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Oh Debs!!! @Debs! Did you HAVE to mention Victoria Sponge?!!! :shock: Now all I can see if Marks & Spencer Victoria Sponge - filled with cream!! Mmmm mama!! :bugeyes:
I don't know why you don't like getting up in the night weeing! I'm always excited because I know my weight must SURELY be decreasing!! Its if you don't go that you gotta worry :shock:
Right I'd better get on with typing my CV. I keep trying to do anything else. I've lost my CV so have to start from scratch - I HATE it!!
Bean :sleepy:
Sorry Bean :oops: , I was naughty wasn't I? I fantasise about them as they sell Tesco ones in the local shop here, I get heat stroke sometimes and have hallucinations :confused: :confused:
No movement for a few days, apart from the weeing, so hopefully there will be another shift soon. Had a couple of slices of pizza for lunch for someone's birthday, it would have looked anti-social not to and it wasn't worth trying to explain so I enjoyed them instead.
The celery was worth its weight in gold so his nibs got me some chewing gum instead.
Oh my, now I want to face plant a Victoria sponge as well! >.< Great job so far @Debs, even if you did have to go and mention cake!!

Glad to hear everyone is still on track, even if our Bean didn't win. That would have probably been more pressure than you'd like, if you had won.

Hi all, I am sorry I've been away for so long. I just got here, and was welcomed so warmly, then vanished. :-) my hubby hurt his back and I was doing a lot more than usual. With my M.E. The more physical exertion I have, the less mental power I have, making posting difficult.
Everyone is doing so well!! Even when it is a struggle sometimes. I am not following the BSD, so I can't really offer much help with it. You see, when I went grain free, I no longer count calories, and usually don't count carbs. Most of what I eat is low carb, because carbs make me feel stuffed and uncomfortable.
Oh my, Victoria sponge sounds lovely, I think I saw a recipe for a low carb on on Pinterest. If you might want to try it somewhere down the line. @nursebean, you are a great woman of the year here! Lots of great candidates around here. Good luck with your c.v.
I am so far behind I am afraid to try and mention everyone because I will miss someone,but just want to say, don't be too hard on yourselves. If you go a bit over your calorie goal, but are still maintaining you low carb, or even the occasional slip up, you are doing something good for yourself and you deserved a big pat on the back. Just keep going. Hugs and wishes for a great week for everyone. Phyl
Thanks @Tracieknits you're probably right - but maybe I could have handled the pressure!! :shock: :wink:
Phyl @MountainMyst I'm always so pleased to see you in this here tent!! Thank you for your lovely comments! Oh you should have seen me! I was a nervous wreck doing my 'speech'. The girl who won was worse!! What a pair we were! :lol:
D'you think you can ever get to a point where you stop losing weight? Even if you stick to 800 cals and low carbs each day? I seem to have come to a standstill and I've only got four weeks to go!
Debs @Debs I recommend you take Magenesium tablets (400mg) a day - that'll stop any hold-ups!!! :dazed:
Take care everyone! And remember - less is more! :wink:
Bean :heart:
Hi@nursebean, oh I have a terrible time with public speaking. I am very much an introvert, that is why I am always worried that my posts sound stilted or like I'm giving a lecture. :-) I am impressed that you got up there in the first place!
Hitting a spot and not loosing for a bit is normal I think. Your body is adjusting to the new regime. It is hard to be patient, especially when you have a goal of losing a certain amount before you visit your sister. Just keep at it. Are you doing the iodine supplements? It helps the thyroid work better, and most of us are deficient. I have found I lose better when I take the large dose of omega 3 (1000mg a day) I wonder if inflammation causes us to not lose? Anyway, it helps my arthritis. I lost the last three lbs after starting kelp supplements. I really don't expect to lose more, I am already 10lbs below my original goal, so I'm a happy camper. ;-) (not meant to be bragging, just celebrating) hang in there Beany, it will happen!
Debs@Debs, I agree about the magnesium, works a treat for us. :-)
Gotta run, keep it up gang, it gets easier. Phhyl
Oh you always say such lovely things Phyl @MountainMyst - thank you!
I have to ask you about iodine now. You take 1000mg?! Wo! Isn't that too much? Don't you get side effects at that dose? I take Lugol's iodine in drops - works out at about 12.5mg I think! I was worried because on the Iodine Workshop FB page somebody said they gained weight initially. Do you take iodine in tablet form? I wonder if I'm doing it all wrong now. Its difficult knowing what dose to take isn't it.
Er...hang on a minute...TEN POUNDS BELOW YOUR TARGET?!! Phyl that is amazing!! Well done!! :like: :like: :like: :grin: :grin: :shock: :shock: :heart:
Beany@nursebean, wow that was a serious typo!!! No, I take a thousand mg. of omega 3 , somehow I missed part of a whole sentence, must proofread better in the future. :-) my thyroid supplement consists of taking kelp tablet, debating on the Lugol's I thought I would start with the kelp.
I went back and edited the goof, sure wouldn't want to advocate that level of iodine. :-) thanks for pointing it out, my brain is getting too tired to catch goofs. Time to stop posting. :-)
Yes, I really haven't been trying to lose the past few months, but I expect my body will find its comfort level soon. I don't really expect to lose more. But, being able to maintain my weight without a struggle is a wonderfully new experience for me. You will all get there, I promise. Gotta run, I have hungry kitties waiting for there supper. Hugs, Phyl
I just want to pop in there and say not everyone is deficient and PLEASE nobody should ever mess with iodine or their thryoid unless they have a diagnosed condition.

