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Progress Diaries & Journals

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Hope you all firing on all cylinders there! Impressive results around I see! @MountainMyst, I didn't notice any bloating after the pizza, it isn't something I usually get but my weight went up 600g, so a few better days for me I think!
Rawkaren, I hope that you are able to keep on the straight and narrow, although you are probably too busy to eat I suspect.
So impressed with everyone!
@tracieknits thanks for the advice re the supplements. I didnt know any of that.
@rawkaren hope the weekends weigh in brings happy results.
@debs happy to report that I made the chickpea pancakes. although couldnt find actual chickpea flour but you had mentioned gram flour so I got some of that. made them in a frying pan but they burnt. have had most success cooking them in the oven. I use a greaseproof sheet over a small baking tray so that you can peel it off onto the plate. have had mine with lemon juice. yummy :)
@hazelnut20 pernelle how are things going for you. just been through the last couple of pages & it looks like your diary has been hijacked by all of us :) hope things are ok for you.
bye for now. gotta be up early. shelley xx
@Tracieknits? I started taking Iodine about a month ago having read the book "The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life" and the author claimed that her brain fog lifted as soon as she took 50mg of Iodine!! I was super excited and thought it would help my ME symptoms. I, too, have an underactive thyroid and take thyroxine. The author says it won't interfere with that! It gets complicated though and there is a iodine protocol to follow and things. I'm not sure its doing me any good. In fact, I wonder if my brain is MORE foggy (but that might just be me!!) I think I might try Kelp supplements as recommended by Phyl @MountainMyst and see how that works.
I remember when I was young (I know, many years ago!) and I thought that if I increased my thyroxine dose my metabolism would speed up and it would help me lose weight. After just a couple of days of doubling my dose I had heart palpitations, dizziness and the shakes - gave up on that idea!! :shock:
Hope you're all doing well!
Bean :heart:
Shelley, glad to hear your pancakes worked out. Gram/besan/chickpea flour are all the same so you sroced a win there! I am going to try with lemon at the weekend, I used to love plain pancakes with lemon and sugar. I am really into coconut flour pancakes with yoghurt and berries, my best 'sweet' substitute!
Maybe I was bloated after the pizza, my weight went up 600g and then down 800g!! Almost 8lbs down now - phew!
Oh Phyl! @MountainMyst I really need your advice now! I was looking at getting a good Kelp supplement when I stumbled across this: ... 7K6CR60VNW
It includes terrific looking ingredients, including Kelp. I wonder if it would be a good one to start with? I have an underactive thyroid and take thyroxine so I'm not sure if the two will work. But Kelp sounds as though its doing wonders for you. Do you have thyroid trouble too? (can't remember :confused: )
Bean :heart:
Just read the reviews from people who are on thyroxine as well - and it seems to work wonders - I'm VERY tempted to get this - maybe start with half the dose! If I can get more energy - ready for my Canada adventures - then I'll be a happy Bean!
Bean :heart:
Hi@nursebean, it looks like a good supplement. Since you are on thyroxine, it would be a good idea to check with your doctor though. Just to be sure it's safe for you. I am doing better since switching from thyroxine to a natural thyroid medication as is has both T3 and T4 . I checked with my doctor prior to starting the kelp as I have a history of nodular goiter and Dr. Davis urged checking with your doctor before starting.
I think it would definetly be worth checking with your doctor, a phone call maybe just to be safe. I know you are excited about your trip and anxious for an energy boost. It does seem to be helping me, although, when I feel a bit better I tend to over do and end up in the same place. LOL a doctor once told me "you tend to do too much on days you THINK you feel better" and that was before the M.E. ( I was never a super healthy person, wonky immune system I think.) Let me know if you decide to go for it. Hugs, Phyl
Thanks so much for your advice Phyl @MountainMyst! I've ordered them so I'll give them a go - and just stop them if there's a problem.
I've just booked my flight to Canada - I'M SO EXCITED!!! :lol: and scared!! :confused:
Bean :cool:
@Nursebean - I am not sure how different the kelp supplements would be for you from the iodine supplements, as the reason for taking the kelp is getting the big doses of iodine it contains. I agree with @Mountainmyst about checking with your doctor, but since you are documented as having an underactive thyroid and you've shown you're smart enough to stop messing with things if you get heart palpitations or feel hyperthyroid, then I do feel better about you trying it. I get nervous about people trying supplements like this if they don't actually *know* what their thyroid status is. Still, it's always safest to check with a doctor.

I certainly empathise about not feeling you have enough energy for a trip. I hope that you have a wonderful time, regardless. I know here in North America, we specialize in making sure people don't exert themselves at all >.<
havent time to stop by properly as babysitting grand-daughter while daughter goes out to celebrate her 20th birthday but wanted to say a big huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERNELLE @hazelnut20

:present: :present: :present: :present: :present:

have a fantastic day. best wishes. shelley xx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear @hazelnut20 aka Pernelle! Hope you will keep celebrating all weekend! XX
:clover: :heart: :clover: :victory: :clover: :victory: :clover: :victory:
ANd a very happy birthday to yr DD Shelley x@johnsX
Weight loss has required a little patience lately but at last over the previous two,three days ive lost a bit more..
261/4 lbs down on day 39! Wd love to make it to 28 lb by end of week 6 but we' ll just have to see! x
:party: :party: :present: :present: :present: :present: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! My Nutty friend!! Bit late I know but I hope you've had a lovely day - and enjoyed a piece of cake perhaps?!
Candy?! That's is truly amazing! You are such an inspiration - thank you xxxx
I've bean naughty today so I guess I'll have to do a couple of fast days next week - doh! (Why do I do it? Why?!)
Tracieknits and Phyl? I'm now on day two of those "Thyroid Care" tablets. No burst of energy yet - quite the reverse in fact - sigh!
Hope you're all enjoying a great weekend!
Bean :heart:
Just caught up. Happy Birthday Pernelle, what a fabulous name, I love it!!
Bean, you must be getting excited now, all the capitals give it away :lol:
Stalled here, getting up three times a night should be achieving something shouldn't it, other than a grumpy bum :confused:
Never mind, looking forward to getting out and doing some walking soon, it's a bit hard in 50 degrees.
@hazelnut20 hope you had a great birthday! I have stalled too. Nothing since the initial water loss. That's two weeks maintaining. Depressing! I'm doing a full fast today to see if I can nudge things along.
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