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Progress Diaries & Journals

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Nursy @nursebean you are far stronger than you ever think you are..
Dont forget you are Her Royal Highness Queen of ADF ! :like: :like: :like: :heart: :heart: :victory: :victory:
Haha! Oh yes, I forget about the long ADF session I did! Didn't lose as much, as quickly as I am on the BSD though! :wink:
Its all a bit vague but it looks as though my dad may be pre-diabetic. I gave him MM's book to have a look. Hmm, I wonder if he'll actually read it! :confused:
How has your week bean so far Candy? From what I can see you are doing extremely well. I can't wait for your next weigh in - I reckon you'll have reached the 2 stone mark - easily!! :grin:
Nursebean: My first week on BSD I did not stick to 50 carbs or 800 calories a day and still lost 8 pounds on my first week. I went away for a week and did not follow the plan. I'm now back to it and I looked back at what I did my first week. My average calories was 982 and my carbs average carbs ended up to be 56 per day. My highest calorie day was 1168 and lowest was 782. My highest carb day was 80 and my lowest was 28. And when I looked at my day to day eating I noticed that I did calories and carb cycling each day. One day was higher in carbs and calories, and the next was lower. I did not even do this on purpose but I decided to try it again this week to see what happens. But I want to keep my average calorie count lower this week to average out closer to 800-900. I will let you know how this works out next week after my week is over.

Like others have said I have noticed that when I ate process foods it would bother me and I would end up with indigestion and have to take tums again.
I posted this to let others know that even if you are not a strict as you would like to be that you still get good results. Because there is more than one option(way of doing this) on the BSD site. Oh and I do try to do a 16/8 hour fast most days.
back after a week away & a couple of weeks off & am pleased to report that I am still the same weight as 2 weeks ago :) so think I am making better choices even though the last couple of days there has been lots of bread & biscuits. definite carb overload ;)

@candicemarie hello & a huge well done on your bsd progress. absolutely amazing losses so far :) happy to report that grand-daughter lily is doing really well. unlike you she is gaining weight :) & getting very chubby too. has just started smiling back which is so heartwarming. nannys pride & joy. hubby is no longer following bsd. he only lost a couple of pound after almost a week but with a foodie weekend before his weigh in, so was discouraged as he said he was hungry. he is very supportive though which is good. you should give tofu a try. I didnt get on with it but I have had it from our local chinese restaurant & they do great things with it.

pernelle @hazelnut20 how are you getting on? must have been on the other thread that I saw you were gonna get back into the swing of things. are you planning bsd again or a variation of it or back to good old 5:2ing?? we need to get ourselves some of @justdee dees stars :) Im hoping to get myself at least one this week :like:

this thread is great. its so nice to hear how others are doing & also how they are doing it. gives lots of ideas for when you are struggling with willpower. I am loving dees plan. to do a fastday & then if this fails then sub it with a bsd day. brilliant idea :)

shelley xx
Thanks for that @Loveswalking. Eight pounds loss your first week? That's just amazing! I've never lost anything near that amount on any diet ever - so that is tres impressive!
Last week I lost 2 pounds and I was over the moon. The last time I lost 2pounds was in December! I can't believe how slow my losses are - but then I do allow myself 'naughty Bean' days and there no rush! BSD has bean so easy for me. I love it! It's weigh in day tomorrow - I wonder if I've lost another 2 pounds?! Fingers crossed!
By the way, I do 16:8 every day too. No more Bean breakfasts! (Which is probably why I often crave my beloved cereal - doh!)
Bean :heart:
oh no, theres talk of breakfast cereals. will need to stop thinking about cereal now :confused:

well done @nursebean a 2lb loss is brilliant. I lost 6lb on my first week of bsd but havent lost anything since :( but this week..... fingers crossed the scales are kind to you today/tomorrow? xx

happy to report my bsd day yesterday actually tracked as a fast day. 502 calories with 47 carbs, although 27 of those are down to that pesky banana I fancied ;)

@loveswalking great to hear that you dont have to be rigid to this bsd plan & that mixing it up a bit is working aswell. will have to re-read the book but cant remember really seeing anything there about the amount of carbs we were supposed to be aiming at. I found that sort of info on the bsd site & by asking around on here. good luck with your week.

