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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Hope you had a nice break @loveswalking
Candy? @Candicemarie how ON EARTH can you be so good about low carbs?! Its mind boggling - but I'm tres impressed!! :bugeyes: :confused: :shock:
nursebean wrote: Hope you had a nice break @loveswalking
Candy? @Candicemarie how ON EARTH can you be so good about low carbs?! Its mind boggling - but I'm tres impressed!! :bugeyes: :confused: :shock:

@nursebean thanks beano! Youre doing pre-ttty darn well yrself too! :victory:
Its just that the penny finally dropped! @tracieknits @barbarita and other wise owl friends on here are right...dont eat carbs and you will stop wanting them AND you will be less hungry. I was luckier than many coz I only had one day of withdrawal symptoms. Since then have felt fine.
Its easy,apart from the fact i feel like i' ll grow a beak and wings soon from eating so many berries! :confused: :wink:
Its Day 12 and ive lost 16 lb. Either that or my DDsscales have gone mental.
All i know is my trousers are looser at the waist and in the legs,tops are looser,and my jarmy legs have gone too long..i'm tripping over them unless i hike them up under my armpits!
Thank you @hazelnut20 for inspiring me to do this..if it wasnt for you reporting back on yr progress,i dont think i wd have given BSD more than a passing thought! X
OH MY WORD!!! Candy? That is just incredible! You must be on Cloud 9! Well done. I'm super proud of you!
All those berries? They're doing the trick aren't they! :wink:
That's just FABULOUS! :heart: :heart:
@candicemarie. You are on a roll! Well done :heart: I'm photo blogging my food intake to help me. If you are interested follow the link in my signature.
Oh i will do @rawkaren you might give me some good ideas x
Thanks for yr kind words and thanks for the himalya salt tip! That wd be a real boost while fasting.
Have a great week! Happy bsding! X
@hazelnut20 hi nutty is it going? Where are you up to now with yr plan? Dont forget you want that postie to call you skinny again :lol:
@justdee any new job news? Am i dreaming or did you mention having an ant colony?
If so i hope theyre thriving.. I remember years ago,sitting on th front doorstep,the morning after we had had a was a boiling hot Sunday and i was fascinated watching the ants busying themselves on the garden path!
@johns hope you had a fab hol. Is the new baby about a month old now? What have they called her?
Is yr OH still giving BSD a go? Thanks for the heads up about tofu,i now know NOT to bother buying some!
@loveswalking and @nursebean how you doing?
@pilchards i like yr idea of saving money on fasting days for a future treat! X
Another week is round the corner..hope its a good one for all xx
Hello, you total star @candicemarie!! To say I'm thrilled for you is an understatement!!!! Hip, hip, hooray....and all that. 16lbs in 12 days??? That's totally the stuff of dreams! You are motoring on the BSD highway my girl!

Not sure there are enough superlatives, to be honest.....

I'm utterly chuffed for you sweetie xxx
CandiceMarie: :smile: Wow you are down 16 pounds already and two weeks are not over yet.
I'm glad to be back on track now. Seeing your results makes it so much easier to follow when you know it works for others.
Yeh @loveswalking seeing each others successes really spurs us on doesnt it!
On the bsd site,i read of someone losing over 60 pounds in 16 weeks...thats over 4 stone....
But then our own Nutty @hazelnut20 lost over 2 stone in eight weeks,so its the same thing proportionately...just incredible but possible! ! X
I read the BSD site everyday. It has a lot of information on it and a lot of success stories. It's what got me to wanting to give it a try in the first place.
Well done to you all,lots of inspiring stories
Hello everyone! How's it going?

I've been a little AWOL these past few weeks - been mad busy - but then, who isn't?! It's so wonderful to hear how you are all getting on...

Well, as Candy would's time for me to get back on that horse, clippety clop! Somehow, my plan for a one week break from the rigours of the BSD has turned into around 4 weeks (I've actually lost track of the numbers, to be honest) and it's really time to pin myself down and start losing weight again.....

The past few weeks have been really interesting for me. I was certain I would go round eating everything in sight during my first week off the BSD....but I just couldn't do it. My head kept saying "Aagghhh....carbs....sugar...stay away!" apart from maybe eating some nuts and a bit more protein....I stuck to the principles of low carb eating.

My digestion has been so much happier and more settled since being on the BSD. That is such a good thing, because I'm convinced I was totally overloading on carbs before and my ageing body really didn't like it...Without boring everyone with TMI, on Monday this week I ate a slice of chocolate cake and a piece of bakewell tart (long story)...and now I am suffering somewhat. I'm putting this out there because I am so amazed that I seem to have changed my whole mindset as a result of being on the BSD. Never have I ever changed my habits after stopping a diet! I'm OK with losing the weight, but always always go back to my old destructive eating habits. That hasn't happened to me this time. My mind is telling me that if I eat any more cake etc, I will go straight back to having digestion problems....and I don't want that! This is going to be so powerful for me.

Sorry if I'm blathering on. I'm not sure I'm quite getting across how revolutionary my new mindset feels. It's like I've been given the emotional tools to finally crack being overweight. Despite being off the BSD for a number of weeks, I've managed to maintain as opposed to put weight I always used to. That's huge for me....
@hazelnut20 Queen of BSD...i'm totally indebted to you for getting me onto this track!
I completely echo what you say..i have no desire to eat sugary or carby things only 2 weeks ive got totally into eating so much more healthily and simply. Shopping is quicker - just a few aisles to visit!
From what people here have said,theyve found it hurts their tums if they return even briefly to carby cakes,bread,pizza etc..which sounds to me very much like the IBS pains i used to suffer some years ago,and which ive no wish to return to. So that fear is keeping me on track! But besides that, i just dont want the " treats" i used to crave of empty calories!
Well done for maintaining and yes pony up,clippetty clop,and back on that hoss! You know its worth it!
Well done Candy and Nutty! You two are you doing incredibly well! A real inspiration, the pair of you!
I'm sticking with 800 cal days but I have had two naughty days this week (well I've bean feeling pretty bad so I needed a boost) and I tend to go over 50g of carbs - hey ho! I'm not as strong as you two!
Thank you, though. You are both providing oodles of encouragement! :wink:
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