My sister has a slow thyroid (Hashimoto's actually), and with how heavy I was, you would have thought I had a slow thyroid as well. no, my thyroid was actually too fast - which is why i was constantly hungry and constantly eating. I got a diagnosis of Grave's Disease. I actually have to be very careful about how much iodine I eat because too much can make my thyroid really hyper. I have learned I can have about 1/2 of a sushi roll in a week and I'm ok. Or I can have a couple of portions of fish and I'm ok. But much more than that seems to coincide with higher levels.

Thyroids are way too delicate. I really don't advise doing anything to them intentionally, like taking iodine supplements, without a doctor's supervision.
Hi All,
That is very impressive MountainMyst with being below your target, you must be well chuffed! And wise advice from Tracieknits who I know has been through the wringer with her thyroid issues.
I was the same as you both with the public speaker thing, I used to be terrified, but the I had a baptism of fire when I had to speak in front of 150 Probus members after a fiery AGM they had, I only expected about 20 but got a bit of a shock. It was a talk on native wildlife which was something I knew a lot about so I was handed a microphone and it went really well. After that I have never been scared, not even in front of about 300 tired and bored miners at 6 in the morning!
Have taken advice on the magnesium, I was taking it before bed but keep forgetting, so hopefully that will get things, erm. moving :oops: Incidentally, after all that naughty pizza yesterday lunchtime, I didn't need to get up in the night - a good thing, but my blood sugar had a spike this morning at 5.8 - bad thing. Just goes to show doesn't it?
Hi@Tracieknits, thanks for the input on the iodine supplementation. I take kelp tablets, with my doctors o.k., as I have hypothyroidism, possible Hashimoto's, and a history of nodules. I don't eat fish, or sea vegetables, and use non iodized sea salt. The doctor told me kelp supplementation is a good idea, and it seems to help me with weight loss and energy. I asked Beany about her Lugols experiment because I knew she had planned to try it.
I have seen recent studies that have shown many of us are deficient and suggested kelp as a mild supplement. Didn't mean to suggest everyone run and try Lugols. I am sorry, I didn't mean to mislead anyone. I know you are a reluctant expert on the subject with all the problems you have dealt with. Thank you for sharing that experience with us. :-)

