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Progress Diaries & Journals

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08 Sep 2016, 20:01
Moogie wrote: Sorry Karen, I'm being blonde (and it's been a taxing day), what link? Xx

Apology, jet lagged. It's the 'users thanked' link at the bottom of the thread. Thanks @moogie

12 Sep 2016, 12:24
Hello peeps!

The summer hols are over...and I'm getting right back on track with another 8 weeks of the BSD...starting today!!!!

I've let myself go slightly...and it's time to take myself in hand. When I say "slightly" I do mean slightly, hurrah....last week I was at my lowest weight since starting the BSD back in May....but I've been pretty undisciplined & pre-menstrual (which always has a bearing!) this past week...and as a result, I've gained......2.2lbs. Naughty naughty!

This might just be the very first time I have ever ever ever taken myself in hand so quickly! But then, so many changes have come over me since starting the BSD! I've been a bit absent from the forum over the past few weeks - but I'm determined to get back to posting more & keeping in touch with people.

Ooh, the other news is that I've started up "The Acccountabuddies Challenge" - a very flexible challenge where you all set your own perameters. In my case, I'm starting today. Haven't had time to admit my weight gain anywhere else - and I'm just dashing out of the house for the third time today in a minute....but I'll get to it later.

I'm absolutely raring to go! I've just been buzzed by my new Fitbit Charge HR (which, by the way, I have no clue about!) - telling me that I've completed 10,000 steps (had a lovely walk with a dear friend and her gorgeous dog first thing this morning) - so I'm thrilled. Haven't eaten a thing yet - but I'll be right back to weighing and recording my food later on. This feels so good.....

How are you all? Let's get this thread back on track! Everyone most welcome here - whatever method you are using to lose weight/maintain etc....Talking of which....a big shout out to @phyllisblackdenney - how are you doing Phyl?

12 Sep 2016, 14:46
well done @Hazlenut20for taking control so soon, I left it a bit longer (5 weeks), but got away with it without doing too much damage (3.5lbs regain). Your 2.2lbs will be gone this week along with a few more lbs (more than a few more lbs too, if I know you). New lows here we come. Today is also my new day one on the BSD, not sure I'll be able to keep it going for as long as you, but I'm here and filled with a renewed motivation. I think it did me the world of good that I had most of last week knowing I would start again today. It gave me a chance to eat/drink anything I wanted before restarting. I've also not eaten yet (4:45pm), and probably won't until this evening (chicken salad), making this first day more of a fastday than a BSD day. As you know I would sometimes have lunch (salad) or even breakfast (yoghurt) when doing BSD, but today and tomorrow I know I need to be tough to get over the carb cravings, so I figured I'll go without if I can until I've kicked the cravings again.
Good luck on your next run of BSD, OMG Pernelle just think where you'll be in 8 weeks time Eeeekkk!!!!! :clover: :clover: :clover:

12 Sep 2016, 15:58
Hi folks..have lost another 2lbs,grand total 36 lbs in 9 weeks..for first time today,someone commented i had lost weight! Which is funny coz tho i' ve felt slimmer for weeks, it was only yesterday that i could SEE i was slimmer. DD always says i look slimmer and younger every day, but i usually think she' s just encouraging me to keep going! Bless her!

How is everyone! ?

@nursebean bon voyage for tomorrow! Will miss you lots but have a fabarooney time! X X

12 Sep 2016, 16:04
Hello my lovely friend, Dee!

May I say how very wonderful it is to be starting again on exactly the same day as you! How fantastic it will be to have some company...for however long it may be (keep an open mind!). If you ask me, a gain of 3.5lbs over 5 weeks is stupendous - as in, amazingly brilliant good news! It's literally neither here nor there, is it?

