The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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20 Sep 2016, 08:15
So sorry you're having a rough time right now @rawkaren.

I agree with the others - please don't pile any more stress on yourself by putting yourself under pressure with food. You've had some very good advice on here, so I'm not going to add anything - but just want you to know that we are all rooting for you and here to listen any time....

Take care xx

21 Sep 2016, 12:53
Just buzzin by to say ive had my ten week weigh on and have now lost 39 lb..2 stone 11 70 days and gone down into another stone bracket!
Hows everybody doing?@rawkaren how are you?
@johns@justdee@debs@happyitsworking? Hope everyone is well
A belated welcome to @sjtheteabrain..hope youre enjoying this way of eating!
@hazelnut20 once again i cant thank you enough for getting me onto bsd..i think if it wasnt for that, I wd still be fasting successfully and getting health benefits,but i probably wdnyt have lost weight, coz wd have overeaten on non fast days coz of the carb monster addiction.
my carb monster has run away now,muttering angrily to herself,coz she didnt want me to abandon her...but she is deffo not being allowed back! X

21 Sep 2016, 14:35
That's brilliant CM, you and your doc must be well pleased!
We were just talking here about how long I should give this before trying to revert to something sustainable, I see people on 'the other forum' have been doing it for 32 weeks! I think I could manage if I had a great day every so often.

I'm sorry to hear about your woes @justdee with your carb monster, or is it crap monster? If I've had a bad run I tend to go cold turkey and have a day of zero calorie fasting (not including tea of course!). I then up my fat which tends to curb the carb cravings a bit. I guess if the eating isn't for hunger though it can be a bit more difficult to fathom. I agree that I found Amanda Sallis' book really useful; I also subscribe to a mindfulness website which I have found really good for thinking about whether I want to eat or not. Susan Albers if you're interested.

I hope Rawkaren is managing ok too.

My carb monster is currently dormant and I tell it that it is allowed a small nibble of something worthy occasionally, usually OH's home made sourdough. I was let off the leash in Georgia, but it was or starve quite frankly!

How's everyone else doing?

21 Sep 2016, 16:19
Jeepers..i' m trying to read and thank people for posts..its hard work getting the thanks button to work!
Sheesh! I feel like ive used up several calories! X is it just me?
Plus, hate to moan,but much prefer being able to see the thanks as i go down the page! No idea why that was changed.! X

24 Sep 2016, 14:52
I hope this link works. If you go to the weigh in thread on the last page is a link to a 66 year old woman on that forum who lost 96 lbs. and pictures of other women stories. If I know how to post the link I would.

26 Sep 2016, 22:12
@Hazelnut20 Hi Pernelle, Day 1 (again ) done. Hope you found today as easy as I did. I think!!!!!!!! I'm in the zone. I started eating today at 2pm-ish. A small green salad. At 4pm, I had a boiled egg. At 8:30pm, I had a large-ish salad with 50g tuna. Kitchen is now closed. 509 cals and 28 carbs. Tomorrows meal plan is done. Salad already made and in the fridge, waiting for me to take it to work. Dinner will be roast chicken and roasted veg and broccoli. Hope to hear how your day was. wishing you an easy week 1 round 2. :clover: :clover:

27 Sep 2016, 09:09
Well, that's great news, TD - very well done you! So pleased to hear you had a successful day...onwards and downwards!

Oops - I've pretty much posted my news on the Accountabuddies thread. I'll try to remember to put our trials and tribulations on here instead...rather than fill the challenge thread with my moanings and groanings....

Suffice to say, I completely forgot I had pledged to be a good girl yesterday. No doubt the scales will reflect that fact this morning....

Right, refocus and get back to it.....Haven't eaten anything yet..but then, nor would I have done...for I wait until at least noon before having my yoghurt & strawberries....a little hungry though, so I'd better put the kettle on.....

I need to get on with my day now...but as Arnie would say....."I'll be back"! Think we need to write lots and often. I really want to discuss what I wrote to you on the other thread about hunger monsters etc - so let's do that later. We need the insight!!!!

Have a good day, Dee - what will you be doing? It feels like ages since we properly caught up...

