in January, and even then quite a lot of the good stuff had already been booked. We have a 7:15am flight from our local airport and I've booked our apartment via OwnersDirect to get a good location that is only a short walk from the beach.

Anyway, finally sorted out new swimming costumes this week. I have a sports one for the pool here, but that just wasn't going to cut it on the beach. I hate shopping for such things, so in the end I ordered online and out of the three I chose only one is going back, so I'm quite pleased with that result, especially as they were at sale prices. I've got to the point after two children where the average costume is not going to give quite the support I need so have ordered proper underwired ones and I feel OK in them (don't think I'm ever going to feel brilliant in a costume LOL)
Re: *Jubilant June*
30 Jun 2013, 11:11
The last day of June already, the month seemed to fly by. I'm so glad that I joined Jubilant June, you have all been so inspiring despite the various disasters that many of us have had, on the whole though I think we've all had our uplifting moments.

This month has been good for me, weight loss has been the average 1 lb a week - albeit in one fell swoop, my BMI is now a comfortable 24.84 and I've stopped bingeing every evening which is a huge change in my life. I'm sure it is due to the support of the wonderful people in this group so a big thank you to you all.
Re: *Jubilant June*
30 Jun 2013, 11:58
It's been a while since I've checked in but it's the last day of June already! And I have to say I'm currently beyond jubilant! My parents are moving house so I finally cleared out my I'll-fit-back-into-these-one-day clothes drawer to get rid of it as I thought I never actually would - and guess what, I fit back into some of it and very nearly to some other bits! Sooooo happy!! Only one more BMI point to go until I'm no longer overweight and only a couple of pounds until I'm under 12 stone for the first time in many, many years!

Let's see what we can achieve in July! It'll be tricky for me as July is exam month, but I'm going to try and still fit fasts around my exams, we'll see how it goes!
Re: *Jubilant June*
30 Jun 2013, 12:05
Oh just got this in before June has ended, am back walking ywith Maxy today and did an impromptu fast as was 1/2 way through day and hadn't eaten, so just switched to fasting 5:2. Anyway it was a nice fast, oh that they would all be like that.

It has been lovely being on this thread I have continued to shed albeit at a snails pace but am happy with that. All the best to everyone for Joyful July.
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