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Sorry you didn't win @nursebean. Normally I would say something to the effect of better luck next time. But you know what? I hope there is no next time, because by this time next year you will have hit goal and entered the scary world of maintenance (evil laugh).

Haha! Thanks Barbarita! Yes, this time next year? I'll be minute!! :shock:
BEan :heart:
Howdy @barbarita! By next year @nursebeanmight be just a little jelly bean or even a jelly tot :shock: mightnt she,but she'll still be Our Bean x
@debs intrigued with the chickpea flour pancakes but cant find any sort of carb, calories etc for them. how do you make yours?? & how do you log them? @rawkaren been a few days since Ive been on here but sounds like you are back in the zone. woohoo :like: @candicemarie sounds like you are doing great even if you have hit a plateau. fantastic losses already. most of us would be over the moon with yours. @nursebean wanna congratulate you on being in the running for woman of the year. well done :) your maintain was probably something to do with nerves :)
downloaded the book on my kindle but find that ever so fiddly trying to find stuff so went & bought the book yesterday. feel like I am just playing with bsd a bit at the moment. I will have a good day followed by one where I really fancy biscuits. it might have something to do with the kids being at home & always eating. that really doesnt help having the smell of toast 3 or 4 times a day.
hope everyone is doing ok. shelley x
@johns the smell of toast! You are incredible resisting that on a daily basis! No smell is nicer!
Have a great week everyone! X
Haha! Candy @Candicemarie I like the idea of being a jelly bean! A tiny, tiny Bean! :grin:
I know what you mean Shelley @johns - it's easier to work with a proper BSD book so you can flick back and forth more easily! And avoiding toast? Boy that's an incredible feat - well done!
I'm thinking I might add two fasts this week - but I'm just thinking about it at the moment! :wink:
In getting ready for my trip of a lifetime to stay with my sister in Canada, I came across a neck pillow - now why didn't I use this before?! :shock: It's great for my terrible neck ache - who knew?!! :bugeyes:
Anyway, hope you're all having a great Sunday (the worst day of the week for me!)
Bean :heart:
Hi all.
Bean, still a great achievement, well done you!! It's tough if you aren't used to standing in front of a lot of people and talking. Looking forward to hearing about your hols.
Shelley, I looked up chickpea (or gram, or besan) flour in MfP and calculated two tbsp and then added an egg and water to make a thin batter and some herbs. It was pretty nice filled with veggies. Karen had hers with yoghurt and strawberries.
First the good news, 3.3kg, or 7lbs down, BP has plummeted so I have halved my tablets, and blood sugar is normal. But boy is it tough going. Splitting my calories out hasn't worked, it just gets me hungry, up weeing all night, every night, can't stop obsessing about food and now clenching my jaw a lot! Apart that things are going well :confused: I lost a fight with some peanut butter yesterday which isn't the worst thing I could have had I suppose.
Has anyone else struggled like this?
We are off to Geogia for 5 days in four weeks, Georgia, Caucasus rather than USA so I'll probably loosen up a bit as we will be doing a lot of mountain climbing which I can't wait for. Bring on the cheese :lol:
Well done @debs on weight loss and BP plummet
Got an appt with my gp in sept to see if i can come down in my bp meds..she's so popular theres always a months wait! Coz she is so nice,am hoping she will approve of bsd..i know she will at least be open to listening.
Sorry @debs youre still struggling..i understand the weeing all the tedious isnt it! But hopefully is a good thingAnd the jaw clenching..i crunch some celery when that happens,seems to help.
Oohh four weeks away! How lovely! Enjoy! X
Interesting you do the same with the jaw clenching was just me! I hope you can reduce yours too, clearly it's a sugar, refined carb thing for me. You too? Always good to save money too :grin:
I shall investigate celery, it's a bit exotic here so it may be pricey!
Debs? @debs I've just noticed your location! When did you move from Oz?
Well done on the weight loss. You must be pleased with that, it's a terrific achievement! I'm sorry that you are struggling so much with 800 cals. Give it time, I'm sure you'll soon get into the way of it! Look at Candy - never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd be able to give up bread and yet... :shock:
Bean :heart:
Hey bean. We've been here just over a year, work dried up in mining so I grabbed the chance to come over here and earn some dosh and do some travelling as it is a lot easier from here. Getting to the places we always wanted to like Petra and Iran. Aus is still home though, just no work in Tassie at the moment. It's a sandy dump here tbh, I couldn't recommend it for anything!!
Just reporting in. Visitors have gone. Low carb all the way but I have over eaten. Back in the saddle in the morning. Strawbs and cream were worth it though!
Wow! Debs @Debs I can't imagine what it's like living there. What an interesting life you lead - and there's me imagining you getting up early and working in the mine!! Sounds as though you're happy where you are :smile:
Karen @RawKaren glad to hear you've had an enjoyable weekend :wink: - now it's back in the saddle for you!!
I'm pleased with myself today - only 36 carbs consumed - and kitchen closed at 8pm!! :shock:
Bean :heart:
You beat me with the carbs today beano @nursebean..i had 38g carbs! X
@debs i was the worlds worst when it came to sugary stuff and simple carbs! But i seem to be overcoming it now..but i still get that jaw thing where my jaws want to munch even when my head n tum dont! So the celery helps ! Sorry its expensive for you tho..a good tip for celery is to wrap a bunch in foil and it lasts weeks in the fridge!x
@rawkaren glad you had a good weekend and didnt go too mad with the carbs! I still find it hard to get my head round the fact that strawbs etc are quite high..a small apple is now a weekend treat and i havent seen a narna in weeks! :confused:
Oh well another day and another week! Lets go for it fellow BSD ers! lol:
@Candicemarie, have sent the old man off to the shops today to see if we need a mortgage for a head of celery! May try gum too to stop the lip and mouth chewing. OH asks if it's for fluid retention, given that I was up twice last night, he is lucky he isn't within hitting distance :oops:
My carb count has varied between 24 and 75g, a bit up and down and I'm adding cream to my yoghurt for fat. Looking forward to the day when I don't want to face plant a Victoria sponge. At the moment coconut flour pancakes with berries are doing the trick.

Onwards and upwards Bean - how many days to go?!
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