The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

88 posts Page 1 of 6
August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 08:40
Hi all, as Caroline is on holiday I'm running the August weigh in.


Roll up! Roll up! Post your month's progress here!
The weigh-in thread will be open until Monday afternoon.

As not everyone weighs and as waist measurement is a better indicator of fat loss, we will declare either or both weight and waist.

Please include: current weight and/or waist and how that has changed since last month (if you have info on your July 6th weight/waist). Also your starting stats and target stats if you like and any other comment.

Next weigh in will be September 7th.

Any questions, please feel free to ask them here or PM me and I'll do my best to answer them.
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 08:56
July 60.6
Aug 59
loss 1.6 kg
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 08:58
I only started on July I put my stats since then or should I wait until next month to take part?
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 09:22
Here we go:-
Started January at 12st 10lbs or 80.7 kgs
July was 11st 2lbs or 70.5kgs, waist 36" or 91.5cms
August is 11st 1lb or 70.2kgs, waist still 36"
Yes it's been the plateau from hell :0(
Onwards and downwards
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 09:27
05 July 114 lbs Waist 29"
02 Aug 112 lbs Waist 27"

Loss 2 lbs Loss 2"

On maintenance
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 09:33
6th July: 97.5 kg
2nd August: 95.0 kg
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 09:35
Began June 25 - wt 10st3lbs
Jul 5 - 9st13.5lbs
Aug 2 - 9st11.5lbs

loss 2lbs
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 09:45
SuzyJ, can you wait until next month, so we can get figures for the whole month. Thanks.
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 10:05
That time of the month already ! -

Started 5th Feb
Weight 11st 12lbs (166lbs)
Waist 36"

I missed the actual July weigh in but mt nearest data is June 29th
Weight 10st 3.7lbs (143.7lbs)
Waist 30.5"

Weight 9st 13lbs (139lbs)
Waist 31"
Loss 4.7lbs
I had a bit of a plateau through July, entirely my own fault - too much Wey-Hey ing. But overall lost 4.7lbs. I reached my original target of a normal BMI last week, and have moved my goal weight down to give myself a bit of leeway.
My waist doesn't seem to want to get any smaller, and I wish I measured my hips and thighs at the start as they are now a shadow of what they were.
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 10:18
Start weight in Jan '13 10st 4lbs
July 5th 8st 11lbs
Aug 2nd 8st 9lbs

Waist is sticking at 28". Didn't measure anywhere else but my size 10 jeans are hanging off me and I'm comfortably back in my very small sailing shorts that I was wearing 10 years ago when I weighed about 8st 3lbs. :)
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 11:06
Hi everybody,
only just joined this site as I hadnt know it existed (been using Facebook as support - impressed with this site more!!)

Been on the 5:2 since 29th June

Starting weight = 70 kilo

here is my 31st July weight = 66 kilo

Total loss: 4 kilo

Not been measuring my waist --- should be interesting to see how I lose around the middle as I am apple shaped!

Christine :cool:
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 11:17
25th April - 76.2kg. No waist measurement
3rd June - 73.3kg. Waist - 86cm
3rd July - 71.7kg. Waist - 83cm
11th July - 70.7kg. Waist - 81cm
15th July - 70.5kg. Waist - 80cm
22nd July - 69.8kg. Waist - 78.5cm
30th July - 69.6kg. Waist - 77.5cm
2nd August - 69.2kg. Waist 76.5cm

Steady weight loss over 13 weeks, waist change big, down two clothes sizes.
Target weight 63kg
Very happy! :geek:
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 11:28
0n 7 July, I weighed 170lbs 77.1 kg
I now weigh 164lbs 74.38kg

11 lbs t go to target
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 11:46
Hi Wildmissus,

6 July 58.8k, 2 Aug 58.1k, loss of 0.7k. Waist has stayed the same. Think I should be on the slow loss thread!
Re: August Weigh In Now Open
02 Aug 2013, 11:47
Sorry for double post but forgot to say thank you Wildmissus for taking over this month.
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