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Hello everyone!
Many thanks for your kind birthday wishes - much appreciated! I do hope your daughter had a lovely birthday, Shelley @johns. No doubt you enjoyed your Nanna duties too!

I had a super day....because I'd made up my mind I matter what. I've had issues with low self esteem all my life and all I've ever wanted was to matter to people - family, husband, friends. I suppose you could say I just want to be validated. Without boring you with the details, over the years, I've been very disappointed on my birthday that on what I see as my "special" day, others close to me...don't. I'm looking for a little effort from the other half - signs that he's given some thought to a present - you'll know what I mean. So, I get up one's put any banners or balloons up like I do for everyone else when it's their birthdays. Start to make myself a cuppa...then my 13 year old steps in & offers to make it....things are looking up! There's no presents on the table...hmmm....wonder where they are?! Or could it be that there's nothing? No sign of a birthday cooked breakfast going I do for everyone when it's their birthdays. Oh. My mum comes round & is excited to see me open my presents. Well, that won't take long then! She is very kindly giving me some holiday money for my birthday...for when we go to a family wedding in Mauritius in November. She had also wrapped up some joke presents for me, which were great fun. Then I start opening my cards...& find that inside his card to me, my husband has pasted a picture of a fridge-freezer & the words "Start looking for a birthday fridge freezer from me" plus the promise of some hazelnut (what else?!) torrone at Christmas.....

Words rather failed me at that point. Our fridge freezer is on its last legs and will need replacing it's true.....but to call it my birthday present????????? Weeks ago, I had been in Lakeland with my youngest....and showed her a posh rolling pin - " just in case you & dad are stuck for ideas for my birthday". Neither of them had even bothered to enquire what I would like this year. When I opened her card it contained the promise of a rolling pin...."when we can get to we haven't had time to get there". Yes, folks, I am the only person on this earth whose birthday is never on the same date each year - it moves around all the time and you never know when it is.....until it's too late and you've missed it.....NOT. If I'm sounding rather bitter at this point, it's probably because I am. Especially since my husband has been between contracts & therefore out of work for the past 8 weeks or so.....& therefore has had plenty of time to get to Lakeland with our daughter to buy a measly rolling pin!!! Am I right.....or am I just stupidly deluded???

Moving on, I have to say I ended up having a very nice day...because I had planned what I wanted to do as I knew there'd be nothing else on offer! Went to a flower show with my mum & some friends in the next village, then on to our local pub at teatime - who were doing cream teas in aid of a charity bike ride a group of them are doing in September. Had a scone with cream (just the one....and my first morsel of the day) & then raced home ready for the annual birthday BBQ bash my friend hosts every year in her BBQ hut for a number of us with August birthdays. My best friend made me the most amazing chocolate hazelnut cake.....smothered in Maltesers that were tumbling out of the packet....a fabulous sight! And totally scrumptious....though my stomach has clearly shrunk over the months as I couldn't finish my piece last night! Lost count of how many Pimms I sank...& have woken up this morning remarkably unscathed...considering! No doubt my indulgences will be suitably reflected on the scales....but hey....this is only the second time since May that I have indulged so much on one day. Interestingly, I did not enjoy the feeling of being stuffed one little bit...but by the time I felt it, it was too late...other than to tell myself that normal service will be resumed on Monday! Fancy looking forward to fasting.....who'd have ever believed it??? Not me, that's for sure!

Why not today? Well, because I am blimmin' well having my cooked breakfast....and then there's the matter of the rest of the cake to deal with!!! I make no apologies, for I am in such a good place at the moment thanks to my BSD regime that I feel 2 days of "slack" will not be the end of the world. After all, it's all about balance, isn't it? We've got to live a little too!

Hoping you're all having a great weekend! Thank you for listening & sorry, but I really needed to sound off as I am feeling a bit hurt right
I feel for you Hazelnut- but I think it's a man thing-I usually end up buying my own pressie and extracting the cash from my husband-and I know there was one year when he saw the post and headed for the local supermarket before he had his breakfast! I've given up and drop huge hints, writing on the calendar etc
I feel for you too x but Merlins right...many men are pretty useless,not all of course
I' m glad yr day cheered up a lot as it went along! XX sending big massive hugs xxx
hi pernelle @hazelnut20
hope you had a lovely birthday weekend. why is it that some people just cant seem to get the idea about birthdays? my other halfs family are a nightmare. he has 3 sisters who live in the next town & we have daughters who have birthdays in june, july & august. the july birthday always gets missed by at least one of the sisters & she never gets her card til the august birthday. christmas is no better & that definitely cant be forgotten :) it really peeves me off & I have to bite my tongue. our darling grand-daughter lily is 9 weeks old now & mother-in-law has seen her once & one of his sisters still hasnt been round to see her. anyway, thats my moan over with too :)
pernelle, Im very impressed it was only one scone with cream. well done. I had cream tea with daughter on saturday too. crustless sandwiches, a scone with clotted cream & jam & strawberries & squirty cream but couldnt eat the cake so daughter took my 3 pieces of cake home with her. did have some thorntons chocolate birthday cake at hers though. daughter had a bum deal from her other half on her birthday. he didnt even wish her a happy birthday & ordered her some jewellery that she doesnt even like off ebay the night before her birthday. she was not amused ;) didnt even get a card from him.
Im on the straight & narrow this week. am aiming for a fast day tomorrow as going on the ferry to france for the day on wednesday & can smell the pastries already :)
hope everyone is doing ok. bye for now. shelley xx
I can completely empathise on the present front. I have even been known to buy something I want and give it to hubby to give me. He is then surprised that I expected it to be wrapped up and given on the day!

