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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Thanks for that @Barbarita! That's very useful! I must admit, talking about the raw value, I never know whether to weigh my veg when raw or when cooked. I've bean doing it when its raw. Don't know if that's right or not - doh!
Bean :confused:
So Karen put me on to this thread, as, being a failed faster, I had dropped off the edge of the planet. Anyway, just recently I have been reading the book, and it coincided with me realising that I probably have Metabolic Syndrome and a combination of the symptoms gave me a good old scare.
So, started last Wednesday, and have lost 2.5kg. All well and good, but the same 5kgs have been appearing and disappearing for the last 25 years so we shall see if this is the one that changes the game. I'm really impressed by your posts Hazelnut, what are your vital stats now after all this time?
I'm here to make myself accountable. Xxx
Wow, great to see you back @Debs :like: , really hope this works out fine
Thank you kindly!
Oh wow! Welcome back and congrats @Debs - that's amazing for one week!

And just look at @CandiceMarie go! Great job Candy! You must feel great :)
Hi. I'm over today 1000 cals but still good. I had lamb steak and the portion size was too big. I wish I had cut it in half as I'm stuffed. I also had a couple of squares of 90% dark choc. Will have to make it up tomorrow. Well done @debs. Glad to see you here!
I'm with you today @Rawkaren. A good day really but went over. Had some rice with my meal tonight but didn't eat until 4pm and I think was under 1000cals. Will try harder tomorrow.

Keep meaning to say, work is not too bad most of the time, boss is now "nice" to me (as nice as he can be, that is), I work hard so he can't really say anything to me like he does to the others, he actually told me he doesn't want me to leave. I hate working for the guy, he and his wife really aren't nice people, but they're not there most of the time. I'm the only one who hasn't phoned in sick or even had a day off in the last 8 weeks (I don't get a day off, because I'm only part-time at 40hr haha). I got them both today though, the girl I work with called in sick. Was a hard day. Thanks for asking @Candicemarie. I've stopped looking for another job, nobody will offer me one while I'm still working there, sure I'd find one if I left but I haven't got to that point yet, I'll see what tomorrow brings.
Hey lovely to hear from you!

Confess I have no idea what metabolic syndrome is...but I'm really pleased to hear you've shed 2.5kg in 6 days - way to go! I've always so enjoyed your please stay with us, because it's good to have you back!

Well, in answer to your question, Debs, I weighed in at 15 stone 3.6lbs when I started the BSD on May 9th this year. In 8 weeks I lost 31.2lbs! After 8 weeks, I had decided that I would ease off a bit for a week. Just couldn't do it though - my brain had been programmed to avoid carbs and sugar and I couldn't bring myself to reintroduce them. That bit is unbelievable - if you knew me well, you'd never have laid money on it! I am so surprised about the change of attitude and can barely believe it myself. Anyway, I've been cruising along these past 4 weeks...not measuring food on the scales, or entering it into a food diary...but still being on the straight and narrow with very few exceptions. I'm starting to become menopausal at the mo and my cycle was all over the place in July - was quite bloated due to water retention...but took the view that I couldn't be doing all that much damage given that I was doing 16:8 every day (never eat before noon, more often 2pm) and no longer eating bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sweets, biscuits, cakes etc - not even Maltesers either....Jumped on the scales yesterday to find I'd dropped 4lbs - now I weigh 12 stone 9.4lbs. If I can drop another 6lbs, I'll have lost 3 stone of the 5 I really think I need to get rid of. Other stats: 5.25" off my waist, 4.75" off my hips, 3" off my thighs & bust....

I challenged myself to go "cold turkey" on the BSD as I needed to cut out so many bad foods and change my mindset. Nobody is more surprised than me that I managed to stick at it! It's no flash in the pan though - just read the BSD thread and you'll find many success stories! Changes are happening left, right and centre...and I think it's nothing short of amazing. I don't have any explanations for it...but equally, I don't need to have any...all I need to do is keep the faith!

I've not abandoned fasting or 5:2 - I have great faith in it still and will definitely incorporate it when the time is right. I've become so accustomed to minimising carbs though, that I'm sure I will continue to eat low carb for the foreseeable future. All I know is that I am so enjoying life at the moment...because for once, I feel truly in control...
So good to hear you're still doing so well Pernelle @hazelnut20. Are you doing full BSD this week or sticking with what you've done the last few weeks? You've so got this :like:
Oh Pernelle@Hazelnut20and Shelley @johnswe're all here at the same time :) that doesn't happen often these days :)
Hello TD!!

Well....I'm doing BSD all week, starting yesterday...but excluding today only....on account of I've been out for that afternoon tea in a posh hotel! Didn't eat anything until tea at 4pm...but then ate carb-heavy stuff - the sort of things I'd have really loved in the past! Nowadays though, I see them as the enemy rather! I've taken one for the team today...but will be right back at it tomorrow, that's for sure. Plus, I'm bracing myself for some disapproval from my innards tomorrow...sorry if that's TMI, but there you go!! Am off to Sidmouth with a friend tomorrow, but by golly, I'll be going prepared...with my trusty bio yoghurt and strawberries...and spoon!

How are you doing, my friend?
Well, that's nice - it feels like ages since the 3 of us caught up!

Things are a bit less manic for me this week, so I'm hoping to catch up with all your news, ladies! Right now, the cat has landed on my chest once more...and is curtailing my typing!

Sending a cheery wave!! Xx
Looks like you've got this WOL sussed. Hope you enjoyed the afternoon tea, sounds lovely, hope you don't get too much disapproval from the tum, just enough to put you off doing it again too soon ;) .
I'm doing ok, need to get strict with myself for a few days and do it properly. I now cycle to work and back each day (uphill on way back), only 10 mins each way, but I'm calling it exerciser. I will do 800cals tomorrow and under 50 carbs. I've been bobbing around 164 - 166 for a few weeks now, can't wait to see 163, that will be lowest weight in about 7 or 8 years.
sounds like your cat loves a snuggle in the evening. Probably his/her way of saying 'come now, time for bed'
@debs! Yayyyyy! Xx
Well done with yr weight loss ..and its grrrreat to see you! x
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