had a pretend kebab for dinner. lots of salad with 3 quorn burgers sliced thinly over it. a bit like the slimming world burger in the bowl thing. very filling & tasted lovely after eating out all week & not really having much salad. even said no to the chip shop chips that the family had with their big meat cheeseburgers.

hungry this morning though & got a bit of a headache. not enough fluids me thinks so will go have a cuppa tea now & a glass of squash. am trying to have a glass every time I go into the kitchen. that way Im hoping I can keep the headaches at bay that I had when I first done bsd.

good luck all. hope you are having the nice weather that is poking through the curtains here. looks like a lovely sunny day headed our way :cool:

shelley xx
HI Shells @johns so admire you for keeping on despite no loss yet after first week x keep going,the weight will drop!
Like the sound of yr tea!
I just joined BSD forum ..are you still on there? Same name? Xx
Night everyone,bedtime for Candy x
Struggling here. I did four days but the last three days have been a bust. Must get back on it today
Oh sorry to mention cereal @johns - that's it now - I'll keep quiet now :wink:
Oh Karen@rawkaren sorry to hear you're struggling with it. I'm surprised because you're normally so good with these things. What are you finding difficult with it?
Bean :heart:
I know @nursebean our @rawkaren is always such a star!
C' mon K you can get back on that horse clippety clop! X
I think I'm just low at the moment. Been better today. About 600 cals. Thanks for your support ladies :heart: :heart:
Hope you're feeling better @Rawkaren. I've read loads of your post over the years and a plan like this seems made for you and is something you can totally do. We all have our up and down moments so can totally relate. I can't remember which film it's from but I love the quote 'This too will pass', I'm with you tomorrow, back on the BSD. I'm feeling a bit unsure if I can do it, but I've told myself I'll take it a day at a time (maybe even hour by hour) to get through the first week, then take it from there. Well done today, good luck for tomorrow :clover: :clover: :clover:
So sorry to hear you're low at the moment, @rawkaren. Hopefully, it will pass....and then you can get back on with other things. In the meantime, please cut yourself some slack. I know very well myself that unless your head is in the right place, you're not as able to tackle self-care issues. In my case, they tend to go out of the window, in fact.

Just know we are here for you anytime....xx
Hello my fellow BSD disciples!

It strikes me I haven't been "musing" nearly enough thought I'd do a bit now...

Being on the BSD has totally changed me - I don't know why and I don't know how, but it has. Here's the thing...I was such an emotional eater before. To the point of discomfort, in fact. I ate because I was unhappy with my life and food was the only way I knew how to be "kind" to myself (except it wasn't). Given that my life hasn't changed appreciably since starting the is it that I'm not cheating left, right and centre?? That's what I want to know!

Food has become rather insignificant in my world. I never eat in the morning. I hardly experience hunger pangs - it's all manageable. I race out of the house first thing - without worrying what I'm going to eat! What freedom that gives you...Also, I now "weigh up" whether a foodstuff is "worth" eating! I question myself as to whether I really really want to eat a particular item, whilst at the same time reminding myself the carb and sugar content! Yesterday, I really really wanted to eat a homemade pasty (though I say it myself, I do make nice pastry!) - so I did. I ate it despite the fact that I knew it was a carb overload....and thoroughly enjoyed it. As it turned out, the pleasure was stomach didn't appear to enjoy the influx of carbs one little bit - a reminder of just how well I've been since ditching the carbs....and what happens when I return to them! Obviously, I'm going to hold that thought whenever I feel a desire to eat something I really shouldn't. It will so help to keep me on the straight and narrow...

Oops, it's 1.45am & the cat has just plonked herself in me in such a way as to make typing very I'll sign off for now - night night all xxx
Morning all!

If the cat hadn't sat on my chest & curtailed my typing, I was going to go on to say how very proud I am of you all! Golly gosh, but things seem to be working out well for us, don't they?! I'm chuffed to bits to read how things are going. Whether you're mixing it up, 5:2ing in a BSD fashion, rigidly sticking, popping off for a holiday, taking a break/maintaining a previous loss...we are all doing it differently, doing what works for us or fits into our life! One of the best bits, though, is the support that's on offer when it isn't going right...when life is throwing curveballs. That's what I love about being a member of this forum...

It would've been a very lonely thread if you lot hadn't joined it! Thank you, thank you xx
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