Hi@Debs, wow, that was a baptism of fire, sure did get you past your stage fright though. ;-) I used to be a singer, and did pretty well in front of an audience, but was never completely able to lose the stage fright.
How did you feel after the pizza? I find that if I eat grains, my stomach doesn't like me for several days after. :-) bloating and feeling really heavy,etc. I know what you mean about forgetting your magnesium . I have to have one of those little pill organizer things, and still sometimes will miss a dose.
I am below my goal weight and quite happy about it. I did, however, set my original goal at the top end of normal for my height and age. :-) when I joined weight watchers years ago, the ladies suggested doing that and as I struggled to get there on the diet, I was happy that I did. I never thought I would see 120 lbs on my scale, I haven't weighed that since my late teens(I am almost 64 now) and to weigh 125 or less for a year without a struggle is amazing to me. I do believe I have found what works for me, thanks to the fast diet and wheat belly diet. I know you will too!
Have a great day all. phyl
morning all. I have had a bit of a shock experience :like: went for a run this morning & then had a bath. jumped on the scales afterwards, with wet hair after getting dressed & looking up at me was 10.13.6 woohoooooooooo I had to look twice. I even jumped off & on again ;) I cannot remember having 10 something looking up at me. I have been back on bsd since the weekend & now fully intend to stay on it until the end of @justdee s challenge (saturday :) ) this may be because I hadnt had a huge drink after my run but who cares. at this very moment I am under 11 stone hehe
@tracieknits thanks for the input about the supplements. I saw them mentioned & was gonna google them to see what benefits they have. my mum had problems with her thyroid along with a tumour on her pituitary gland which was removed twice. they ended up taking 2/3rds of her thyroid away aswell & she has been on thyroxine for years. I didnt realise you could aggravate things by taking the wrong supplements. so glad you mentioned this.
just a quick question though, how does eating fish affect things?
@mountainmyst well done on keeping below your target. Im sure if I reached mine I would put some of it back on again pretty soon. thats why Im here ;) to keep me focused
Im rubbish with public speaking too or anything face to face like that. when I changed my job a year ago I went for 2 interviews. I get a nervous rash that starts just above my bust & by the time my interviews were over covered all of my face. I looked like I had been out running but without the sweat. makes me memorable though,I was the lady in the navy seagull dress with the red face ~ got offered both jobs :)
@hazelnut20 how you doing?? are you still on bsd fully? havent had a chance to have a look around so just checking in.
bye for now. shelley xx
Hi @johns, whoohoo for you!!! Isn't great to see that new number? I can sure relate to thinking "hey, did I just what I think I did" :smile: , and I have been known to jump off and on the scale a few times. :wink: this is a great place to come for support and to help stay on track. My Mom had thyroid cancer. They removed part of the thyroid and said they didn't think it was cancer. When the biopsy came back, they had to go in and remove the rest of the thyroid. She told them maybe they should have put in a zipper. :grin: I am not the only one in my family with a weird sense of humor. Hope your Mom is doing well. Keep up the great work, you will soon see that scale going down some more. Phyl
Thanks @MountainMyst! I'm glad to hear you're taking the supplements with a doctor's supervision.

@JohnsHi Shelley -- well if someone with a fast thyroid takes in too much iodine, it can make the thyroid speed up even more and raise levels way too high. Iodine is the raw material the thyroid needs to make thyroid hormone. All sea products, like fish and shellfish have significant doses of iodine, but seaweed/kelp has exponentially more iodine. There's small amounts of iodine in things like egg yolks and potato skins, but really, those doses are quite low compared to fish and seaweed.

I get nervous about people taking iodine supplements if they don't know for sure the status of their thyroid. Taking iodine supplements is fine if you've had your bloodwork done and your doctor approves. If your thyroid is too low, then taking iodine supplements can give it the raw materials it needs to hopefully boost production and bring you to more normal levels. However just assuming your thyroid might be low because you're overweight is a very dangerous assumption to make. If I had started taking supplements before my thyroid issues were diagnosed by bloodwork, I could have made myself extremely sick. The problem is, symptoms for low thyroid and hyperthyroid are in some ways very similar. For example memory loss and cognitive function is terrible for both. Fatigue is a symptom of both hyper and hypo thyroid disorders, but with hypo you're just tired because your metabolism is slow, with hyper you're tired because you have trouble falling asleep.

If you do take any thryoid supplements, watch for things like a racing heart, shakiness, dizziness or an increased appetite. If any of these happen, stop taking the supplement right away.
Hi I'm still here. However work is getting in the way at the moment so I shall be checking in just periodically. I don't plan on weighing until the weekend. Not expecting much given I had a couple of days over the calorie limit. Hope everyone is doing ok.
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