I was shocking over the weekend! Had a cream scone, hunter's chicken and chips, a whole packet of hazelnut torrone (my utter favourite thing in the the whole wide world...though it had gone soft and was not crunchy as intended...but no matter - Carluccios will be getting new stocks in come November!!!!), the best part of a huge "made for sharing" - I think not - bag of Maltesers...and finally.....2 homemade double chocolate muffins from the freezer...warmed through and served wth a humongous dollop of extra thick double cream....Yes, dear readers....I put myself in training for the abstinence that was to follow today for the next 8 or so scoffing everything in sight! And it wasn't a pleasant feeling either.....not only physically, but also emotionally...because I rather disliked myself afterwards...& despaired of my lack of self-control.

Anyways....I need to report something!! You'll never guess what??!! I've been called "skinny" 3 times in the last 24 3 different people! UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE!!! Seriously, I am amazed! I look in the mirror...and honestly still see tree-trunk thighs staring back at me. I can see that I am a better shape than I was and the clothes don't lie...but I am definitely still a pear.

I was told yesterday that my bottom had disappeared. I say "bottom" but it would be more accurate to have called it a shelf back in May! Confess it's not something I bother to look at very often - if at all! But I stood in front of a friend of mine...and she noticed that there wasn't an eclipse...apparently...and was moved to comment....yippppeeeeeeee!!!! This concurs with my dear Auntie Shelagh's recent proclaimation that my backside was no longer ENORMOUS...bless her!

So, am feeling pretty good, all things considered. What a good day to start a challenge on then.....bring it on!

12 Sep 2016, 16:12
Talk about being a poster girl for the BSD @candicemarie! That's a stupendous average of 4lbs a week for 9 weeks - you are officially amazing....and I am so very happy for you....not to mention proud of you for your utter determination and commitment to the cause.

I should think it jolly well does show!! In 6 measly pounds' time...that will be bye bye three stone!!!! What??????!!!!! Way to go you!!!!!

Ooh, yes, Bon Voyage Beany @nursebean! Hope you have a wonderful time with your sis and nephews! We'll look forward to hearing all about your exploits...! Take care of yourself too...xx

12 Sep 2016, 21:36
Just lost my post :pissedoff:

12 Sep 2016, 22:11
It went something like this.....

Hi Pernelle, I'm so glad we're in this together too. Being on the same days has got to make it easier, especially for me, I know you'll keep me on track and be super supportive. So pleased you're back. I just realized, if we can pull this off we'll both almost be at a very healthy weight by time the challenge is over. Can you imagine??? We can so do this :like: So, being called skinny are you? Well that's just fab. Enjoy every compliment, you deserve them. Have you seen the postman lately? I'm sure he'll be number 4 :) You now sound like such a different person than the @hazelnut20 I was chatting with back in April. BSD has done wonders for you, it's lovely to see. Well done on completing day 1 and good luck on round 2 of the BSD. :clover: :clover:

Hi @Candicemarie, how are you? Well, I think I already know, bloomin fab after another 2lb loss. Well done you :victory: . You're off to a great start on week one of round two. Enjoy the compliments, I'm sure you'll be getting lots more. Keep up the great work. :clover: :clover:

I'm trying to learn to accept compliments. Instead of saying 'oh this old thing' or 'I only put my hair like this to hide the greys' haha (to a friend). I'm trying to say thank you and smile. You wouldn't believe how many time we bush off compliments. I didn't realize I was doing it until I thought about trying to accept them. Just something to think about. I can't wait to start getting complimented on my weight loss. I'll say thank you with the biggest smile. So glad I'm back on track.
Right I'm going on now because it's late, so I better leave it there haha

12 Sep 2016, 23:48
Ha ha Dee! Haven't seen the postman lately...but the last time I did, I wasn't looking my best...with bed hair and everything! Opened the front door to find him delivering a bodyboard for my daughter...think I was dressed in the day before's clothes (long story) and looking really ropey. No skinny comments were forthcoming....but that will be my acid test! I'll know I've done good if he starts saying something, ha ha!