Take care too xx

29 Sep 2016, 21:26
Hi Pernelle @Hazelnut20, How you doing? Hope your week is going well. Let me know how you're getting on. I'm still on track and feeling good about this WOE. I've had a 2 egg omelet with one rasher of bacon cut up in it, for lunch. The people at work know I'm eating healthily and the chef said my omelet (egg and bacon) wasn't a healthy choice. I told him it's healthier than a burger or a wrap and that eggs are a healthy choice,, I know the bacon isn't the best choice but that's because it's processed. He didn't agree, he said if I want to get healthy I shouldn't be eating eggs because they're bad for you, or bacon because it's fatty. I could imagine him thinking 'Look at you, you're fat, what the hell do you know about what's good for you'. To be fair, he probably wasn't thinking that at all. He's a really nice guy and we get on well. In fact he made the omelet and it was delish. I'm going to have one every day, for tomorrow I'm thinking mushroom and onion,, yum!!
For dinner this evening I had salmon and salad. it was lovely. Day 4 and I think I'm past the craving stage now, I'm feeling satisfied with what I'm eating and not getting any real hunger pangs. The scale is dropping, very happy with the results so far, still got 3 days left this week too.

29 Sep 2016, 21:32
Hi @candicemarie, are you still around? I know you'll still be doing great but wonder if we've lost you to the other forum. Pop in and let us know how you're getting on. When is Beany @Nursebeanback? I know she had a trip to Canada planned, must have left when I went AWOL. Bet she's having a great time. Can't wait to read all about it Bean :)

29 Sep 2016, 21:48
hi dee @justdee

just read your post & now Im craving omelettes :) yummy. my favourite food when im being good. that or scrambled egg & grilled big flat mushrooms. thats sorted now. will make sure I get lots of eggs in ready for monday.

glad to hear the cravings have subsided. doesnt take long to get your head back in the right space. just need some consecutive days to put things back in place.

talk soon. have a great weekend all of you. shelley xx

30 Sep 2016, 15:33
@justdee, your chef is a little behind the times by the sounds of it. You know better!
Yes, I hope bean isn't thinking about us too hard over there!
I love scrambled egg with lashings of butter as a treat, no toast though :oops:

30 Sep 2016, 18:54
Hiiii @justdee noooooo i wd never abandon this place! Too many great friends here ..and our Bean will be back soon.. A Week or so to go will be here before we know it!ive been delaying visiting here as havent been weighed since sept 21st
Just calling by as on my way still sticking to BSD to the letter tho ..on week 12 now
Saw GP and latest blood tests show my Blood sugar is normal ( but she said it always is..when theyve said in the past it was fine,i have assumed i am prob edging close to pre diabetic but i wasnt,which was a miracle in itself)
Bp is down but not quite down enough..however had waited in a noisy surgery for an hour for my appt. and think had got a bit tense,coz i wantd to be out to get to a shop before it closed.. is great coz gives everyone time,but downside is,you do wait a long time past yr appt time to actually see her!
she wants me to do a 24 hr blood pressure thing...which sounds like a bit of a faff but might be useful.
BUT BUT BUT my cholesterol is lowest its ever been! 4.6...i asked her how this worked seeing as i was having fullfats..she said its coz i am not having any trans fats
@johns i love it when i crave something good like eggs..i know my trusty body is now able to get the message thru to me what it needs..!@[tag]justdee[/tag]sounds like yr chef needs a bit of educating but at least he makes a great omelette!
Like @hazelnut20 said, i too "will be back" to read more!...i hope we can keep this great place up and running xx

02 Oct 2016, 18:09
hello ladies

@candicemarie hi. just looking through the last few posts & was wondering how many dress sizes your amazing loss amounts to? must be at least 2 or 3 by now. fantastic :)

hi @happyitsworking just wanted to say hi :)

back to bsd today & just wanted to check in & post my stats. starting weight 11.7.2lbs oh dear!! thats a few pounds more than Im comfortable with. anyways, my plan is to get down to around 11 stone again & then maybe settle around 11.3 or in between if I can.

first day of bsd according to mfp is cals 746 & carbs 27. very pleased with this. even had a kinder bueno bar, well, half of a two pack & really enjoyed it. ate it very slowly & savoured every bit.

managed a run too. planned to go first thing but ran out of time as had to collect daughter from her party. forced myself to go out about 4.30pm & although it was quite hot it was great to be out again. didnt push it. ran 2.5miles in 25 minutes & 34 seconds. very fast for me as normal pace is about a 12 minute mile.

anyways, enough of me waffling on. will be back tomorrow to see how dee @justdee got on after getting back in the zone. am sure monday is her weigh in day :)

have a good week. shelley x

04 Oct 2016, 20:55
Running by quickly..i dont feel well enough to read lately..will catch up with everyone asap
Lost only a pound in two weeks..not much despite being v diligent - but deffo feel slimmer and can see difference in clothes.@johnsi am size 18 now,was 20-22 and outgrowing everything,had nothing to wear really this time 12 weeks ago!
Doing 24 wks so am halfway thru! X

04 Oct 2016, 23:36
@johns Hi ... Last week was a bad week for me and I ended up gaining two pounds. But I did get back on track yesterday and have been doing good for the past two days.
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