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Good Morning Nutty! @Hazlenut20 and thank you for a great read! I'm just amazed at how far you've come, not just with the staggering weight loss but more importantly the fact that you have changed so dramatically your view of food! Its just incredible - well done!
I must admit I feel I'm starting to become like you. I think I'm on about Week 4 now and I've really enjoyed doing BSD. Every Friday, however, I have a 'day off' and eat what I like, when I like. However, this Friday just gone I was astonished to find myself giving away some of my beloved Angel Delight - because I was too full!! This is UNHEARD OF! Also, yesterday, it was the last cup of tea in the evening time. I'd already exhausted my calories for the day. I looked in the cupboard, saw the purple bags (Cadbury's Wispa bites and Giant Buttons) was all ready to put them in a bowl and scoff the lot - when my brain said NO! STOP! And d'you know what? I did! I stopped.
Nutty, thanks to you, miracles are happening all over the place! You are an inspiration, you really are!
Bean :heart:
OMGdid I read that right?????????????????

Beany gave away her Butterscotch Angel Delight?????? I can barely believe it!!!!!

Inside, I'm leaping up and down with excitement for you...for I also know the sound of the new little voice that said "step away from the chocolate"...even though I've always totally ignored it in the past!

Crikey, @nursebean....what is happening to us?? I have no proper answers....this BSD malarkey has clearly but subtly messed with our heads, tee hee.....and we are loving it!!!

So so so proud of you! Your progress is fantastic...but on top of that, it is so good to read that you are feeling all the better for doing it. Am blown away.....dear Queen of the ADF! I haven't forgotten you inspiring me to join you in your ADF challenge a while it's nice to return the compliment & have you join me on the BSD!

Keep doing what you're doing Beany - because you're smashing it!! And I couldn't be happier....xx
Hahaha!! I still can't quite believe I did that!! How did this happen Nutty?! How?!!! :shock:
Thank you for your lovely words. One things for sure, though, BSD is SO much better - and enjoyable - than ADF!! Sorry, I just had to say it! :bugeyes:
D'you know, I might actually reach my ultimate goal of 9 stone now. I'm 10:5 now so hopefully in 3 weeks I'll be 9 stone something! Oh my word! Good Golly Oh Molly I just can't believe it!
Thanks BSD but most importantly - THANKS NUTTY! xx
Bean :heart:
hello ladies (I am sure it is just ladies ;) )

so fantastic to hear that we are getting there & doing so well.

@hazelnut20 pernelle, you are truly an inspiration & our saviour!! if I hadnt decided to come back to this site & give fasting a go Id have never seen your post about bsd & would never of even considered this. who would have thought that 800 calories would be do-able (most days). Im sure that your 8 weeks on it completely must be why your mindset has changed. daughter says it takes about 30 days to form a habit or break a habit so maybe thats what you have done, along with your belly reminding you that it doesnt like carbs when you give it some ;) what a lovely reminder, not...

@nursebean adf queen, when you did adf did you limit yourself to 500 calories a day on your fast days & eat what you wanted on the other days? or did you watch calories on the eating days? sounds like bsd is working out great for you.

it was so lovely to read your posts this morning. am thinking that pernelle will be back to join us tomorrow as know she likes to start things on a monday hehe

good luck with the rest of your weekend & enjoy the sunshine if you have it also & good luck on your weigh ins for those that will be weighing today & tomorrow xx

off to see what other new reads there are. shelley xx
Oh @Hazelnut20 I am so happy to hear how long lived your results have been. Making changes for life is the important part. Maintaining is so much harder than losing, and it sounds like you're really figuring it out! And I hate to say that I'm glad your belly hurts when you eat carbs, but how wonderful that your body is reminding you that this isn't the best choice, at least for now. I ate 3 (yes THREE) slices of pizza last night and honestly, I kind of wish my body would have told me to stop. Although I really enjoyed them and I had the points/calories saved up for my Saturday night splurge. Maybe if we all had a belly that protested when we ate the wrong things, we wouldn't be in this boat.

@Nursebean you are doing such a fantastic job. Well done on ignoring those gorgeous purple packets!!