Ooh, it is so nice to know we'll be cheering each other and the rest of the Accountabuddies on every step of the way! I hope your day went off OK? I seem to have survived it quite well...and I even made the family some roast potatoes at teatime....didn't so much as sniff them...honest!! Contented myself with the usual array of roasted vegetables (love love love roasted broccoli!!) and a bit of pork. Have drunk tons today - it's the only way to go!

I know what you mean about compliments - they're soooo difficult to accept, aren't they? It will be a very good thing to learn to accept them graciously.....rather than challenge them! I tend to say something like "It's very kind of you to say that!".....mainly because it is kind of them to bother saying that - so they should be thanked! There's always so many people lining up to criticise each other - so it's refreshing when someone says something nice! Not that I necessarily believe them though.....old habits die hard, don't they?

Well, I need to sign off now. I've been watching the wonderful Paralympics tonight whilst typing this - but it really is time for bed...

Catch up with you tomorrow.....oops, just realised it is tomorrow! Laters......xx

13 Sep 2016, 11:00
Welllllllll done Nutty @hazelnut20 Dee @justdee for gettin back on yr horses clippety clop!
A new season a new start!
Our Beano @nursebeanis en route for Canada now! So pleased for her!
Hehe! Just giggling to myself..all the foody names we have ! NUtty,Bean and Candy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nutty now also aka Skinnymalinks!
Onwards and downwards folks! X

13 Sep 2016, 14:11
Hi all, my brain is dead after a couple of shopping trips, but wanted to let you know I'm still kicking. Everyone is doing so well!! I am thrilled for you!
Nutty, I saw a meme on Facebook the other day you might like, I'll paraphrase, Nutty,"I am starting my new challenge, so I got rid of all the no-no foods in the was delicious ":-) hey you got it out of your system! You will do great.
Candy, congrats on the new weight loss!!
You are all going to be so skinny before you know it! Hugs to everyone, Phyl

13 Sep 2016, 20:58
Day 2 done and dusted. So far so good. Forgot how fast the days fly by :)

13 Sep 2016, 22:11
I just joined this forum, and I'm really glad I found this thread. To make a long story short, I am doing the 5:2 version of The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet, at 800 calories per day/2 consecutive days a week. Along with following a low glycemic load diet, I feel this is the first form of fasting that I can really make a lifestyle.

I just can't do time restricted fasting (16:8, etc.), because I drink a lot (and I mean a lot) of milky black tea first thing in the morning, and that technically breaks one's fast. So 5:2 is just perfect for me! Glad to meet you all!

13 Sep 2016, 23:33
Ha ha, Phyl @phyllisblackdenney - love it (and totally relate to it too!), thank you!

Glad to hear Day 2 is done and dusted @justdee without drama - me too! I don't think I remembered to say this but, due to my excesses of last week...I went up 2.2lbs when I weighed in on hoo! Fast forward to Tuesday morning...and whoop whoop...the scales told me I was down 2.4lbs on the day before!! What fun - you can imagine how my resolve to have a decent stab at this BSD business..has been strengthened!

You're right...we can do this, Dee! Bring on Day 3.....xx
14 Sep 2016, 00:56
sjtheteabrain wrote: I just joined this forum, and I'm really glad I found this thread. To make a long story short, I am doing the 5:2 version of The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet, at 800 calories per day/2 consecutive days a week. Along with following a low glycemic load diet, I feel this is the first form of fasting that I can really make a lifestyle.

I just can't do time restricted fasting (16:8, etc.), because I drink a lot (and I mean a lot) of milky black tea first thing in the morning, and that technically breaks one's fast. So 5:2 is just perfect for me! Glad to meet you all!

Welcome SJ (may I call you SJ?) :-)

Best of luck with your plans. For the record, on 5:2, you can eat your calories WHENEVER in the day you want to eat them. The man who created the diet, Dr. Mosley, ate breakfast and dinner. Drinking your milky tea isn't breaking the fast, so long as you count the calories. :-)
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