I have been meaning to let you all know that I have been following this thread as lots of the old timers seem to be hanging out there. I can't face the BSD - the everydayness of it is too much for me - so don't have much to contribute to the conversation. I'm still plodding on with 'vanilla 5:2' Still hoping to lose a few more pounds but have in effect been maintaining for about 18 months
Hi Hazelnut, so glad you made it all about you and enjoyed what you wanted to do. It seems very common, I don't think blokes are wired that way somehow! I'm actually lucky in the that regard, mine is very good, must be in touch with his feminine side being a nurse!
And you are quite right about being kind to yourself occasionally, we need to be. I see johns and Lil posted while I was typing, nothing wrong with vanilla Lil, as it has obviously been kind to you! Drastic action was needed in my case, although it's hard going.
I hated my birthday growing up as it is right on the heels of Xmas and I always got hard done by with 'joint' presents, and people always forgot. I don't care these days, plus we got married on my birthday so it is a bit more special now! Although I always forget the year, drives him indoors mad!! :wink:
Oh Nutty! @Hazlenut20 I don't know what happened. I wrote a long reply to your birthday message - and its not on here - :cry: I can't write it all again but basically I was saying that I think its very uncommon for a man to be super thoughtful with birthdays. They are just wired differently - crazy dudes! :bugeyes:
I also mentioned that I would have bean super excited with the photo of a fridge/freezer - but then that's probably because I'm looking forward to the day when I have my own place - and a man to boot!! (is that how you write to boot? Looks as though I want a man to kick!! :lol: )
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your 'two-day' birthday in the end xx
As for BSD I had a disappointing result last week - but yesterday I measured myself - and I've lost a whopping 10 inches from my waist since I was at my highest weight - So if you're feeling disappointed GET THAT TAPE MEASURE OUT!! It made my day yesterday :grin:
Got my suitcase down from the attic today - only 3 weeks tomorrow and I'll be in sunny Montreal!!
Bean :heart:
Hazelnut, a little bit of thought on your birthday costs should tell your family exactly what you would love next year and like me being the gift, banner and balloon provider for your family could reciprocate. I remember hubs getting up early, shooting to London on the train for work, getting up sorting the kids, sending them to school and being at home as it was my day off. They had forgotten and the first person I spoke to was my mum who rang to wish me a Happy birthday.
For some people birthdays aren't important but for others it is. I expect they would all be horrified if you treated them the same way. So once again I say tell them what you would love next year.
Eat your cake and smile, either that or book yourself a two day spa treat next year. I will come with you!!
@nursebean. I'm going to Montreal for two days on 5 September. Is that the same time?
@Hazelnut glad you enjoyed your party with friends and hope that the cooked breakfast was wonderful. Do agree that fellas are wired very differently. As family makers we give so much, so often that it gets taken for granted and only appreciated much later.
My OH once proudly presented me with a garden claw, a weird kind of rake thing as a birthday present. Apparently I had said I would like one!!!! I was less than impressed and he couldn't understand why.
Keep spoiling they say in the adverts 'you're worth it!'
Haha! That's funny @Queen56! :grin:
Oh Karen! @rawkaren I can't believe you're going to Montreal for 2 days! How funny. I'm not going until 13 September. What a shame. We could have met up in Montreal of all places - after all this time!! What will you be doing whilst out there for 2 days? Also, who do you fly with? I'm going with Transat because the tickets are SO cheap! It came to £398 and that includes me booking my seats early which incurs an extra fee - but I HAVE to have the right seat!! :wink:
I just wanted to share my super exciting news this morning. Drum roll please...I am sitting here in my brand new trousers - and they are a wonderful size 10!! I have NEVER bean a size 10 in my life!! Talk about happy! :grin:
Bean :heart:
@Nursebean, that is absolutely amazing news!! Well done you - you must feel so pleased! Now just lay off that horrible poutine stuff when you are there! :bugeyes: So is that just BSD done that for you? And has it helped you physically too? I noticed you were planning to put your cv together.
I did ask him indoors why blokes forget things like birthdays but he couldn't answer as he doesn't, so I shall find someone else to ask. When I worked in the mining camp, each week someone would remind the blokes to check whether there were any anniversaries, birthdays etc that they needed to plan for!!!
@nursebean size 10! You smashed it,crashed it,took the joint and trashed it!
All the ADF,SW and BSD has paid off! You must be floating on air! Xx! :victory: :victory: :victory:
johns wrote: havent time to stop by properly as babysitting grand-daughter while daughter goes out to celebrate her 20th birthday but wanted to say a big huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERNELLE @hazelnut20

:present: :present: :present: :present: :present:

have a fantastic day. best wishes. shelley xx

So sorry I missed this!!! Very happy belated birthday to you, Pernelle @Hazelnut20 and wishing you many more!!
Oh my @Nursebean Congratulations!!! That's fantastic news!!!

And it looks like I'll miss both you and @RawKaren in Montreal, I'll be there on the 1st, arriving from Paris. I, however, do plan on indulging in a small plate of poutine, especially since I know where to get some near the airport that has the famous Montreal smoked meat on top >.<
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