@rawkarenI'm sorry you're feeling low. Let us know if there's anything we can do to lift your spirits.
Haha! Thanks @Tracieknits! Yes, those purple bags? They get everywhere I'm telling you - EVERYWHERE!!
Shelley (@johns when I did ADF I would have just 500 cals on the fast days and eat what I liked on the 'naughty Bean' days! I think that's where I went wrong and I might have lost a lot more if I had done it more sensibly! But, never mind, we learn by our mistakes don't we. BSD suits me down to the ground. I love closing down at the end of the day and reading the thing that tells me I'm not eating enough and that I'll weigh something wonderful in 5 weeks! I LOVE IT!!
My fellow Karen @Rawkaren I hope you're ok. Once you're in the right frame of mind I just know you'll be great at this. :wink:
Bean :heart:
Doing ok. I'm slightly over but I wanted to enjoy the BBQ and not feel deprived. Also did a stint on the cycle which just about killed me. Everyone's doing so great and it is spurring me on. Thanks! Hey @nursebean. I see you defected to the other site!
Heyyyy BSD folk! Heres to another new week! What will it bring us!?
@rawkaren so glad youre getting yr groove back xx
Teehee yes bean and i are on the bsd forum too! Theres a lot to learn on there,and just like here,some fab people! First loyalty is to @hazelnut20 on here tho,coz she was my inspiration that gave me the idea to try...even tho i didnt think i wd last a week. I gave myself wriggle room of 1000 cals but have never gone over 800 yet..usually a fair bit below
Can hardly believe ive nearly finished wk3! Me,who thought she cdnt live without bread hehe!
16 1/2 lbs down in 19 days..hoping on my next weigh in on thurs i might have lost a bit more xx
Will be back with results! X
Heehee! Yes Karen @Rawkaren Candy and I may have sneaked onto another site - but we'll never abandon our fasting buddies. This is where it all started. I love this site!! :wink:
I'm still in awe that Candy has given up her bread. Its just incredible isn't it. I haven't quite bean able to give up milk chocolate yet but I AM giving dark chocolate a go and my lasty 'Friday day off' (I always eat what I like on Fridays) wasn't as pleasurable as I had hoped/thought it would be. Its working! By Jove I think it is working!!
Thanks Nutty! :smile:
Bean :heart:
Checking in. Another day done. MFP reckons two cups of kale is 20g of carbs. Does not seem right to me but better than bread I guess
A full BSD day done today. Hope everyone had an easy day.
Well done @Justdee!
Karen @Rawkaren I tried to reply last night but we had a power cut - right in the middle of my piece!! Anyway, I went on MFP as well and keyed in Kale. It came up with 1.8 carbs for 20g! So that's strange!
Hope everyone has an easy peasy 800 cal day today!
Bean :heart:
Hmmmm high carb counts for innocent things like small apples,bananas...etc etc
I have a theory that tho high carb,a lot of it is Fibre,and if we could discount those necessary fibrous carbs,we wd be allowed to have more fruit n veg
Must ask MM wd he liek to join me in some research on that!
Have a great day BSD ers And Fastees! Xx
Its annoying that fruit is high carb isn't it. On SW you can eat as much fruit as you like - and pasta and rice and potatoes! I don't know how it works over there any more! Its BSD for me all the way. I loves it! And when I reach my goal (9 stone!!) I'll return to 5:2 - its so easy isn't it!
Bean :geek:
On low carb diets there is a distinction between total carbs and net carbs. Total carbs includes the carbs that are fibre, and so mostly undigested, and net carbs have the fibre already subtracted, so this is the figure for the part that will be absorbed.

Some people who do a low carb diet use the total carb number when setting their limit because they believe they are hyper-sensitive to carbs and will be stalled by too much fibre. Most people however use the net carb figure.

According to fatsecret, these are the values for net carbs in grams of one cup of raw:

Kale 2.24
Broccoli 3.64
Cauliflower 2.80
Cabbage 2.97 (red 4.66)
Rocket 0.43
Celery 1.40
Spinach 0.39
Asparagus 2.40
Mushrooms 1.60
Brussels sprouts 4.58
Carrots 8.66
Tomato 4.86 (cherry tomato 4.04)
Carrots 8.66
Red pepper 5.98
Green pepper 4.41
Beetroot 9.20
Avocado 2.80
Blackberry 6.24
Raspberry 6.69
Strawberry 8.67

Onion 13.98
Leek 10.99
Blueberries 17.51
Cherries 16.23
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